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There's actually a very interesting program called "The Truth About Cancer" available.


GreenMedInfo provides a good resource on current events.







Thanks for sharing the link. I actually enjoyed reading the article below it regarding chiropractic care. Its amazing how regular MDs in the past would fight the fact that there could be something beneficial to chiropractic care. It seems slowly sentiment is changing and now its becoming more acceptable. I personally notice a huge difference in results going to see a chiropractor. I suffer for allergies and asthma but going to a chiropractor does help a lot. I did a lot of research and found the "activator" method (www.activator.com) which doesn't require you to be contorted into different positions to adjust your spine. There is a special device called an "activator" which can pinpoint and adjust specific areas needing adjustment. So its safe for children all the way to the elderly. Its amazing how they can measure the difference between your two legs and show you immediately how adjustments can change. There is also this test with your thumb and pinky finger that they can do before the adjustment. In one hand you put your thumb and pinky together and then with your other hand the you touch a spot thats bothering you. The chiropractor will then pull on those two fingers and usually you will not be able to keep them closed. Then after the adjustments you do the same thing and are able to keep your fingers together. This simple test can show you how important it is for the spine to be alined to help with pain and healing. Here is a better explanation. http://www.holistichealthtools.com/muscle.html


So anyway, thanks again for sharing. I shared the link as well with some of my friends. Most people are skeptical about chiropractors but in my case I have not had anything but great results using one. I hope to see a change where Western Medicine helps heal people again rather than just treating people. Western Medicine has become big business due to insurance companies, neither help curing people.

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Thanks for sharing the link. . http://www.holistichealthtools.com/muscle.html


Hey Scott,


Well I'm glad someone is finding value in it :)  Healthcare is evolving but there's a very high latency from the time cutting edge research is published to the time the doc down the street takes it into practice.  The sad fact is America is experiencing epidemic rates of chronic degenerative autoimmune related diseases like Cancer, Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Ulcerative Colitis and Diabetes.  I think currently we're spending like 18% of our GNP caring for these diseases and I've heard statistics that predict by 2040 100% of the GNP will be spent on treating diabetes alone "if things progress as they are."  It's costing everyone a lot of money!  The Evolution in Medicine currently underway is addressing the underlying cause of disease rather than addressing symptoms and every treatment I've ever seen first addresses the food we're eating.  Avoiding sugars, GMO's and grains is a foundation for building healthy microbiota.


Chiropracty has always been out on a different limb than conventional practice I think not only because it's not tied down to the mode of treatment dictated by insurance but also because of the training involved that teaches the interconnectedness of the human body. 




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I suffer for allergies and asthma but going to a chiropractor does help a lot.


Here's a link to generalized address to both asthma and allergies given by the Chairman for the Institute of Functional Medicine Dr. Mark Hyman.

One of the principles taught is the patient needs to take back their own health and that involves education but there's a lot of initial laboratory testing.




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Here's a link to generalized address to both asthma and allergies given by the Chairman for the Institute of Functional Medicine Dr. Mark Hyman.

One of the principles taught is the patient needs to take back their own health and that involves education but there's a lot of initial laboratory testing.




Jon, thank you for this link. I cant say enough how right this doctor is. Self Health is very important to help patients get better. I could be wrong but from what I can see is that patients just want a magic pill to solve their problems instantly and if its "too hard" they don't want to change. Circling back to my original post some of the things he mentions like having his patients take fish oil, zinc, are some of the things that my chiropractor had recommended me to do. I am guilty of bad habits and haven't fully removed gluten and dairy from my food intake. I have limited those items but not eliminated them.


On a similar note I read the book "Eat Right for your Blood Type" - In the book it talks about what blood type and foods help you and which are not good for you. This book for me personally was an eye opener. I cant begin to tell you how much its helped. I am O- and when testing different foods listed to eat and avoid I saw directly and very quickly how each food I ate made an impact on my body. I learned why I love meat so much and how to help avoid an upset stomach, which I used to get.


While we are on the subject of health the book "A magnificent mind at any age" was a good read a bit slow and very technical but if you read it in smaller bits it had good information in it.


