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how to switch between scenes based on time of day


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Hello Everyone.  I'm looking for some advice on how to accomplish the following scenario.


I have one scene set to turn on throughout the day at 60% on rate


It's set up as follows:


Livingroom Day Scene - responders set to come on at 60%


controller - Keypadlinc button c

responder - livingroom light 1, livingroom light 2 


as it gets darker at night and the scene is still on, i'd like the lights in the scene to automatically adjust to say 80% on level. Would I have to do this through the use of another scene or use a program to accomplish this?


Thanks in advance



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A program is the correct approach.



        From 'specify time or sunset'

        To 'specify time or sunrise'  (next day)



        Set 'scene name' desired level



        Set 'scene name' desired level

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Ok.  So if I want to have 3 scenes for morning, day and night, the way to change the on level of the scenes is to use a program?

 Here's my program that I wrote and the on seems to work but the switch between the two scenes does not.


Evening Lights - [iD 004D][Parent 0031]
        From     5:10:00AM
        To      Sunset  -  2 hours  (same day)
    And (
             Status  'Livingroom Keypad Local' is 100%
          Or Control 'Livingroom Keypad Local' is switched On
        Set Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Mainfloor Evening' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
My next program to make the switch was as follows:
If time is sunset - 2 hours
And (
             Status  'Livingroom Keypad Local' is 100%
          Or Control 'Livingroom Keypad Local' is switched On
        Set Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Mainfloor Night On
        Set Scene Main Floor / Livingroom / Mainfloor Evening Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I think this is where my problem lies.  When I ran this, all the responders in the scene went off (the responders in the two scenes are the same so I imagine this is why)


What I would like to have happen is to have the the responders to either ramp up to the desired on level (ie.  if they are on at 60%, to ramp up to 80% when the time hits sunset - 2 hours)  How would I adjust my program/scenes to do what I would like them to do?

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You're just turning scenes on or off. But my previous post is in error. Here's the method to change the device level in a scene:



        In Scene 'scene name' Set 'device name' x% (ON level)


Repeat for each device in the scene

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Hi Stu,  thanks so much for your help.  In order to make what I want have happen, I have to adjust the responders in the scene to different levels then


If i program this into ISy to change the on level based on a time, will it automatically trigger the change in on level?  or do I have to write a separate program to do this.  Here is the program I came up with


Evening Lights - [iD 004D][Parent 0031]
        Time is  8:05:00PM
        In Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Livingroom Day' Set 'Livingroom Light 2' 90% (On Level)
        In Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Livingroom Day' Set 'Livingroom Light 3' 90% (On Level)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
So I tried to implement this but there was no change on the on level of the lights with the responders when the time reached 8:05 pm.  I did notice that the ISY wrote some adjustments to the scene.  When I tried turning off the scene and turning it back on again, it did write it to 90% instead of the scenes original 80%.  What am i missing here?
Here is want I want.  Scene is on with lights at 80%.  As it gets darker outside (with the scene still on), i would like the on responders to fade up to 90%.  Is this possible?  
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Evening Lights - [iD 004D][Parent 0031]



Time is 8:05:00PM



In Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Livingroom Day' Set 'Livingroom Light 2' 90% (On Level)

In Scene 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Livingroom Day' Set 'Livingroom Light 3' 90% (On Level)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


So I tried to implement this but there was no change on the on level of the lights with the responders when the time reached 8:05 pm. I did notice that the ISY wrote some adjustments to the scene. When I tried turning off the scene and turning it back on again, it did write it to 90% instead of the scenes original 80%. What am i missing here?


You are missing at two lines in your 'Then', assuming that both 'Livingroom Light 2' and 'Livingroom Light 3' are scene controllers for your 'Main Floor / Livingroom / Livingroom Day' scene.

You need to set the local 'On' levels of all scene controller devices as well to 90%. The local 'On' level will override the scene 'On' level when you control it directly.


I'm mobile right now, I'll try and get you an example later.

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Here's another way! may not be best. We have a fixture going up the stairs that is always on. Pretty much never control the fixture locally. I have its on level change 3 times during the day, say 25%, 50%, and 90%. I created 3 scenes, fixture 25%, fixture 50%, fixture 90%, and added the fixture scene members to each scene, all as responders.

Then I made programs to set the desired scene on at a particular time (maybe used time ranges, would have to check).


If time is 7a

Then set scene fixture 50% on.


If time is sunset- 1 hour

Then set scene fixture 90% on.


If time is 1155pm

Then set scene fixture 25% on.

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Here's another way! may not be best. We have a fixture going up the stairs that is always on. Pretty much never control the fixture locally. I have its on level change 3 times during the day, say 25%, 50%, and 90%. I created 3 scenes, fixture 25%, fixture 50%, fixture 90%, and added the fixture scene members to each scene, all as responders.

Then I made programs to set the desired scene on at a particular time (maybe used time ranges, would have to check).


If time is 7a

Then set scene fixture 50% on.


If time is sunset- 1 hour

Then set scene fixture 90% on.


If time is 1155pm

Then set scene fixture 25% on.

I wouldn't bother doing scenes for that. Just set the levels you want in the programs.

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