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ISYPortal & Mobilinc


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Ok so I have everything working using the instructions below.  The delay on turning on and off lights seems to be around a second which I can live with.  I am having some odd problems - the red light in moblinc stays red despite the fact it syncs and adjusts scenes/devices.  Thermostat is not pulling any info either.  Realize this maybe a Mobilinc thing but was hoping this would work without issue.





To use Mobilinc with ISY Portal....

Logon to ISY Portal and get the Admin Console URL (the one with /desc at the end).

Use device type ISY - not Mobilinc connect.

In Mobilinc, blank out the HTTP URL. You won't use it.

Place the Admin Console URL in the HTTPS box (you'll need to remove https:// at the beginning of the url - its implied in the box). For connection type, select 'HTTPS' (not auto). Set you username and password to the portal username and password. Sync. Enjoy.

If you want to use direct http on the LAN, you'll need to use a different connection profile rather than add the HTTP settings. The credentials will be different!



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