I also wish I could find the link but recently I read a great article of why people are getting more stressed out than before and how they are linking it to technology. The gist was they think our brains are not able to grow fast enough to match the rate of technology and therefore due to how much we consume it now it puts a lot of stress on us. Man I wish I knew where I saw it.

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Generally speaking the bulk of the problem is ingesting too much processed food which is extremely high in salt, sugars, and bad fats. Ideally people should be consuming natural food from the basic food groups: Bread, Meat, Fish, Dairy, Vegies, Fruits.


With anything it comes down to moderation as there have been lots of examples of people going over board with fad diets. I always find it funny as hell to see some random person who touts they are vegetarian / vegan.


Yet are pushing 300 lbs . . .


I want people to think about that for a moment these people are saying half don't believe in cruelty to animals so won't eat anything with a face on it. While the other half say they do it for a clean and healthy lifestyle.


You didn't get to 300 lbs because you were eating clean . . .


Its like the guy who orders a salad with his triple cheeseburger, no salt fries, and diet coke.


Come on you fat cow - your kidding yourself if you believe that diet coke and salad is going to keep you thin. I rarely if ever see these people in the gym, walking, running, swimming, even doing some random jumping jack.


Good health is a lifestyle of good eating, excersize, laughter, good sex, and keeping your surroundings peaceful yet inspiring.


It goes with out saying ingesting drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and various other foods that have 999999999999 letters isn't helpful. Strength training via weights is the only thing that will promote and sustain muscle and bone density when done properly.


It doesn't mean going into the gym like a stupid fool on a new years day promise and going hard core only to find out you feel like you broke every bone in your body. I go to the gym with guys that are pushing their 60's and they have the body of a 25 year old person.


They are sharp in the Mellon, quick at a joke, and push hard every day at the gym to squeeze out the bull sh^t in life during those intense 45 minutes.


I always find it funny to read or hear people talking about natural healing, herbal medicine, Chi etc. The Chinese have lived and promoted it for thousands of years long before Western Medicine even came to open their eyes. It goes with out saying there have always been snake oil and ferry dusk in almost all areas.


This is why its up to the person to do their research and talk to people in the know. And I don't mean people who *Think* they know because there are lots of people who on the outside look normal. Yet still believe the world is flat, we didn't land on the moon, and the Earth is only thousands of years old!


Every sector have fools, morons, and imbeciles . . .


A perfect example is way back in the day several major publishers hawked out books about eating only vegies. Then came the moronic idea of only eating beans - then came the foolish idea of eating everything in the raw!


Just these three ideas have confused millions of weak minded people who never took a second to question how this would be harmful to the human body.


Yet you guessed it - they are all still 300 lbs!!!


Obviously there are tons of examples of people who have pushed the idea of thin even farther. One only needs to look at the stupid fools walking down any walkway for a fashion show.


Has anyone ever asked the simple question of why do they all looked pissed off, anorexic, and walk like a perfect fool?!?!


Because all they had to eat was a little bean, smoked ten cigarettes, and nothing fits them because nobody makes their skeleton body size of negative -16!!!


The biggest problem in our society besides all being brainwashed to comply with Ads, TV shows, and the next big fad of what to wear is popping pills to cure what ails you.


There is no such thing as scurvy - why?


If you can answer this very basic question the rest that has to do with massive diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. 


Keeping in mind at the very present America is the fattest nation in the free world - with the most chronic health conditions never seen in 100 years!

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If you're looking for a show that is hilarious but never hit my radar check out Better Off Ted.


If you like British cop shows, check out River.  Might be the best written and filmed show I've seen.  Dark, but emotionally moving.


I'm deep into Person of Interest -- catching up on Netflix.


I like cop shows.  Longmire is excellent.  Foyle's War (BBC, period piece), George Gently (BBC, period piece)


Current shows, I like Gotham.  Dare Devil (most recent season was less satisfying than the first).  The Flash is actually really good.  Trying to decide if Heroes reboot is good or not.


I like the Walking Dead, but this thought just keeps nagging me in the back of my head.  :)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo66cJT6hWw

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Generally speaking the bulk of the problem is ingesting too much processed food which is extremely high in salt, sugars, and bad fats. Ideally people should be consuming natural food from the basic food groups: Bread, Meat, Fish, Dairy, Vegies, Fruits.


