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Multiple Login Requests when starting Admin Console


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Hi folks!


I recently installed an ISY994i to control my growing number of Insteon devices and could not be happier! Sure beats the old way of doing all the linking manually.


I do have two questions and could not find any answers searching the forum but if they have been previously answered please forgive this newbie.


1. Every time I log into the Admin Console with my user name and password it seems to work and shows all my devices etc. but then almost immediately the sign in box opens again and I must login a second time before I can proceed.  Occasionally after that I will again get the sign in box and have to sign in again. At first it was mildly annoying but as I become more familiar with the ISY device and I use it more often (my wife says I'm obsessed!) it is getting to be a PITA.  This happens with three different computers and using both Google Chrome and Explorer and either Windows 8.1 or Windows 7.  Any suggestions? I am using firmware version 4.3.10 for my 994i/IR Pro (1110).


 2. I was playing around learning about programs and tried a simple program that say


if module climate temperature >= 80 F


then send notification to Alan's iPhone


It seems to work.  I will get a number of alerts throughout the day but I am wondering what triggers the ISY to send an update? Does that  happen every time the temperature changes? I get updates sometimes two or three an hour or once an hour but there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it.


Thanks for taking the time to read the new guys questions. I look forward to learning more and contributing back to the group.




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"Does that happen every time the temperature changes?"


Yes, each temperature change triggers the Program. Values equal to or greater than 80 cause the Then clause to execute.


The router is dropping the connection to the Admin Console. Could be security software that is causing the IP connection to drop. Look at the Log and Error Log to see if it documents the activity.

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