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Communication intermittently fails running scene diagnostic

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Hello all-
I am new to the forum, so please pardon my ignorance if I fail to follow any standard forum etiquette.


I have been working with my new Insteon setup for the past couple of weeks, and so far have been enjoying it.  I started with a Insteon hub, then quickly realized that it did not provide the amount of granularity that I needed, thus, I have an ISY. 

I currently have several devices, and several scenes configured to automate my apartment and they have been working fine.  My problem is that I am having intermittent issues with a motion detector triggering a scene.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not.  This lead me to running diagnostic on the scene I was attempting to trigger.  The scene consists of a dual band SwitchLinc, and an Insteon LED bulb. After several diagnostic tests, I am a bit lost, as I have seen everything from both devices failing, to both working, to one working, one not, and then for the devices to switch and have the other work, and the previously working one not.  The devices operate normally upon other scenes I have them paired with, as well as when issuing single commands.  

At first I thought that it was a potential noise issue, but after turning every light and device off in my house, the diagnostic still came back with one of the two devices failing.

My PLM is directly connected to a wall outlet, and the SwitchLinc is controlling a simple 60w incandescent bulb.  

Also, in case anyone is wondering, I have a program written to simulate a very low budget alarm.  I live by myself and sleep with my bedroom door closed.  The program sees my door close via a open/close sensor, which triggers a program to wait a set period of time, and then increment a variable. Once the variable is incremented, a second program checks to see if motion is detected.  If motion is detected at any point throughout the night, it will trigger the scene in question that will turn on my overhead bedroom light, and my nightstand lamp. This in essence would hopefully wake me up, and thus you have a low budget alarm system. 

When I test the program/ simulate how it should operate, the scene gets triggered every time, and on the ISY, my two devices show ON. This is why I do not believe it is a program issue, because even though the ISY says they are on, they most definitely are not. 

Sorry for the long post, but any help would be appreciated.  

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First thing to verify is the coupling of the two 120 v legs.  What devices are coupling?


When a Program issues a "Set Scene 'xxxxx' On" there is an assumption of what the Scene devices should do.  There is no Scene feedback to the PLM (the Scene Controller).  That is why an Insteon network with comm issues may have devices in a different state than indicated by the Admin Console.


Also turning a device/appliance Off often does not remove the source of interference.  TVs respond to RF remotes when Off because the device is still powered.  It is usually necessary to unplug a device/appliance to test for a source of interference.

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I currently have only the plm, a KPL, and a single Switchlinc configured. I am not sure which leg any of them are on though, and unfortunately, not sure at the moment on how to test that. (I am sure that a little googling will help me out though)  

I understand why the devices are showing on, on the Admin console when they are in fact off, but I am curious how the diagnostic gets its results.  when I test the scene, both lights turn on, and off, but then diagnostic comes back saying that one of the devices failed.  Just not sure how that can be. 

I still do not think that it is noise related though, because I have other scenes that trigger these devices, and I have never had a problem with them before. 

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It is not uncommon for one device to successfully control a Scene and another device (such as the PLM) device fail.  Different 120 v legs, different electrical interference, often exist between a device path.


In the Scene Test case the Insteon command used for the Scene Test to produce device results is not the same Insteon command used for the Set Scene .... On/Off.    Even without understanding Insteon commands the Event Trace at LEVEL 3 shows an extended amount of time (a second or 2) to get the responses back from the Scene Test devices that does not exist for a Program issuing a Set Scene command.  


Many factors to consider when resolving comm problems. 

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The KPL and SwitchLinc should also be Dual Band. The full users manuals should also tell you how to do the communications or beacon tests from them.

Older models called it a communications test. New models now call the same test a beacon test.

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After doing a com test, I realized that the two devices I was having problems with were on the opposite leg than the rest of my devices.  I hadn't thought much about it because the SwitchLinc isn't that far away from the modem, and they are both dual band.  I had an extra LampLinc laying around that I wasn't using, and found an outlet on the same leg as the SwitchLinc, and that was a little closer to the modem.  I ran a few tests, and so far it seems to be working more consistently. I eventually plan on adding a few door break sensors, and an additional motion sensor to the program for better coverage of my apartment.  Thanks for the help everyone.  So glad that the isy has an active community.

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Wireless devices are not dual band. To increase you coverage area try adding lamplincs or on/off modules.They're dual band and have antennas that are least impacted by switchboxes, etc.

I am aware of this.  I have multiple wireless devices that are operating normally, however both devices that I was having problems with are dual band. They were just outside of consistent wireless coverage, and both were on a power leg that none of my other devices were on.  


EDIT:  Just realized that you were most likely talking about when I said, "adding wireless devices to my apartment for better coverage. "

What I had actually meant by this is better coverage of my apartment in regards to having a more fully functioning security system.  I understand that wireless devices wouldn't add coverage in regards to extending the range of the system. Thank you for your input though. 

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