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Syncing Multiple KeyPadLinc


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I am trying to setup multiple keypadlinc devices to control the same set of scenes. I have configured button A to control sceneA on both keypadlincs and have configured button C to control sceneC on both keypadlincs. I have grouped buttons A and C to be mutually exclusive on both keypadlincs. Finally, I have configured the on levels of both keypadlincs button C to off when either button A is pressed. I have also configured the on levels of both keypadlincs button A to off when either button C is pressed. Ok, you got all that? Here is what is happening. Everything is working great with one exception. When you press either button A or C on one of the keypadlincs, both buttons A and C light up on the other keypadlinc. And of course it works the same from the other keypadlinc. Everything on the keypadlinc you are operating works fine. I am at a loss. Any ideas? All buttons are toggle mode as by default.


Thanks in advance,


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If you used Button Grouping to configure the buttons, rest the KPLs. It's recommended that everything be controlled with scenes. After doing that, post (or describe) the scenes you created here.

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The Scene (where PLM is Controller) is fine.


Click on one of the Red KPL buttons and set the required responders to 0 On Level.


When that update is complete click the other Red KPL button and make the same changes.


From Insteon's view point they are different scenes which is each has to be updated.

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I don't see anything wrong. Try this: in one scene, set the buttons that should be at 0% to 100%. Allow the scene to update. Then reset both buttons back to 0% and allow the scene to update again.

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