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Anyone interested in some cheap iBeacons? I have a source on some cheap ones. I have ordered 10 samples for myself which I plan on testing. I may start an eBay store and try to distribute them to Canada and the USA. Once I get my own I'm going to confirm they work with mobilinc.



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If this source follows through I should be able to supply short range beacons configurable up to 30meters/90feet for around $20 a piece, and long range 100meter/300feet beacons for $30. Prices would be negotiable based on quantity.



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You have my undivided attention in this endeavor what is the brand and model? Also what kind of power source is required and any photo's would be great. I have the twocanoes units sitting on my desk collecting dusk because I haven't received any technical support on how to reset a few of these damned things!


Plus, their stupid App does not allow changing the major / minor values with out a paid App WTF?!?!


I am not impressed with the support or quality of their wares at the moment and can't say I recommend them at all.

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You have my undivided attention in this endeavor what is the brand and model? Also what kind of power source is required and any photo's would be great. I have the twocanoes units sitting on my desk collecting dusk because I haven't received any technical support on how to reset a few of these damned things!


Plus, their stupid App does not allow changing the major / minor values with out a paid App WTF?!?!


I am not impressed with the support or quality of their wares at the moment and can't say I recommend them at all.


I was able to successfully reset my 3 BS100 units without any trouble.   https://twocanoes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202863575-Bleu-Station-Reset-Procedure



I also was able to change and major/minor without any problem using the separate Blue Setup app.   https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bleu-setup/id723028950?mt=8

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I was able to successfully reset my 3 BS100 units without any trouble.   https://twocanoes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202863575-Bleu-Station-Reset-Procedure



I also was able to change and major/minor without any problem using the separate Blue Setup app.   https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bleu-setup/id723028950?mt=8


Thanks for the links but I've tried 999999999999999 times . . . The device simply will not accept the default password and no amount of plugin / unplugging will let one of them hard reset. At this moment I am simply going to wait for Wes to finish up his support for iBeacon's.


It looks like his method will be a whole lot smoother and easier to integrate and I won't need a RPi sitting idle waiting to perform some random hack job in the back ground to communicate to the ISY Series Controller.


I am pretty much done with all of this Alpha / Beta crap and don't have the stomach to debug and baby sit half baked products anymore.

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The ones I'm getting advertise the ability to change minor/major values as well as adjusting signal strength for variable distance. The smaller one runs on a watch battery the bigger one runs on two AAA. They both boast 1-2 year battery life. When I get home I will post some pics.



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Thanks for the links but I've tried 999999999999999 times . . . The device simply will not accept the default password and no amount of plugin / unplugging will let one of them hard reset.

I seem to recall having a similar issue. I had to unpair, delete geohopper app, then pair each one over again.

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Sorry I was mistaken they both use button cells battery's. They advertise a minimum 1 year battery life, up to 5 years. Dependant on what you have the signal strength set to.


Here is a pic of the big one...



Here is a pic of the small one...




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I ordered two of the stronger ones and 8 of the weaker ones. I figure I will use a strong one to mark my house and property as a whole. So instead of using geo fence I will have an Ibeacon with a range of 100m and when I transit in or out it will either turn lights on or off depending on coming in or leaving its radius. Then I want to use the weaker ones for room identification to turn lights on and off as I leave or enter rooms.



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Hi Teken,


At this moment I am simply going to wait for Wes to finish up his support for iBeacon's.


iBeacon support was completed in MobiLinc back on version 4.5 with the Advanced Location's plug-in. 


Thanks Cormacs for the info and offer for the community!



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Hi Teken,


iBeacon support was completed in MobiLinc back on version 4.5 with the Advanced Location's plug-in. 


Thanks Cormacs for the info and offer for the community!




Hey Wes,


That is great to hear and when I my new iPhone 6S arrives I will make the purchase. What is the going rate for the plugin right now? It would be great to see a XMAS sale to drive traffic and spread the word about your great plugins for the Mobilinc platform.

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Hey Wes,


That is great to hear and when I my new iPhone 6S arrives I will make the purchase. What is the going rate for the plugin right now? It would be great to see a XMAS sale to drive traffic and spread the word about your great plugins for the Mobilinc platform.

The plugin for iBeacons on Mobilinc is $19.99


FWIW-The iPhone 6S is a waste of money if you have a 6 currently. ;) I upgraded and you know I am a Apple fan but its just meh. The new Microsoft surface pro 4 and book from look nice. But I digress...


EDIT: Another thought is maybe wait and see how the portal works and use IFTTT for geolocation because we know your gonna pay for the portal.

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The plugin for iBeacons on Mobilinc is $19.99


FWIW-The iPhone 6S is a waste of money if you have a 6 currently. ;) I upgraded and you know I am a Apple fan but its just meh. The new Microsoft surface pro 4 and book from look nice. But I digress...


