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What is the differene between 'Status' and 'Control' under Conditions?


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I looked on previous posts and do not see where you asked that.


The line being necessary or not has nothing to do with it being a motion sensor.  (Stusviews response is the same as I would have given.)


My sense is that you are trying to run before you can walk, and you will continue to have a system that will continue to behave in ways that surprise and frustrate you.  My suggestion is to slow down and take this one small step at a time.

That's exactly why I backed off of trying to do something way more complicated.


Right now all I'm trying to get working and working good is:


Have a bathroom light be turned on with a motion sensor, that was originally done with a  'scene' the 'bathroom light set a responder' and 'motion sensor set as controller. That works perfectly. With a 'Big Bathroom Scene', perfect!


Then to fix the issue of what there is a lot of talk and in the manuals, the problem of the light going off even if someone is still in the bathroom but not moving.


All I was going to do, was just have the bathroom motion set to do ON command only (its set for that now), the bathroom motion sensor will not be the thing that turns it off.


A separate motion sensor (just to test before I purchase more MS, I am using a motion sensor I pulled and unlinked a restored to factory settings from another room).


So this second motion sensor would be placed just outside the bathroom, so when you walk out of the bathroom, its motion detected signal would then turn off bathroom light or scene.


Since you can't set the motion sensor for OFF only, I can't use a scene with that device and the bathroom light, unless I want it to be just send another on command have it set for 30 seconds and then the OFF would come.


In that case no programming is necessary.


But of course, that won't work, because if you are walking by this second motion sensor it will turn on the bathroom light when your not going in the bathroom.


So now the only option is to use programming. Simple walking.... not running.


Bathroom MS turns on and only on the Big Bathroom light. No program necessary (maybe), done by Big Bathroom Scene


Then the Second or Outside Bathroom MS when it detects motion turn OFF light or scene.


And to stop this second MS from constantly sending ON and OFF commands, I keep the program disabled, until the bathroom light is on. when the bathroom light is on, enable the second MS program, so that it can now actually send the OFF command to the switch (not from the MS but from the 'THEN' in the program) or bathroom light scene. This is done with a program that just checks if the bathroom light is on. If its on enable the program that will actually be turning off the light or scene.


Hence I end up with just two very short programs.


That's all I'm trying to do.


I thought this should be simple but when I think I've got it running ok, something happens and it doesn't work. One minute it works and the next it doesn't.



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Scenes can be used for both MS's. The MS in the bathroom is On Only and uses a Scene to turn on light.

The MS outside of bathroom is On Only and turns the light Off. How the Responder bath light reacts is based on the Scene Responder On Level for the bath light. The Scene used by the MS in the bathroom has the Responder On Level set to 100% to turn light On. The Scene used by the MS outside the bathroom has the Responder On Level for the bath light set to 0% On Level. A Scene On to a Responder with 0% On Level turns the device Off.


That gets you back to fast Scene response.


If this is more confusion than help ignore the post. As you learn how Insteon works things like this will be easy to understand.

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Fast question:


Is tapping the button on the back (sometimes referred to as set button) of the motion sensor the same as sending an on command. And if I set the motion sensor to ON only then shouldn't tapping on the back button only send ON commands.


Basic I am written and testing the program from the livingroom, I just keep the MS near me and to test what I've done fast, I've been just ta[pping the back button instead of waving my hand in front of the sensor.


It seems when tapping the button, with it set for ON only, its sending the ON on the first tap (it does turn on light) and tapping a second time is turning OFF the light. It shoulkd only send an ON?


Or maybe the ISY is not really able to adjust that setting and maybe I should use the hardware pins.


I'll test it out.



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Fast question:


Is tapping the button on the back (sometimes referred to as set button) of the motion sensor the same as sending an on command. And if I set the motion sensor to ON only then shouldn't tapping on the back button only send ON commands.


Basic I am written and testing the program from the livingroom, I just keep the MS near me and to test what I've done fast, I've been just ta[pping the back button instead of waving my hand in front of the sensor.


It seems when tapping the button, with it set for ON only, its sending the ON on the first tap (it does turn on light) and tapping a second time is turning OFF the light. It shoulkd only send an ON?