The number one health problem is excess carbs in the form of sugars and starch.  Two slices of whole wheat toast will raise blood sugar level higher than a snickers bar.  The recommended diet today is high fat, low carb. 


The real struggle is changing the way people see food.  Food isn't energy in energy out.  Food affects genetic expression which controls the way the body operates.  Food really should be seen as information.





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On a similar note I read the book "Eat Right for your Blood Type" - In the book it talks about what blood type and foods help you and which are not good for you. This book for me personally was an eye opener. I cant begin to tell you how much its helped. I am O- and when testing different foods listed to eat and avoid I saw directly and very quickly how each food I ate made an impact on my body. I learned why I love meat so much and how to help avoid an upset stomach, which I used to get.


It's really an exciting era where we're learning so much about things never completely understood.  Hopefully we can catch this thing in time :)




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I only eat things that didn't cast a shadow.


I'm trying to understand this :)  Does that mean your diet is limited to tubers? 


Anyway... I think we should be concerned with what the future is eating.. that is.. if we plan to be a part of it.





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The shadow thing was just a joke. I violated my first rule of online chat. ...didn't mark the humour with a smiley or otherwise.

The GMO was a joke as I believe somebody started the undefined term as a joke and somebody else seconded it...all those in favour? :) OrganicTM is another.

I am believer that our food is the root of all evil with our quest for profit using other's needs. Just a sad fact of a capitalistic society, unfortunately.

Gluten? Careful of that myth!

I hear so much crap about losing weight and being more healthy eliminating gluten from your diet. Absolute hogwash!


Before anybody barks though, eat this....I have been celiac all my life and gluten free for the last 10 years. If you stop eating 10 pieces of bread per day, wheat or gluten free, you will have hard time maintaining your overweight status, so easily. Gluten holds the bread fibres together and the bubbles. The substitute is some sort of sugar or gum substance and that has no fibre content, and much higher calories. 


Some, like me, cannot tolerate gluten and the western developed wheat you can plant in the fall, harvest more cheaply, and rises to a more fluffy bleached white bread due to extreme gluten levels, is what we love to support the butter industry with.


 "You know that what you eat you are
   But what is sweet now, turns so sour."

                                                        ...John Lennon



OMG! I have to start watching television.

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I'm trying to understand this :) Does that mean your diet is limited to tubers?


Anyway... I think we should be concerned with what the future is eating.. that is.. if we plan to be a part of it.





Yeah larry is a tuber. Makes sense as he lives underground in a bunker waiting for TSTHIF. Then he will laugh at us fools above ground eating our meat. :)

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Yeah larry is a tuber. Makes sense as he lives underground in a bunker waiting for TSTHIF. Then he will laugh at us fools above ground eating our meat. :)

Hey! I was a tuber, but graduated to better things in the early 60s when my father taught me how to bias  a transistor gain stage.

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Had the chance over the last few days to watch another decent show indicated by my side kick Scott. It was the new show called Bosch which is a cop show about a bad aszz detective.


This show is surprising as it literally focuses on one story line for two seasons? Most shows have a back story or where they show you new things happening in crime etc. They will typically go back or reference existing time lines to offer some continuity.


But this show just keeps going on one major story line which is quite rare in TV shows. As an aside I think its really great to see companies like Amazon / Netflix offer made for TV shows outside of the main stream broadcasters.


Its safe to say since Netflix started doing so its forced lots of half aszz studio's to finally step up their game. Its also great to see what people normally call ( B) actors getting a chance to play a major role in these shows.


The guy in Bosch has always been a supporting actor and never been given the chance to star in a major role. The guy has excellent acting skills and is very flexible as seen in that biker show which escapes me now.


He played a Irish IRA thug boss and I don't pretend to know if his accent was authentic - but to my ears it sounded totally believable to me!


Ha . . .


A new show I have been waiting for is called Hunters . . . Its about an alien species that has infiltrated human kind etc. How can I sum up this first pilot airing?!?!


Fail . . .


Poor acting, poor script, poor direction, and more than likely won't make it past their sponsored episodes.  

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