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Reliability with this one swiitch


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I really haven't had a problem with my devices, especially after getting the 99i. It's a great product by the way. Anyway, I have this toggle switch dimmer and it's linked to a secondary button on a 8 button kpl. I see occasionally erratic behavior from this link. Some delay on the switch coming on after pressing the secondary button. And delay with the button lighting up after pressing the switch. So this goes on for awhile, and then in the isy console I start having trouble turning this switch on from the main page in the administrative console. So I do a restore device and seems to be working better now but it will eventually go bad again. I replaced the toggleswitch and the kpl with the same results. All other devices and secondary buttons do their thing with no delay or problems, but there is something about this particular toggleswitch. Am I experiencing some bad interference on this, maybe need to add another access point? Any advice would be great. By the way the secondary and the toggleswitch are setup up as a scene, no manual link.



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Hello me23,


I suspect you are experiencing line noise next to your devices. Please review the posts here:



Please do let me know if you find any resolutions.


With kind regards,



I really haven't had a problem with my devices, especially after getting the 99i. It's a great product by the way. Anyway, I have this toggle switch dimmer and it's linked to a secondary button on a 8 button kpl. I see occasionally erratic behavior from this link. Some delay on the switch coming on after pressing the secondary button. And delay with the button lighting up after pressing the switch. So this goes on for awhile, and then in the isy console I start having trouble turning this switch on from the main page in the administrative console. So I do a restore device and seems to be working better now but it will eventually go bad again. I replaced the toggleswitch and the kpl with the same results. All other devices and secondary buttons do their thing with no delay or problems, but there is something about this particular toggleswitch. Am I experiencing some bad interference on this, maybe need to add another access point? Any advice would be great. By the way the secondary and the toggleswitch are setup up as a scene, no manual link.



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