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Device Status after moving Mobilinc to ISY portal


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MobiLinc is now sync'd with the ISY


I think you need to re-install Mobilinc.  Follow the directions Michel gave me and be sure to stop services before uninstalling.


1. Uninstall MobiLinc Pro (stop services before you do) Settings > More > Application Manager > tap Mobilinc and force stop


2. Reboot your phone


3. Install MobiLinc Pro


4. Retry




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I forced stop cleared data/cache then uninstalled.  Shut down phone started it back up and installed mobilinc.  Put all the right settings in and it says that it is synced with MY isy.  My isy shows it is configured for portal and in the portal under my profile its shows my ISY address as my preferred ISY.  And for good measure I rebooted my ISY as well.  I can send on/off commands just see no status on either Insteon, Z-wave devices, and no weather information either in Mobilinc. 

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