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Admin panel is driving me nuts .. can't access :(

Jason Miller

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I've had it up for about 2 years. No issues .. trying to log into admin area and getting JAVA 2 required. I removed java, reloaded, emptied temp files .. nada .. happening on all 3 PC's. All now run Windows 10.  Any help?


Are you on using a 64bit OS?  You need to download both 32 and 64 bit.. the browsers require 32 bit.  You could also try clearing your Java Cache then install the Java Application version of the UI (will create a desktop icon w/ no need for browser.)




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I run Win 10 32 bit and Win 10 64 bit as, well.


When 64 bit java was released,  I switched to it during beta version releases, and have never loaded a 32 bit version since.


You could try rebooting ISY after a power down for 10-20 seconds.


I have received that "java 2 required" message some time back, but not for the last 4-5 months. That would seem to be some derelict code in ISY hanging about.

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