Or maybe the ISY is not really able to adjust that setting and maybe I should use the hardware pins.


I'll test it out.



Read the manual very carefully. I know it's is there and still have trouble finding it when looking to reverify but...


The button on the back when held puts the MS into linking mode. Two more taps gets it back to normal.


Each tap on the button ends a toggling status to the ISY. So ISY will register motion On/Off/On/Off. This is independent of any other settings.


Seven rapid taps on the button will force the Dark sensor to send it's status  IF   the status has changed. My last one only takes five taps. Make sure the dark level setting is reasonable and point it at alternate lighting levels  ie. dark/light/dark/light.... It takes a few seconds for the sensing circuit to readjust each time before doing this.

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Read the manual very carefully. I know it's is there and still have trouble finding it when looking to reverify but...


The button on the back when held puts the MS into linking mode. Two more taps gets it back to normal.


Each tap on the button ends a toggling status to the ISY. So ISY will register motion On/Off/On/Off. This is independent of any other settings.


Seven rapid taps on the button will force the Dark sensor to send it's status  IF   the status has changed. My last one only takes five taps. Make sure the dark level setting is reasonable and point it at alternate lighting levels  ie. dark/light/dark/light.... It takes a few seconds for the sensing circuit to readjust each time before doing this.

To get into linking mode tap and hold for about 3 seconds the LED  will slow flash, then tap again quickly, the LED with flash quicly, now its in linking mode.


But as I tested it, just a single tap will send and ON, tap again no matter hold much time went by it will send an OFF .


So I guess it cannot be really used for a real event test. Shucks, made things easier. Since I have the MS set to ONLY, I don't want the OFF being sent, I will get inaccurate results.


But after a long day playing and posting a dozen messages this is what I ended up with, it works but for some reasothe ISY sometimes does do what its supposed to do. It could be that I'm doing it faster than the ISY can perform the actions or some other ISY setting is preventing it to react. I get a window flashing up that you can see its taking more time than it should.


Big Bathroom Sensor On - [iD 0016][Parent 0017]



        Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is switched On

    And Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is not switched Off



        Enable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'

        Set Scene 'Live - Key H' Off



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Something is not right, sometimes it is not enabling the Big Bathroom Sensor 2 program? I added to turn off a NOT used Keypadlinc Key, the H key. I can get a visual that the program got to that line of code and wasn't a commuicastion error.


Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0017][Not Enabled]



        Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is switched On

    And Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is not switched Off



        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Off

        Wait  3 seconds

        Set Scene 'Live - Key H' On

        Disable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Seems to work? Master Bedroom Motion Sensor now set for ON only plus Send on every time motion is sensed checked. I added to turn on a NOT used Keypadlinc Key, the H key. I can get a visual that the program got to that line of code and wasn't a commuicastion error.


If any of you see anything wrong or think I should make changes, please let me know.


Thanks for all the responses all day.




update: should have added that the Big Bathroom light and Big Bathroom sensor are linked via a scene, the scene takes care of turning on the Big Bathroom light, not any program. The programs are only to control turning off the Big Bathroom light.

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yes yes, got that status doesn't away hold accurate info of true state.


It is an easier way to program but doesn't account for changes that happened in between the status getting updated.


I'm going to assume that the status is updated by ISY every so often. At regular intervals?


I'm trying to read how the status is updated, there really isn't any detail on how that happens.


But for our conversation, status is just looking at the last current state, its not able to notify you if a switch has been tapped in either an on position or an off position.


If you want to do something to a device you need to know about what was touched, the on position or the off position ( on a switch there are actually two physical micro switches, that how it know if you tapped the on or off but on the motion sensor there is only one physical micro switch, so its a toggle, once on and then once again off) the controller of the device or locally the device.


Is this correct?


Status in ISY is updated every time a device changes.  If you have good com in your house, it will always be correct, or nearly so.  The only approximation is if a dim command is received.  


So, no, status is not updated at any interval.  Perhaps you have set your system to do a system wide query at 3 am or something, but other than that, status is only updated when a device is either told to change or reports that someone pushed its button.  If your com is bad, and a ISY receives a message that a device was commanded off, but the device didn't get the same command, then ISY will think the device turned off even though it didn't, so it will be wrong.  But again, this is all about the com, good com means all is synced.


