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Error message: Too many failed bindings


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Hi espann,


I responded to your support request email.


Please send me the email address you are trying to use as well as a screenshot from the ISY's Admin Console->Help->About page.



Hi Wes, I'm STILL getting that error , when I try to open Mobilinc Pro on my Android Smartphone it now says "Discovering ISY, looking for an ISY on your local wifi network" and never finds it, keeps spinning.. The email address I was using I think was espann@zswgroup.com, but I might have changed it to espann@bpnnow.com, after I got  new replacement phone. So I uninstalled Mobilinc Pro and reinstalled it but now it goes back to "too many failed bindings" again. I did start the registration again and this time made sure I used espann@zswgroup.com as the "already registered" email. Still "Error: Too many failed bindings"post-5337-0-53104600-1460316264_thumb.jpg

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