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I/O Expansion


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I would like to expand the Hardware I/O on My ISY994.


I need mostly digital but starting to get more analog requirements


I have seen several options  discussed on the forum. I would appreciate any suggestions pros and cons and especially interfacing  with the isy


1) CAI Web Control Board


2) Raspberry Pi 2 B


Cost Constraint Options:


3) GEM


4) Autelis Bridge


5) Suggestion


Your suggestions are very much appreciated.




Hello Don,


I think it first comes down to what are the priorities of the goal you're trying to accomplish. Next, is there a time line and budget constraints as there are with most things in life?


I can speak about the Autelis Bridge, Green Eye Monitor, and RPi.


The Autelis Bridge as you're probably aware is a purpose built plug & play 1 wire serial interface which allows the ISY Series Controller to have more senses.


Whether that be temperature or humidity and also supports any type of (Serial) RS-232 interface with 3rd party devices. That can be alarm system panels etc. The system supports 32 sensors and over the last year or so I have helped develop this product as you see now.


Its a solid hardware device which has much value given its low price for admission.


The GEM is whole house energy monitor that supports the ability to capture 32 discreet channels or circuits with in the home. Which also provides native support for eight 1 wire sensors, and four pulse channels. Which can monitor gas, water, or dry contact open close sensors.


The GEM natively can push its data to the free hosting site of Smart Energy Group (SEG). The system is extremely accurate, robust, and reliable. I was the first GEM user to market and have been the Alpha / Beta lead since public launch. The GEM can be integrated with the ISY Series Controller via the Zigbee hardware upgrade.


This allows you to have 32 native energy nodes as you see on the device tree for other Insteon devices. I was the first ISY user to get this aspect fine tuned and to market. Over all the capabilities are fantastic and provides much control and information to help fully automate your home based on real world energy consumption or targets.


The RPi is the jack of all trades master of none . . .


If you have lots of time, patience, and the will to learn new things this device provides endless capabilities and I/O support for the novice and advanced users. The first two devices are purpose built and require only basic set up to get fully operational.


The last (RPi) requires that you do advanced research and glue everything together piece meal. The latter can be very rewarding and provide much control and interaction.


As you're probably aware I have a massive *Install Thread* that has tracked my efforts and progress in Home Automation, Energy Management, Security, and Off Grid reliance.


If there are specific questions please do ask . . . 


Hello Don,


I think it first comes down to what are the priorities of the goal you're trying to accomplish. Next, is there a time line and budget constraints as there are with most things in life?


I can speak about the Autelis Bridge, Green Eye Monitor, and RPi.


The Autelis Bridge as you're probably aware is a purpose built plug & play 1 wire serial interface which allows the ISY Series Controller to have more senses.


Whether that be temperature or humidity and also supports any type of (Serial) RS-232 interface with 3rd party devices. That can be alarm system panels etc. The system supports 32 sensors and over the last year or so I have helped develop this product as you see now.


Its a solid hardware device which has much value given its low price for admission.


The GEM is whole house energy monitor that supports the ability to capture 32 discreet channels or circuits with in the home. Which also provides native support for eight 1 wire sensors, and four pulse channels. Which can monitor gas, water, or dry contact open close sensors.


The GEM natively can push its data to the free hosting site of Smart Energy Group (SEG). The system is extremely accurate, robust, and reliable. I was the first GEM user to market and have been the Alpha / Beta lead since public launch. The GEM can be integrated with the ISY Series Controller via the Zigbee hardware upgrade.


This allows you to have 32 native energy nodes as you see on the device tree for other Insteon devices. I was the first ISY user to get this aspect fine tuned and to market. Over all the capabilities are fantastic and provides much control and information to help fully automate your home based on real world energy consumption or targets.


The RPi is the jack of all trades master of none . . .


If you have lots of time, patience, and the will to learn new things this device provides endless capabilities and I/O support for the novice and advanced users. The first two devices are purpose built and require only basic set up to get fully operational.


The last (RPi) requires that you do advanced research and glue everything together piece meal. The latter can be very rewarding and provide much control and interaction.


As you're probably aware I have a massive *Install Thread* that has tracked my efforts and progress in Home Automation, Energy Management, Security, and Off Grid reliance.


If there are specific questions please do ask . . .



Hi Teken,


I have seen your many posts and hoped you would respond. Yes I did look at the install thread, great job !


I did not see that GEM must use zigbe to communicate to the ISY. That leaves it out.


I agree completely on the RPi


I'm going to look into the Autelis Bridge further.


1) What are your thoughts on the CAI Web Control ?


2) Which of these will interface and communicate with the ISY the easiest ?


Thanks for your detailed reply, I appreciate your thoughts a great deal.






How have you used the RS-232 port on your Autelis Bridge ?


Is there a constant communication with the RS-232 causing a significant Ethernet load ?


Is there any technical information or users guide available for the Autelis Bridge ?




Hi Teken,


I have seen your many posts and hoped you would respond. Yes I did look at the install thread, great job !


I did not see that GEM must use zigbe to communicate to the ISY. That leaves it out.


