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Resolved Bug: Condition change causes node combo box change

Mark Sanctuary

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When trying to update a clause the node selected and all its arguments reset. Here is the steps to the bug I am seeing...


  1. [*:3k9a13if]Select an existing program that you want to change
    [*:3k9a13if]Select a 'If' clause that you want to update
    [*:3k9a13if]Mine says 'Control' and I change it to 'Status'

After doing this the node combo box and all the argument combo boxes jump to the top entries and does not stay on the already existing node and arguments.


If it could stay on the existing node this would be very helpful. I understand that the lists sizes change from selection to selection. So if it could capture the selected node and arguments, and try to keep them selected unless they are not there on the new lists, otherwise they could jump to the top entry in the combo boxes. If you go to say 'X10' that does not have it and you decide to come back to 'Status' would be nice if it still had the same previous info from before.


Why this suggestion; because when your trying to just adjust one item then hit the Update button you don't notice that your node and all its arguments has just changed too. And when you’re updating a program condition you more than likely will not be changing the node and all its arguments.

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Should already be fixed.


Thank you,



When trying to update a clause the node selected and all its arguments reset. Here is the steps to the bug I am seeing...


    [*:3u1xb105]Select an existing program that you want to change
    [*:3u1xb105]Select a 'If' clause that you want to update
    [*:3u1xb105]Mine says 'Control' and I change it to 'Status'

After doing this the node combo box and all the argument combo boxes jump to the top entries and does not stay on the already existing node and arguments.


If it could stay on the existing node this would be very helpful. I understand that the lists sizes change from selection to selection. So if it could capture the selected node and arguments, and try to keep them selected unless they are not there on the new lists, otherwise they could jump to the top entry in the combo boxes. If you go to say 'X10' that does not have it and you decide to come back to 'Status' would be nice if it still had the same previous info from before.


Why this suggestion; because when your trying to just adjust one item then hit the Update button you don't notice that your node and all its arguments has just changed too. And when you’re updating a program condition you more than likely will not be changing the node and all its arguments.

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