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IOLinc sensor status


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Hello UD community, I am having some trouble with the sensor status on one of my IOLinc devices and an hoping somebody here may have some insight in to whats happening.
Some info about my setup:
 I have an IOLinc hooked up to a motorized entry gate. It(the IOLinc) was installed a little over a year ago and has been working perfectly. The gate has two sources of control. The remotes and the IOLinc that is linked to a button on a KPL.  The configuration is identical to a garage door Except that until yesterday it was missing the status sensor.
The problem:
 My ISY is not getting the sensor status update from the IOLinc. The sensor is ON when the gate is closed and OFF as soon as it starts to open. I see that sensor light turn off on the IOLinc and the activity light on the side of the unit blinks. Also the KPL button is properly reflecting the status of the gate.
  For some reason the ISY is not catching the status change unless I query the sensor. When I do query the sensor, it updates immediately and shows the correct status.

Troubleshooting steps I have tried:
 Power cycled both the ISY and the PLM.
 Confirmed that the IOLinc is sending the status.
     The KPL button always reflects the proper state of the sensor (turns the button back light on or off). This is true regardless of how the gate is controlled (KPL or remote)
  Power cycle the IOLinc

My instincts tell me this is an Insteon communication problem however I’m confused by the fact that the ISY doesn’t have any trouble communicating with any other Insteon device including the relay portion of the IOLinc. Also, the KPL reflects the proper status and querying the device resolves the issue immediately.
The ISY is running Firmware 4.3.18


I looked around the forum and couldn’t find any related information on this issue.  If this has already been asked and answered please let me know.

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Do you have "trigger reverse" checked on the IOLinc options? If so, uncheck it to see if that makes a difference.


It doesn't sound like a communications problem if the query is successful unless the gate motor is creating noise on the powerline.


You might want to update to the latest ISY firmware.

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I do have the trigger reversed on the IOLInk, i will try your suggestion to see if that makes a difference.  For what it's worth, I also have a IOLinc on my garage with the same configuration that works nearly perfectly. I get a sensor statis update as soon as the garage door starts to open.



I haven't quite mastered reading the Event viewer but if it's helpful, here is a capture.


Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [iNST-TX-I1  ] 02 62 2B 7F E1 0F 11 02
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 2B.7F.E1 0F 11 02 06          LTONRR (02)
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.7F.E1 2F.B7.18 27 11 02    LTONRR (02)
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [std-Direct Ack] 2B.7F.E1-->ISY/PLM Group=0, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2B 7F E1 2] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [  2B 7F E1 2]       ST 255
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.7F.E1 00.00.01 C7 11 00    LTONRR (00)
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [std-Group   ] 2B.7F.E1-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2B 7F E1 1] [DON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [  2B 7F E1 1]      DON   0
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [2B AA 37 5] [sT] [255] uom=0 prec=-1
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [  2B AA 37 5]       ST 255
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 2B.7F.E1 11.01.01 C7 06 00           (00)
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [std-Group   ] 2B.7F.E1-->11.01.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1
Sat 11/14/2015 08:08:33 PM : [iNST-INFO   ] Previous message ignored.

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Techman, removing the reversed trigger seems to have resolved the issue.  Thank you for the suggestion. That will cause the light on the KPL to be opposite of the rest of the buttons but I can live with that for now. I will update the ISY tomorrow to see if that allows me to re-reverse the trigger.

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The Trigger Reverse option reverses the Sensor On/Off status messages when the Sensor changes state (something you are already aware of).  


What many are not familiar with is the Query message state is NOT reversed by Trigger Reverse.  The 3 AM Query done by the ISY each morning causes the I/O Linc Sensor state in the ISY to change to the actual state of the Sensor.  Probably does not bother KPL button state if Sensor is linked as Controller to KPL button.  However, any ISY Program that uses Sensor state will see the Sensor change state in the ISY (from Query result) around 3 AM even though Sensor did not physically changed state.


The best solution (as already posted) is to use a new magnetic switch that does not require the use of Trigger Reverse.  That eliminates the 3 AM Query driven change of Sensor state.  