LeeG was correct to say you don't need a program at all to do what you are doing.  


1) Set both motions to only send "on" commands

2) Make 2 scenes with the light as a responder in both scenes

3) Set the in bathroom MS as a controller in scene one, and the light as a responder to some on level more than 0%, like 50% or whatever you want.

4) Set the just outside the bathroom MS as a controller in scene 2, and the light as a responder with an on level of 0%.


Be aware, that every time the MS just outside the bathroom is tripped, the light will turn off.  So if like your wife was in there, and then you started heading that way, you would trip the second MS and shut the light off on your way in.  Of course then once you got in there, you would trip it back on. 

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That's exactly why I backed off of trying to do something way more complicated.


LeeG and apostolaksl have both offered what appear to me to be viable alternatives.  I have seen no indication from you that you have tried them.  Have you?


Since you can't set the motion sensor for OFF only, I can't use a scene with that device and the bathroom light


While this is, technically, true, perhaps you missed a detail in the response of the others that you CAN set a device to turn OFF in response to an ON command from the motion sensor.  Given this, perhaps you may reach an alternate conclusion whether one can use a scene to turn off the bathroom light from the hall motion sensor.


Slow down, please.  Read the responses carefully.  Folks here are taking the time to try to assist and offering useful suggestions, but it does not appear (at least to me, from the responses) that you are taking the time to comprehend what they are saying.


And, to be clear, if you try their suggestions, be sure to get rid of the programs (or at least disable them) so that they do not interfere with the performance of the scene.


Have a bathroom light be turned on with a motion sensor, that was originally done with a  'scene' the 'bathroom light set a responder' and 'motion sensor set as controller. That works perfectly. With a 'Big Bathroom Scene', perfect!


Great.  This is how I would do it, also.


Then to fix the issue of what there is a lot of talk and in the manuals, the problem of the light going off even if someone is still in the bathroom but not moving.


Which will not happen if all you have is a single scene (and no programs) with the motion sensor as controller and bathroom light as responder, with the motion sensor sending only ON commands. 



So this second motion sensor would be placed just outside the bathroom, so when you walk out of the bathroom, its motion detected signal would then turn off bathroom light or scene.


Great.  As others suggested, create a second scene with hall motion sensor controller (set to send only ON commands) and bath light as responder.  Set the responder levels, when responding to this motion sensor, to zero.  Again, make sure you have no programs running in the background.

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To get into linking mode tap and hold for about 3 seconds the LED  will slow flash, then tap again quickly, the LED with flash quicly, now its in linking mode.


But as I tested it, just a single tap will send and ON, tap again no matter hold much time went by it will send an OFF .


So I guess it cannot be really used for a real event test. Shucks, made things easier. Since I have the MS set to ONLY, I don't want the OFF being sent, I will get inaccurate results.


But after a long day playing and posting a dozen messages this is what I ended up with, it works but for some reasothe ISY sometimes does do what its supposed to do. It could be that I'm doing it faster than the ISY can perform the actions or some other ISY setting is preventing it to react. I get a window flashing up that you can see its taking more time than it should.


Big Bathroom Sensor On - [iD 0016][Parent 0017]



        Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is switched On

    And Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is not switched Off



        Enable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'

        Set Scene 'Live - Key H' Off



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Something is not right, sometimes it is not enabling the Big Bathroom Sensor 2 program? I added to turn off a NOT used Keypadlinc Key, the H key. I can get a visual that the program got to that line of code and wasn't a commuicastion error.


Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0017][Not Enabled]



        Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is switched On

    And Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is not switched Off



        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Off

        Wait  3 seconds

        Set Scene 'Live - Key H' On

        Disable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Seems to work? Master Bedroom Motion Sensor now set for ON only plus Send on every time motion is sensed checked. I added to turn on a NOT used Keypadlinc Key, the H key. I can get a visual that the program got to that line of code and wasn't a commuicastion error.


If any of you see anything wrong or think I should make changes, please let me know.


Thanks for all the responses all day.




update: should have added that the Big Bathroom light and Big Bathroom sensor are linked via a scene, the scene takes care of turning on the Big Bathroom light, not any program. The programs are only to control turning off the Big Bathroom light.