I agree completely on the RPi


I'm going to look into the Autelis Bridge further.


1) What are your thoughts on the CAI Web Control ?


2) Which of these will interface and communicate with the ISY the easiest ?


Thanks for your detailed reply, I appreciate your thoughts a great deal.




Hello Don,


I wanted to clarify a bit more about the GEM and also state a few things about it. Keeping in mind the Autelis Bridge & GEM are hardware devices that provide very specific solutions.


The Autleis Bridge is primary intended to allow a person to see, capture, and with the help of the ISY Series Controller send its data packs to either a locally hosted server or to a free hosted site like SEG. If all you ever wanted to do was monitor different parts of the home, equipment, devices for temperature / humidity.


This device requires nothing more than the device itself.


As you're aware if its connected to the ISY it extends its capabilities in allowing you to use programs to interact with ones Insteon network as I do now.


My over all goal which I believe you and I are striving to do falls under one of many use cases.


1. Be able to monitor specific / general areas of concern whether it be rooms, floors, areas, zones, devices, equipment.

2. Be able to track this data for historic recall to see trends of possible improvement or resolve faults or failures in the home.

3. Be able to take the two above and react to it using the power of Insteon, Z-Wave, X-10, Network Resources.


Its safe to say I was in category (1) for awhile mainly to obtain base lines and fully understand my homes environment and then create an action plan based on the live data. Once I was able to see and view this live data it soon became apparent that knowing a live reading only satisfied certain conditions / situations.


This is why when the ISY allowed the ability to push state variables (category 2) to a cloud hosted site like SEG. This allowed me to record, aggregate,  and recall historic measurements for later review. Having the ability to see trends and patterns is key in seeing a better picture and also captures intermittent behavior or conditions where a live view simply could not be seen unless a person sat at a terminal all day.


Which is impossible . . .


Lastly, it became very apparent (category 3) with the power of Insteon, Z-Wave, X-10, and Network Resources devices such as TSTATS, blinds, HWT, Pumps, fans, lights, etc. Could all be regulated and controlled to allow best use, just in time, or simply to provide a measure of safety / security which offered fail over monitoring.


The GEM can be connected to the ISY via Ethernet as far as I understand but is limited to 7 monitored channels. The typical *Nodes* will not appear in the device tree as I am told. If you have Z-Wave then of course installing a ZigBee card is not a choice but there is a solution.


But, it does require more finances to be invested but in my mind its money well spent as I view all of these devices like I do the ISY Series Controller as an *Investment*.


Very few electronic gadgets can be seen, or stated as a investment . . .


With the use of the Dash Box (DB) this device is a local storage device for the GEM. My install thread details the on going development and endless features that have been incorporated over the last few years. Using the DB integrated with the GEM will allow those who already have a large or (future) investment into Z-Wave.


To have their cake and eat it too . . .


What does this mean?


This means if you purchase a GEM and a DB, using the DB will allow you to push state variables like the Autelis Bridge into the ISY Series Controller. This essentially allows you to skip the Energy Module, Zigbee hardware requirement, and be able to monitor not only the 32 electrical channels, but all 8 one wire sensors, and 4 pulse channels.


This feature was something I pushed for more than a year ago because the development for the GEM via the ISY Series Controller was pretty much at a stand still. More so because of the lack of people buying said option. As you're aware UDI must focus on features and options where it makes sense in terms of business and income.


This is why I pushed so very hard from a different angle to have my cake and eat it too!


Ha . . .


Those who have the CAI all seem pretty happy with caveats with specific limitations which my comrade in arms Larry can provide.


Out of the hole the Autelis Bridge appears to me very easy to connect and get up and running. Very much a plug and play option which I detailed in my Install Thread.


The GEM's primary function is to monitor a persons home, business, cottage, what ever. Its goals is to allow a person to send its energy data to any one of the free local software packages to a home computer server, to the cloud like SEG, or to the DB. A combination of the local, cloud, and DB can also be done which many of us including myself do.


This allows extreme fail over and also extends the options for features in terms of graphs, charts, dials, widgets etc.




How have you used the RS-232 port on your Autelis Bridge ?


Is there a constant communication with the RS-232 causing a significant Ethernet load ?


Is there any technical information or users guide available for the Autelis Bridge ?




- I have not used the RS-232 port on the Autelis Bridge as of yet but plan to do so for a future project not yet scoped out.


- I have no first hand knowledge about the RS-232 aspect but can speak to Ethernet Load. When you have lots of variables that are constantly updating like I do. Sometimes the ISY may be bogged down or place things in a queue which causes unknown lag or issues.


- The *Users Guide* does not offer a lot of information but they vendor does have a WiKi located here: http://www.autelis.com/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page




If I use the Dash Box can I import all the GEM DATA to the ISY over the LAN ?


Maybe that's where I got the idea I did not need Zigbee. I would estimate $1000 to get me up and running with GEM. Like you said it is an investment not a toy !! yeh right convince my wife.


GEM is pricey but you get a lot and it looks to be a quality product.


I currently have existing analog and digital hardware that uses a RS-232 com link. The Autelis Bridge caught my attention after you suggested it. I'm sure the 1 wire will also be useful.


