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My Insteon range extender is always green


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I bought a few 2992-222 to see if I had any communication problems between the two electrical legs.  Everywhere I plugged in I got a flashing green status light with the 4 quick hit beacon test.  I even got a flashing  green status light when I plugged into the same circuit as the PLM  The PLM is on a dedicated circuit, alone.


I guess this means that I don't have any communication problems between the two electrical legs ?  I'll be installing a hardwired phase coupler in the next few days, but based on results so far I don't expect any improvement in reliability.


Next I'll start chasing sources of electrical noise by plugging in a few FilterLinc.

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Its almost impossible to have every outlet on the same electrical leg on the service panel. The fact you saw the same green LED while plugged into the PLM circuit indicates opposite phase.


Otherwise there is a problem in the method you're trying to accomplish.

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Depending how far the 2992-222 is from the panel on the circuit, it will be most effective on that circuit vs the whole power leg. After the signal is bridged to the 2992-222, it will have to travel back down the circuit to the panel and then on to other circuits on that leg. It loses power as distance increases. One advantage of the phase coupler (or putting the 2992-222s very near the panel) is that the signal will distributed out all circuits relatively evenly on that power leg. Having the plm near the panel is important too.. same rules. the further it is from the panel, the signal weakens for other circuits.



In the cases of a lot of noise/insteon device problems on a single circuit, the 2992-222 helps address that problem spot. As an example, I have the phase coupler in my panel and my plm on an outlet that is fed by one of the breakers for the phase coupler. However, an iolinc in my detached garage has occasionally had problems, so I have an older insteon access point (an earlier version of the 2992-222) out there. It gets the signal to the end of the circuit there. 


You could possible use both. After you get the phase coupler, I would install it and temporarily remove all 2992-222s. Rerun your program that started this thread. Then if there are problem spots after a few days, start placing the 2992-222 to address those particular problems

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The device where the beacon message originates always flashes Green.   Tap the PLM 4 times and the Range Extender should flash Red when plugged into PLM circuit. 


Okay, that makes more sense now, the Insteon instructions with symbols doesn't make iit easy for me.  So what do the three different light patterns mean in a beacon test ?   The PLM initiating the beacon test glows solid green with a beep sound every second

(1) A plugged in range extender flashes green every second means the circuit is on the opposite leg and is reachable with RF ?  This is a good place to install a range extender/coupler  ?

(2) A plugged in range extender flashes red and green every second means is on the same leg but is reachable with RF ?  This is not a good place to install a coupler although some benifit may be achieved as a range extender ?

(3) A plugged in range extender solid green means there is no RF contact  and could be on either electrical leg ?


I  really need some help figuring this thing out.

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The correct response depends on which device you are observing, the devices that initiated the beacon test or the responding device. For the most part, you can ignore the initiating device once you start the test except that the initiating device will continuously beep.


If the responding device is a Range Extender, then the response you're looking for is blinking green. Any other color or pattern means that the responding device is not on the opposite leg of the split, single-phase electric supply and bridging has not occurred. No LED at all means that the devices are not communicating via RF. For other responding devices it's best to view the respective Owner's Manual.


Edit: You need only one pair of correctly placed dual-band devices to accomplish coupling. Additional dual-band devices serve to increase range and reliability.

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