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New ISY994i/IR Pro - old 2412S PLM fail?

David D

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I have had my ISY99/IR Pro and Insteon 2412S PLM for several flawless years. I recently upgraded to the 994i/IR Pro and connected to my 2412S PLM and it has worked fine... Until today :( I was away from our house and went to check the lights using Mobilinc and could not connect to the ISY. Got home and pulled it up on my PC and got the "safe mode" error message, so I unplugged the PLM for 30 seconds to reset (I'm powering the ISY with the PLM). I'm still getting the "safe mode" message when I log on to the ISY. Also, both RX and TX lights on the ISY are on steady for awhile after powering it back up. I can see all my devices in the admin screen, but cannot see any programs (I get a "request failed" error when I select the "Programs" tab).


From what I've read, it sounds like my PLM has died. Does anyone have any additional input as to what may be wrong, or is the consensus that my PLM is toast and I just need to order a new one? I've been thinking about a new dual band unit anyway, although all the reviews say they have terrible longevity issues.


What say you?





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The 2413S versions before hardware v2.x have capacitor issues.   Several folks have replaced the failed/failing caps with success.


The newest 2413S at hardware v2.1 should have better caps.  It may take 2 years to know this for sure as that is often the failure point of the older 2413S. 

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Allegedly, the new PLMs have addressed the issues leading to failure after about 2 years service. I replaced one of my old PLMs a couple of days ago prior to its failure. I have a friend who will replace its defective caps and give me a solid backup. I suspect yours is a PLM failure. I wouldn't hesitate to order a new PLM if I were you.

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The 2413S versions before hardware v2.x have capacitor issues.   Several folks have replaced the failed/failing caps with success.


The newest 2413S at hardware v2.1 should have better caps.  It may take 2 years to know this for sure as that is often the failure point of the older 2413S. 

Sorry, Lee. You must have been typing a response at the same time as me.

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David D


I have used (and am still using) 2412S PLMs for many years without an issue.   I think most folks who have moved to a 994i have also moved to a 2413S (as I have).   The 2412S failure may be something unrelated to capacitors.  I would not be concerned over moving to the latest 2413S.  Also I don't think the 2412S is available any more.  

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I'm going to order a 2413S from Amazon since I have been contemplating the dual band unit anyway. I read where they have upgraded the capacitors somewhat, so the reliability may have improved. 


Additionally, does the PLM retain the programming and continue to function if it loses communication with the ISY? So far, I haven't noticed any lighting issues in the house, other than my Mobilinc not communicating with the ISY.

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Would depend on what has failed in the 2412S.  The only thing functional in the PLM from an app perspective is the link database.  This remains intact across removing power from PLM but an electronic failure could erase parts or all of the link database.  The 2413S has had both situations. 

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I guess I'm fortunate in that the PLM is still functioning as it is. I can live with it for a couple of days until the replacement arrives. I'm glad since a total failure would cause lighting issues that would irritate the wife! Gotta maintain the high WAF (wife acceptance factor) to enable future automation expansion! :)

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The 2412S has a completely different power supply in it and the 2413S capacitor fix does not apply.

It uses an older style AC Power Transformer power supply.


I bought my latest 2413S from Amazon awhile back. Hardware 2.1 firmware 9E that I believe is still the latest.

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In the interim, try using an external power supply for the ISY.





My experience is that Amazon ships the latest version of any Insteon product.

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The 2412S supplies unregulated 12 volts DC [closer to 18 volts DC] to the ISY controller. I believe the external  power supply is 5 volts.

Not 100% sure here but I believe the PLM supply and external supply go through a diode on their input. In that case the unregulated 12 volts from the PLM would back bias the diode for the external supply. To prevent a back feed into the external supply from the PLMs 12 volts. So it probably would do nothing.

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You can use virtually any external DC power supply up to, I believe, 18 volts. My suggestion was in the event the PLM power supply wasn't providing enough current due to age.

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Just ran diagnostics on the ISY and it says the PLM is not connected. I've rebooted everything several times and even changed the cable between the ISY and the PLM, and still no joy. Could my new ISY have crapped out?

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That's how I was running the new ISY at first. I had it powered by the 2412. When I got the new 2413, I connected the external power supply that came with the new ISY.


I contacted UDI via email about my problem. Michel responded within minutes. The customer service with Universal Devices is incredible. There are many other companies out there that could learn from their example!


I will get an RMA and have the unit replaced as it appears to be defective. I have the old unit pressed back into service until I get a replacement for the new one. I can't access it from outside the house, but at least my programs will run.

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