EDIT: Another thought is maybe wait and see how the portal works and use IFTTT for geolocation because we know your gonna pay for the portal.


LOL . . .


I currently have a iPhone 5 so it will be a big jump for me to the iPhone 6S. With respect to the ISY Portal lets see what the price ends up being and what services / hardware are supported. I am really not a fan of cloud services and storage.


I am extremely picky on what service(s) I use and what data I keep in the cloud.

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Thanks for the links but I've tried 999999999999999 times . . . The device simply will not accept the default password and no amount of plugin / unplugging will let one of them hard reset. At this moment I am simply going to wait for Wes to finish up his support for iBeacon's.




I was able to get TC to send me the software and the non-uri version firmware 112, which I was able to use to re-flash my BleuStation 100.  




Re-flashing resets the BS to factory defaults.    There is an instructions RTF which indicates you have to unpair, reboot phone, and set up again after re-flashing.    You might want to give this a try if you haven't already.  

Welcome to the Bleu Updater.  This OS X application allows you to update the firmware on your Bleu Station.  To update the firmware, follow these easy instructions:

1.  Install Bleu Updater by installing the Bleu Update.pkg application.  Note that OS X 10.8 or later is required.
2.  In your Application folder, launch the newly installed Bleu Update application.
3.  Click Select File, and select the firmware.  The firmware is the file with the extension “bleu firmware”
4.  Insert a Bleu Station into the USB port on your Mac, and click Upload Firmware. 
6.  Once you see that it is complete in the log, you can safely remove the Bleu Station from the USB port.
7.  After updating your Bleu Station, any iOS you used to administer the Bleu Station must have the bluetooth connection reset on the iOS device.  To do this, you must delete the bluetooth pairing for the Bleu Station in Settings->Bluetooth->Device Name->Forget this Device.  You must also reboot the iOS devices prior to connecting to the Bleu Station with the new firmware. 
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I was able to get TC to send me the software and the non-uri version firmware 112, which I was able to use to re-flash my BleuStation 100.  




Re-flashing resets the BS to factory defaults.    There is an instructions RTF which indicates you have to unpair, reboot phone, and set up again after re-flashing.    You might want to give this a try if you haven't already.  

Welcome to the Bleu Updater.  This OS X application allows you to update the firmware on your Bleu Station.  To update the firmware, follow these easy instructions:

1.  Install Bleu Updater by installing the Bleu Update.pkg application.  Note that OS X 10.8 or later is required.
2.  In your Application folder, launch the newly installed Bleu Update application.
3.  Click Select File, and select the firmware.  The firmware is the file with the extension “bleu firmware”
4.  Insert a Bleu Station into the USB port on your Mac, and click Upload Firmware. 
6.  Once you see that it is complete in the log, you can safely remove the Bleu Station from the USB port.
7.  After updating your Bleu Station, any iOS you used to administer the Bleu Station must have the bluetooth connection reset on the iOS device.  To do this, you must delete the bluetooth pairing for the Bleu Station in Settings->Bluetooth->Device Name->Forget this Device.  You must also reboot the iOS devices prior to connecting to the Bleu Station with the new firmware. 


Is there a Windows version of this application available to download? I don't own a Mac computer so the above link won't help me at the moment. Also can you please confirm the unit you're speaking about is the mini USB dongle style iBeacon?

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I ordered two of the stronger ones and 8 of the weaker ones. I figure I will use a strong one to mark my house and property as a whole. So instead of using geo fence I will have an Ibeacon with a range of 100m and when I transit in or out it will either turn lights on or off depending on coming in or leaving its radius. Then I want to use the weaker ones for room identification to turn lights on and off as I leave or enter rooms.


Any status update?   I realize it has only been a week.

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Is there a Windows version of this application available to download? I don't own a Mac computer so the above link won't help me at the moment. Also can you please confirm the unit you're speaking about is the mini USB dongle style iBeacon?

Yes there is a Windows app, but I don't have that link. You will have to send TC a support request. Ask them for the software and firmware to re-flash your model beacon. Mine was the BleuStation 100, the low profile USB model. https://twocanoes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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Any status update? I realize it has only been a week.

Yup, the supplier is filled my order. They are currently on route from Hong Kong. They are estimating delivery on Tuesday. They are cheap, my only hope is that they perform.



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I got the iBeacons today. They are surprisingly tiny and do work I'm just trying to get the app to function properly with them. I'm having trouble because even at the lowest signal strength the small ones cover almost my entire house. So room control isn't going to function very well. I'm going to continue to experiment with them and keep you up to date.



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Sounds like the power level didn't change.  My TwoCanoes beacons only have about a 6-10' range at their lowest setting.  Phone orientation makes a big difference in visibility with the lower power settings so don't be surprised if you can't see your beacons after you get them turned down.



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