Again. To put the MS in linking mode press and hold the button until the red LED starts flashing slowly. Do not press it again until done.


I see no off timer or sequence to turn the light off and you have a few redundant lines. 



Big Bathroom Sensor On - [iD 0016][Parent 0017]


        Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is switched On

    And Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is not switched Off     <-------this line runs else. else is empty



        Enable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'

        Set Scene 'Live - Key H' Off

        Wait 15 minutes

        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Off                   <------------if all else fails turn it off anyway



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off - [iD 0019][Parent 0017][Not Enabled]


        Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is switched On

    And Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is not switched Off            <-------this line runs else....else is empty



        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Off

        Wait  3 seconds

        Set Scene 'Live - Key H' On

        Disable Program 'Big Bathroom Sensor 2 Off'



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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My understanding is that you want the light to turn on when you go into the bathroom, and then off when you leave the bathroom.  This all can be done in one small program.  I don't know what the purpose of enabling and disabling the second program above, this all seems redundant.


But also, more importantly, no program is needed to do this at all.  You can just make 2 scenes as I listed above.



        Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is switched On     

        And Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is not switched On  
        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' On

        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Off


This program has two triggers, which is motion at either of the 2 detectors.  Both lines are true when motion is detected at the bath MS, and both lines are false when motion is detected at the Master BR MS.  So motion at bath MS causes the "then" to run, and motion at the other causes the "else" to run.

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My understanding is that you want the light to turn on when you go into the bathroom, and then off when you leave the bathroom.  This all can be done in one small program.  I don't know what the purpose of enabling and disabling the second program above, this all seems redundant.


But also, more importantly, no program is needed to do this at all.  You can just make 2 scenes as I listed above.




        Control 'Bathroom Big-Sensor' is switched On     

        And Control 'Master Bed Motion-Sensor' is not switched On  


        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' On


        Set 'Bathroom Big Micro Dim' Off



This program has two triggers, which is motion at either of the 2 detectors.  Both lines are true when motion is detected at the bath MS, and both lines are false when motion is detected at the Master BR MS.  So motion at bath MS causes the "then" to run, and motion at the other causes the "else" to run.


I gave everyone a break over the weekend.  its good to take a break from this stuff.


I put some time into figuring out some problems and no I have not yet tried the last few suggestions.


I didn't see them until today. Sorry about.


I am very well aware that everyone is tearing their hair out trying to get me working and understanding how it all works. It is harder for me to learn via the written word, I did say I have dysliixa so I can read it but it gets jumbled at times, that's why I rely on visual to go along with written. But I am aware that everyone is helping me.


One thing that I learned that it was bad for me to have use the set button on the MS to turn on the light and to turn it off, to help me with testing. I had the MS next to me with the computer.


I then learned that its very important when writing and testing the program to actually know what the ISY sees. I was positioned the MS within hands reach next to my laptop, but within view of the bathroom so I could watch the light go on and off. But as it turned out, it really matters what the ISY sees.


I discovered that the reason the my program were not working in the ability to turn the light off, was that the ISY thought the light was ON, because that is what the ISY saw. As its was stated in the previous messages.


I would like to see the status of a device or what the ISY sees, while in the program page. Maybe just pop-up moveable window showing the status of the devives I am working on.


Today, when I double checked it seems the Summary page allows that, but you do have to toggle back into the program page to make any changes. But its workable with the summary page.


Then I learned that my idea of just setting the Motion Sensors to the ON ONLY, the ISY kept seeing the MS as ON, after the first trip of the MS, it never goes off, so you never have a false to go to an ELSE or anything. The ISY never sees a change because the MS never changes from an ON to an OFF, its always ON.


Its was a good lesson.


Then to make matters worse, today when I brought up the Summary Page, I noticed that I had two programs with the same name. I went back to the Details tab and found that some how a entire copy of ALL the programs 'My Programs' folder (the default folder), had been copied into the folder I made for the Bathrooms.


I don't remember ever doing a copy but it might have happened accidentally when I did the copy to clipboard to paste the program here. This is an easy fix, but I need tp watch out for these stupid unintentional mistakes.