Since my first use will be the RS-232 I would be interested if someone could give me feedback.




The Raspberry looks very interesting and quite affordable. After doing minimal research it looks like a significant development and learning curve will be required. Just not up to that commitment at this time.


I'm still looking at CAI. Cost is inviting and compatible with ISY. Any feedback on CAI will be of great help.





@Grizzy, I also use the GEM and Dashbox. Yes - GEM sends its data to the Dashbox (serial connection), the Dashbox can then send to ISY (over the LAN to ISY variables) and also to SEG for analysis. It all works well for me.






If I use the Dash Box can I import all the GEM DATA to the ISY over the LAN ?


Maybe that's where I got the idea I did not need Zigbee. I would estimate $1000 to get me up and running with GEM. Like you said it is an investment not a toy !! yeh right convince my wife.


GEM is pricey but you get a lot and it looks to be a quality product.


I currently have existing analog and digital hardware that uses a RS-232 com link. The Autelis Bridge caught my attention after you suggested it. I'm sure the 1 wire will also be useful.


Since my first use will be the RS-232 I would be interested if someone could give me feedback.




Yes, once you set up the Dash Box (DB) with the state variables with in the ISY Series Controller all 32 electrical channels, 8 1 wire sensors, and 4 pulse channels will be available for you to use in the ISY.


The Green Eye Monitor (GEM) is the cheapest cost per CT you will ever find on the open market. Its the only consumer / commercial Energy Monitor that continues to be developed and updated. It's also the only energy monitor that is Home Automation (HA) friendly and works with other 3rd party (free) software and cloud hosted services.


As a little bit of a teaser you should also be made aware the company is working on supporting *Virtual Nodes* in the GEM. This will align with the ISY Series Controllers Beta trials for 5.XX firmware.


Speaking as a Alpha / Beta tester for Brultech it is my view they have been in business for more than 20 years for a reason. They don't make toasters, grinders, fridges, all they do is make reliable, accurate, and powerful energy monitor(s) which all industry use from far and wide.


I have been blessed with having been allowed to test, use, and trial many other energy monitors from the likes of Aeon Labs, Efergy, TED, Schneider Electric, HOBO, and many more.


None of these small to large companies have ever given or allowed user feed back to shape and development a product. Brultech has taken on more than 45 personal requests and made it a reality. All the while providing more value and features with nothing more than the initial purchase price.


So yeah the GEM may be a little expensive when comparing it to a Aeon Labs, Owl, TED, etc but all of these are toys. You will never see any of these devices installed in a business or commercial space, why?


Thanks MWareman and Teken.


I'm convinced :|


When ordering the GEM I have the option to add a WiFi / Ethernet  module. I see it has a web server.


Can ISY interface through this Ethernet also ? or Must I have the Dash Box (why)






Yes but limited to the caveat I stated above about 7 channels and no nodes. If you would like to see and gather all 32 Chanel's, 1 Wire, Pulse you must use the DB as a bridge to push the data to ISY.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent


I found the WiFi module on the GEM to be... 'flaky'. The serial connection to the Dashbox then wired Ethernet to the ISY (and SEG) has been fairly reliable, except for a GEM locking bug occasionally affecting me that seems to have been squashed with the recent 4.0 COM firmware. I was never successful getting to GEM to report to ISY without the Dashbox, in fact it's the main reason I purchased the Dashbox.


Ok, I understand and will get the Dash Box as part of my initial package.





Moving forward, please do sign up to the Brultech forum to receive direct support.



Ideals are peaceful - History is violent



Moving forward, please do sign up to the Brultech forum to receive direct support.

Ideals are peaceful - History is violent

I registered on both of them and ordered the Autelis Bridge today.


Thanks for your help and recommendations.




To use the GEM and Dash Box with the ISY do I need an additional software module in addition to the " Network Module " ?




To use the GEM and Dash Box with the ISY do I need an additional software module in addition to the " Network Module " ?




Hello Don,


All you need is the Network Module for the ISY and the Autelis Bridge, Dash Box will play nice with the ISY Series Controller.


That module is if you have zigbee on your Brultech monitor, and a ZigBee ISY and want them to communicate.


On ISY, ZigBee is mutually exclusive with zwave - you cannot install both in the same ISY.


What is the Brultech Electricity Module used for ?




Hello Don,


There are two parts to integrating the GEM to the ISY. One is the Zigbee hardware for both ISY & GEM.


Then the firmware *Electricity Module* to tie the hardware together so it operates etc.


Prior to me pushing Brultech for the DB to send state variables this was the only method to see and use all 32 electrical channels in the ISY Series Controller.


The route you're taking allows more flexibility because now you can have Z-Wave hardware support along with Insteon, X-10.


For those like me who have Zigbee in place my only solution is to use two ISY if I want Z-Wave.


Lastly, it allows you to use some Zigbee TSTATS on the market. UDI has the model on their sales site.


Thanks guys for the help.


I ordered my Zwave hardware yesterday.


Many thanks to those who broke trail and can help guide us newbies down the path !!




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