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Fibaro FGK-101 Door/Window Sensor plus Temp


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Hi Kohai,


Excellent! That was quite worrisome.


Is the actual value also in Celsius or only the unit?


With kind regards,



Both are in Celsius.  Freezer controls say temperature is set to 0 F and the Fibaro sensor is showing -19.43 C.



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I tried to find a place to purchase the Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor (FGBS-321) but it does not seem to be for sale in the US on the 908.4 MHz frequency.  I could only find it on the EU 868.4 MHz frequency.  It would have been perfect for my doorbell since it could take a 12v power source not be battery powered, but I'm going to try the FGK-101 as my second choice.

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I've gotten stuck on my doorbell project.  I'm not an electrical engineer and the schematics I have of the pieces I'm putting together are lacking.  My brother-in-law is an EE and he isn't sure it will work... but he's 50 miles away and just trying to help me by phone.  The problem seems to be that the current intercom is putting out a low voltage and the Fibaro sensor expects a potential free source.  I'm not gutsy enough to hook them up and see what happens (don't want to smoke my sensor).

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  • 8 months later...

Hi Kohai

How exactly did to learn your device in ?

I'm only getting  a binary sensor and no temperature sensor? I've excluded and included it about 6 times with and without the temp sensor.

Any help will be appreciated, it's driving me nuts.

It only give me battery percentage and the door sensor side does not activated





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Hi Kohai

How exactly did to learn your device in ?

I'm only getting  a binary sensor and no temperature sensor? I've excluded and included it about 6 times with and without the temp sensor.

Any help will be appreciated, it's driving me nuts.




This is a multi-channel device so you need to be running a beta/alpha version of the ISY software.  I'm using v. 5.0.4 and it is working for my needs.  It took me a few times to get it to join as well (factory reset, join, etc).  


What version of the ISY firmware are you running?

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Hi there

I'm running 5.0.3.

When it worked did the temp sensor came up as a separate device or did you have to wake it up or trigger it again?

Did yours come up as a notify sensor? and then added the temp sensor itself ?

My read switch side is not even working.  


I think 5.0.4 is considered more stable than 5.0.3.  I'm not sure which version had multi-channel introduced.  I don't remember exactly the steps I went through.  


Mine shows up as two devices in my "Main" tab:

One is a temperature (ZW005_002_1 - Multilevel Sensor) - as mentioned previously in this thread, it is in Celsius even though my system is in Fahrenheit.  It simply has a query button on that page.   

The Second is a binary sensor (ZW005_001_1 - Binary Sensor) - it simply reports status and has a query button.  Status can be On/Off.


For some strange reason, my binary sensor stopped reporting changes for several months and then recently just started working again.  Not sure what that was about -- it started working before I got around to looking at it.  The temperature continued to work throughout.  

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I might update to 5.0.4 and try again

Thanks for the replies

It would be nice if stuff just works, it would cut down of the headaches

We all want the same. That's why many of us are testing 5.0.x alphas.


I'm Gary Funk and I approved this message.

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So i eventually got my device included and i now get 8 devices, but still no temp sensor.

Just when you think you work out the procedure to get all the devices included, your way does not work again. Frustrating little sensors these.

From what i read the temp sensor should come up when the device is included, but only report once it has woken up, is that correct?

I've excluded, included and factory reset this device but still no temp sensor, maybe the temp sensor is faulty ?

I guess the only way to test the temp sensor is to get another one and see what happens?

If I'm missing something any advice would be appreciated




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hahaha :)

Yes i did

i know sometimes one just have to ask the obvious

i use one of the small ones


I know it took me 3 tries to get my cable wired right; e.g. in the right order and twice I found I missed when screwing them down and they were loose and making intermittent connections.

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  • 8 months later...



I wanted to circle back and see if the 1 wire temperature is still operating fine and as expected? I wish someone had purchased the other binary sensor which supports four 1 wire sensors to see if while hardwired to power (IF) the temperature is reported upon change vs every 4 minutes?

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  • 2 weeks later...



I wanted to circle back and see if the 1 wire temperature is still operating fine and as expected? I wish someone had purchased the other binary sensor which supports four 1 wire sensors to see if while hardwired to power (IF) the temperature is reported upon change vs every 4 minutes?


weird, I responded to this but my post is missing.


I've had a couple odd misreads on the temperature in the past month but then the problem went away.  Other than that, it's been pretty good.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having a bit of trouble getting this sensor to work.  But, seems that you guys got it working, so I know it's possible!


When I include the device, I see four things show up - a notify sensor, overheat alarm, rapid temp rise alarm, and underheat alarm.  No temperature data at all.  I've tried excluding/including, resetting, checked wiring, all to no avail.  Any ideas?

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  • 2 months later...


This almost a year in the making, sent my sensor back to Smartliving who found it also to be "functioning weird". After numerous emails and failed test by Smartliving themselves, I finally got a replacement. 

And it works, I'm so bloody stoked.

Cant actually remember what I was going to use it for, since then I've installed my GEM and its quicker in responding temperature and a better way to log it.post-6954-0-77776900-1511348166_thumb.jpg  

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For the benefit of the forum members can you provide the hardware production and revision along with what the ISY Series Controller says the firmware in use is.


What is this device measuring and how does it compare to the Brultech GEM?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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