In the end late Friday, I changed from ON ONLY on both an for the most part it works....but... I have an idea why its still n0t working perfectly.


But before I go on, I am going to remove everything and just slow it up a bit and try the suggestions everyone made in the last few message you all posted.


Then when I have that, we will all be on the same page and it will be easier for you to help anything that isn't working.


But right now, I need to run into the city for a dental appointment and when I get back I will re-program the ISY exactly as you are telling me to try.


Again, thank you!



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I am waiting for the bus and something just clicked in my head.


I think I know now why everyone has been telling me to just use a scene.


I don't think I have really understood the power and flexibility of a scene.


Up until now, I only saw a scene as a way to link two devices together.


But if I am hearing (reading) this right, a scene could be used to set a condition.


So I could have one scene that turns on a light to 50 percent for example, and then a second separate scene have the same exact light be set to turn on a light to 75 percent.


If that is true, then I actually never understood how powerful a scene could be.


I think the reason for this misunderstanding was I did not see how to make something like that happen in setting up a scene. I did not see where you set the scene, not the device to 50 percent.


When I get back from dentist, I am eager now to investigate how that is done.


I'm sure its there some where.


It just never occurred to me. Even with everyone telling me to do just that.


No need to reply to this, let me look when I get home to confirm all of this on my own.




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Up until now, I only saw a scene as a way to link two devices together.


But if I am hearing (reading) this right, a scene could be used to set a condition.


So I could have one scene that turns on a light to 50 percent for example, and then a second separate scene have the same exact light be set to turn on a light to 75 percent.


If that is true, then I actually never understood how powerful a scene could be.


I think the reason for this misunderstanding was I did not see how to make something like that happen in setting up a scene. I did not see where you set the scene, not the device to 50 percent.






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...and the ramp rate of every dimmable device for each scene so that different breeds of lights can  look like all dimming or brightening together. Nice to have slow offs and fast ons for MS applications etc.. etc..

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You can have a program adjust a scene too. For example, my hallway and restroom motion sensors turns lights on to 90% at .1 second ramp rates during the day, and to 15% at 2.5 seconds after the last person to bed hits the bedtime button. Then they return to the bright setting a few minutes after sunrise.



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I just wrote a reply two pages long and as usual, I accidentally closed the browser. I was trying to put together the log files to attach them to that post.


Because its late here this is an extremely short version of the post.


I followed Lee's recommendation to the letter.


No programs.


Each sensor set to 'ON Only'


Two scenes:


One to turn on the bathroom light using the motion sensor inside the bathroom.

(This scene is set t0 100%, which turns on the bathroom light with the On command from the scene)


The second scene to turn off the bathroom light using the sensor outside the bathroom.

(This second scene is set to 0%, which turns off the bathroom light with the On command from the scene)


Both scenes work when using the ISY in admin mode, going to each scene and tapping the on-screen On button of each scene.


The On scene turns ON the light.


The Off scene turns OFF the light.


Again, they both work correctly tap the on-screen 'ON' button.


But for some reason the motion sensor setup into the scene to turn the Bathroom light OFF, is not turning off the light using the motion sensors detector itself.


The scene setup to turn On the bathroom light is working to turn on the light using its motion detector.


So now, why is the motion sensor that is in the scene set to turn off the light not working,


This is exactly how Lee told me to setup everything. It works when using then on-screen 'On' button, but not the communication from that sensor when its sending an On detected?


I made a backup of the entire ISY and saved all the log files.


I am attaching all of it in one zip file.


Hopefully, you can tell me what is going?


Thank you!




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Jimbo has the answer. Setting the Scene name "light" to 0% On Level works because you are testing the Scene name with the Admin Console. Click on the Red Motion Sensor name for outside the bathroom and set the "light" to 0% On Level.

Scene XXXX
Motion Sesor Inside-Sensor - this Controller has Light set to 100%
Motion Sensor Outside-Sensor - this Controller has Light set to 0%


From the description it sounds like the Scene XXXX has been selected and Light On Level set.   Need to click on Red Motion Sensor Outside-Sensor and set its Light On Level to 0% On Level.


