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Soft Keypadlinc-like Console from Raspberry Pi


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I have found that, after the reboot, most of the time it does not run installconsole.sh.  I usually have to manually run that the same way I did the pisetup.sh.  It will ask some of the same questions, but then I am able to start the service using sudo systemctl start softconsole.  If installconsole.sh is still in /boot (or maybe pi home directory) then it didn't run.  If it isn't there but rather ~/consoleinstallleftovers then it did run and something else is probably wrong.


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I tried that and get: sudo: /boot/installconsole.sh: command not found

Usually if I run /boot/pisetup.sh again it may start the console config.

This time it configured the console.

I forgot I didn't do autostart for the console so after starting the console I get the usual

error: missing parent button A on FrontDoor.    (FrontDoor is the first keypadlinc (2334-2) on the ISY device list.)

           Fatal console error - fix config file: 'none type' object has no attribute 'children'

console was up 3 seconds

console exiting - Ecode 13

console received a watchdog termination signal: 10 - exiting

temp - immediate exit 13

This is as far as I ever get. Any thought?

Thanks Gary

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This is what I see from looking at journalctl -u softconsole


Jul 01 11:17:19 PiConsole systemd[1]: Started SoftConsole.
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Console ( 1060) starting in /home/pi/consolestable
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Environment initialized on host PiConsole
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Exdir: /home/pi/consolestable  Pid: 1060
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Version/Sha/Dnld/Commit: currentrelease 6e70ef9443449697a
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Screen types imported
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Alert Proc types imported
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Weather providers imported
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Alert classes instantiated
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Configuration file: /home/pi/Console/config.txt
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Parsed base config file
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Merged config file /home/pi/Console/cfglib/auth.cfg
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Merged config file /home/pi/Console/cfglib/myclock.cfg
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Parsed globals
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: 07-01-19 11:17:25 Switching to real log
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: Console exit with code: 13 at 07-01-19 11:17:28
Jul 01 11:17:28 PiConsole softconsole[1058]: Shutdown
Jul 01 11:33:01 PiConsole systemd[1]: Stopping SoftConsole...
Jul 01 11:34:31 PiConsole systemd[1]: softconsole.service: State 'stop-sigterm' timed out. Killing.
Jul 01 11:34:31 PiConsole systemd[1]: softconsole.service: Killing process 1060 (python3) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 01 11:34:31 PiConsole systemd[1]: softconsole.service: Killing process 1071 (python3) with signal SIGKILL.
Jul 01 11:34:31 PiConsole systemd[1]: softconsole.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Jul 01 11:34:31 PiConsole systemd[1]: Stopped SoftConsole.
Jul 01 11:34:31 PiConsole systemd[1]: softconsole.service: Unit entered failed state.
Jul 01 11:34:31 PiConsole systemd[1]: softconsole.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Thanks Gary

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Ah - good.  That exit code 13 is for a fatal error exit that the console has hit.  Take a look at Console/Console.log.  There are only about 3 places that can arise from and they are all basic configuration file related items.  If I had to guess, I suspect that your ISY credentials are somehow not getting you to the ISY but the log should have a reason right before it exits.


Wait - I see that you also posted the proximate cause above.  Some issue digesting you ISY stream.  I've never seen that - let me look at the code a bit and perhaps I can find the bug/issue.

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I suspect that these is something in your configuration of your ISY that I haven't seen before and the console is tripping on it.  Can you edit the config.txt file and add a single line to the top that reads:

ISYDump = True

Then run the console again.  After it fails with that error 13 you should find a file in the Console directory called xml.dmp.  Can you send that to me.  (It doesn't really have any privacy sensitive info in it but it is a dump of what the ISY gives the console as its node structure.)  With that I may be able to find my bug since even if this is due to something I don't support, it shouldn't crash without better information.


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Beat me to it.  To be completely specific: on Windows go to Powershell and issue:

scp  pi@rpi-dev7:/home/pi/Console/xml.dmp .

Where your replace "rpi-dev7" with the name of your Linux system.  It will prompt you for your Linux password and do the copy to whatever directory you are in on the Windows box.  Then you can just attach the file to a message in this thread.

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I get this in return. Needing something


PS C:\Users\garyb> scp  pi@
usage: scp [-346BCpqrv] [-c cipher] [-F ssh_config] [-i identity_file]
           [-l limit] [-o ssh_option] [-P port] [-S program] source ... target

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There is something very unusual about your ISY configuration.  You have a node, that Front Door Keypad with the Insteon address 4D 3A 57 1.  The actual button on it look correctly reported as ending in 1 (the top) and 3, 4, 5, 6 (so looks like this is a 6 button switch with the top and bottom controlling 1 device.)  The parent for the main device (ending in 1) should be the internal ISY address of the folder it is in but in fact it seems to have no parent.  The parent for the sub devices (the other buttons) should be the main device but instead are listed as  A D5 3A 1 which looks like an Insteon device but that device doesn't even exist in your configuration.   So what is your Insteon device A D5 3A 1 and what folder is the actual device in?  Looks to me like at some point the ISY internal database has gotten messed up (don't think this is a v5 issue since to my knowledge others are running with v5 and this part of the ISY stuff hasn't changed.)


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I tried that on my system and that doesn't seem to be it.  I've never seen a structure like his is reporting.  It really looks more like he did a replace device at some point that didn't fully work or something.  I don't think an internally consistent ISY should ever report what I'm seeing his report.

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I checked and see no insteon devices with that address. Also none of my unused devices have that address either. However at one point last year or maybe longer I did do a replace for a failed switch. Possibly that didn't go so well. Also I don't see it the PLM links table either. Unfortunately I threw that bad switch away so I don't know what address it was.



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Great.  I was really pulling my hair out trying to figure out what the console was doing because what I was seeing just didn't make any sense.  Hopefully you can add the switch back and things will still work.


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If you just want to read the examples and perhaps copy some snippets and do it on your PC an easy way to do that is to open your browser to  https://github.com/kevinkahn/softconsole/tree/master/example configs  and you can see all them there.  For that matter you can see all the source code and scripts there.  Then you can easily copy/paste snippets into whatever your favorite dos editor is.  Just remember when you want to put a file that you create that way on Linux to fix the line terminators.

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