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Sometime the nightly query of all devices can mess with the reverse trigger setting. The best permanent solution is the use a different magnetic contact switch and not use reverse trigger.

I discovered the reverse trigger fun back when I installed a IOLinc in my garage. I installed that the day before leaving for vacation. It can be more than a little disheartening to get an alert at 3AM "the garage was just opened" while half way across the country..

  Since I have been too lazy to order a new sensor, move the cars, get a ladder.... I have built in a 5min window @ 3AM where the program ignores the alerts. 

The gate would be a bit trickier to change as I'm not using a magnet to determine it's state. There is no good way to get a magnetic closure switch from the IOLinc to the gate. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to get a gate status. I discovered that the gate motor itself has two circuits that help the controller determine when the gate is fully open and fully closed. A circuit closes when the gate is in the closed position and opens as soon as the gate begins to open. I now have that also connected to the IOLinc.




Do you have "trigger reverse" checked on the IOLinc options? If so, uncheck it to see if that makes a difference.


It doesn't sound like a communications problem if the query is successful unless the gate motor is creating noise on the powerline.


You might want to update to the latest ISY firmware.

I updated the ISY to 4.3.26 this morning and as before I stop receiving status updates when the reverse trigger is enabled but only for the gate. As I mentioned above, my garage is also reverse trigger enabled and the ISY responds to its status change just fine. 


The only thing this seems to be affecting is the status light on the KPL(and the 3AM update that I have already programmed around). I will likely change the garage to normal trgger and instruct the wife that when the KPL light is ON the garage/gate is closed.


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I have similar trouble to this, but I DID get the reversed magnets.  Still get some false garage door is open KPL lights and have not been able to figure out how to get a program to update them.  I set my my hallway keypad with a button that if pressed causes the query to run on that iolinc, but my kpl lights don't update.  Must have an error in the program.

You could maybe get a reversing relay or something in your gate wire so the io linc could be "correct" when it reports.

What does the link table look like compared to the isy link table for the io linc?

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I have similar trouble to this, but I DID get the reversed magnets.  Still get some false garage door is open KPL lights and have not been able to figure out how to get a program to update them.  I set my my hallway keypad with a button that if pressed causes the query to run on that iolinc, but my kpl lights don't update.  Must have an error in the program.


You could maybe get a reversing relay or something in your gate wire so the io linc could be "correct" when it reports.


What does the link table look like compared to the isy link table for the io linc?

I considered a reversing relay but decided to keep it simple. One less thing to troubleshoot in the future. Also, it's pretty tight inside the gate controller housing. 


 I am not versed in reading Link tables yet. The link table on the device and the ISY link table for the device are identical. I'm sure it has been covered before, but I'm having trouble finding a good explination of how to read the table. 

 Here is the table for the IOLinc sensor. The two addresses listed represent the PLM and KPL.


0 : 0FF8 : A2 00 2F.B7.18 FF 1F 01

1 : 0FF0 : E2 01 2F.B7.18 FF 00 01

2 : 0FE8 : A2 14 2F.B7.18 FF 1F 00

3 : 0FE0 : A2 05 2B.AA.37 FF 1F 00

4 : 0FD8 : E2 01 2B.AA.37 00 01 00

5 : 0FD0 : 00 00 00.00.00 00 00 00

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arw01, you should not need a program for the GDO to be controlled by the I/O Linc nor for the I/O Linc to indicate the state of the garage door. Describe your setup, in particular, the I/O Linc options and the GDO controller and responder (e.g., KPL button).

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  • 1 month later...

What sensor is compatible with the reverse trigger? I would like to replace the one that came with the I/O Linc so I can use reverse trigger again and get my KPL lights back to normal.



If you can use another IOLinc order another GD kit. Mine came with the NO contact needed.


If not, search the threads. I have seen various sources for the item in posts over the last year. Stu posted a link to one in Post #5 this thread.


The  other option is to turn off the status reverse and change all programs to reflect the new status polarity.

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