The Scenes may be defined this way


Scene XXXX

Motion Sensor Inside-Sensor - this Controller has Light set to 100% 



Scene YYYY

Motion Sensor Outside-Sensor - this Controller has Light set to 0%



Regardless of how the Scene(s) are defined, the Red Motion Sensor zzzzzz-Sensor is selected with the Light set to 100% or 0% depending on which Motion Sensor has been selected.

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Ok, once I wrote 2 posts and somehow I lost them both.  Maybe it's the way this new Edge Browser is setup that a certain key ends up taking me away from my composition window.


Ok, I have some screenshots.


I am going to try that program to test the sensor.


But I think at this point, I should just call UDI.


I'm just frustrated, I can't get this stupid little thing working. And it should be this hard. I'm not that stupid.





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The scene on level of zero needs to be set for the MS inside the scene. If the MS is red in the scene, click on it and adjust the level. Each controller of a scene can have different levels.


Please look at the screenshots, that is what I am doing.

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No, it does not appear that you are understanding. Within each of the two scenes in your screenshots is a device in red. This is the controller of that scene. Click on that controller and see what are the responder levels. I am betting that the responder to the hall motion sensor is not set to zero.

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Clicking on the ISY Scene name shows the Responder  values when the PLM is the Controller, when the ISY Scene name is used in a Program.   Unfortunately those responder values have nothing to do with the Motion Sensor.  Click on the Red Motion Sensor-Sensor node shown below the ISY Scene name.   Set the Bathroom Big Micro Dim to 0% On Level.  This is the value used when the Motion Sensor-Sensor is the Controller.

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I am not going to jumo up and down just yet, but someything is working now.


I pulled the battery out and plugged it in. Then all of a sudden everything started to work as it should.


Here is a screen shot of the setting of the RED Motion Sensor within the scence labeled Off.


I'll then ask, what is the difference from property settings when the a Scene is highlighted from when a device is selected from within the Scene.


It s show On level adjustments in the Scene properties.


And it shows On level adjustments went the device is selected within the scene.


And then finally, why did I choose the Motion sensor to be at 0% and not the micro dimmer.


Ok, god, really wish there was a video lesson on this stuff. I did not pick up any f this from the manual or the wiki? I really didn't see this stuff.


Its good that I finally see what can be done but still done understand making these scene like you have all tried your hardest to make me see and get working.


A simple video lesson would have made this all easier.


Hopefully, after this someone can put together some of these as video lessons for others and me of course.


Ok before I posted this I went back to make sure its still working. And it is, but I am finding if I walk in bathroom and then immediately walk out, the other motion sensor is not able to trigger the off. If I walk in an stay in for about 5 seconds then it works as it should. I am going to assume that there was still some traffic from e walking in, preventing the off to work.


I'll set it all settle and see how its working for an hour or so.






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I'll then ask, what is the difference from property settings when the a Scene is highlighted from when a device is selected from within the Scene.


Answered in the post from LeeG, just above.


And then finally, why did I choose the Motion sensor to be at 0% and not the micro dimmer.


You didn't.  You chose the motion sensor as controller.  The responder is the switch called "bathroom big micro dim" and it will respond with an ON level of zero.

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The Bathroom Big Micro Dim is the device that is set to 0% On Level.    The Motion Sensor itself is a Controller Only device.  It has no On Level value.   When the Red Motion Sensor-Sensor node is selected (clicked on) that is identifying the Insteon Scene Controller.  The Insteon Scene Responders are at the bottom of the right side of Admin Console display.


When an ISY Scene is defined it is using the PLM as the Insteon Controller.


When the Red Motion Sensor-Sensor node was added to the ISY Scene definition it became the second Controller (PLM is initial Controller).  The Motion Sensor-Sensor Responders are displayed at the bottom of the right side of Admin Console Display.  It looks the same as when the ISY Scene was selected except the On Level is actually a unique value, very different from the Bathroom Big Micro Dim On Level value displayed when the ISY Scene name is selected.  The On Levels are stored in separate link records in the Bathroom Big Micro Dim device.


Thanks oberkc for posting as well.   Not sure Insteon will turn out to be a good investment as much more complex topics have yet to be encountered.

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