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Somfy WireFree RTS Tilt Motor for 2” Blinds


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Somfy WireFree RTS Tilt Motor for 2” Blinds


I am in the last phase (what I always tell my wife :) ) of my home automation setup which is automation of our window coverings. The Somfy Tilt motors will work with my blinds but I have a few things I must decide regarding the ISY integration and how to proceed with the power distribution. I am sure there are people in this forum whom have already made these decisions and I would like to know their experiences and opinions on my options for both the Tilt power and ISY integration.

I currently have the ISY z-wave module, network module and a whole home IR system which can be triggered by the ISY.


A little (OK, not that little) about my needs:

There are 10 Blinds on the main floor, I need (want) separate channels for each wall in each room to preserve privacy as I live on a corner lot in the city and the street in about 10 feet from one side of the home. So 7 zones for the main floor and a possible 13 to 14 zones when (if) the entire home is automated. There are 10 Blinds on the main floor which I would like to automate, 18 total if the basement is automated also. I will hard wire the power through the attic but will need a wire channel from the top of the window seal to the ceiling which is about 8 inches per window. Outside walls are block so wires cannot be fished through the wall.


Items Needed for each Blind

WireFree TRS Tilt Motor 1000678

Tilt Rod Shaft Adapter

Head-rail Motor Adapter

Power Cable (9013282), will need to splice to add hardwired power.  (to save money I used Micro JST connectors for the motor)

Micro JST 2.0 2-Terminal Male Connector $0.25 http://www.amazon.com/uxcell%C2%AE-2-Terminal-Connector-Cables-Length/dp/B0167X4D9M?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00

Total cost per window (without power) $127

Total cost per window (without power) $116


Power distribution options:

  1. Wall warts in a central location, One for every 4 motors. Cost $38 per transformer so $114 for main level. (http://www.automatedshadestore.com/shop/product-info.php?Generic+12V+DC+3+Amp+Plug-In+Transformer+10+Ft+Cable+%28White%29-pid327.html)

  2. 10 motor, 10 Amp Power Panel $396 this seems overly expensive (http://www.automatedshadestore.com/shop/product-info.php?10-Motor+12V+DC+x+10+Amp+Power+Panel-pid628.html)

  3. A CCTV 12v Distribution with fuses (I can change the fuses to 1 AMP) $80 (http://www.amazon.com/InstallerCCTV-Output-Distributed-Supply-Security/dp/B00BBKCJ16/ref=pd_sim_sbs_23_6?ie=UTF8&dpID=517Hq%2BQZ3cL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=0DK45TB98H3CC6A36S51)

I ended up going with the wall warts as a few of my blinds were on a single rail and only needed one motor after a new rod was purchased. The following power connectors were used for a clean install:






I am leaning toward option #3 but I would like to know if anyone can give me a reason this would not work or disadvantages of using the CCTV distribution for power to the Tilt motors. Also my current CCTV cameras are powered by wall warts in the same central location, So I may be able to eliminate some of those as well if using this option.


ISY Integration Options:

This is where I am still undecided because of cost and absolutely no experience with Somfy products.


<edit> Price and equipment updates


Referenced Device Cost:

Somfy Telis Pure 16 Channel RTS Remote. $224  (edit: there is no need for a 16 channel remote if you are going to use another device for the main conrol of the blinds, a remote is still needed for initial programming of each blind)

Somfy Z-Wave to RTS Interface: $295

Somfy Universal RTS Interface II: $290

Somfy Infrared Transmitter 24 Channel (IR Remote): $45

Somfy IR Sensor for Universal RTS Interface II: $40

Autelis Shade Control for Somfy RTS: $200

Global Cache iTach, IP to Serial IP2SL: $103

USB to Serial Cable: $10


  1. Z-Wave:

    Cost Without Remote $295.

    Cost With Remote: $519.

    Z-Wave Interface 1811265. Does this work with the ISY? Advantages and Disadvantages?


  2. IR:

    Cost Without Remote $375.

    Cost With Remote: $599.

    Need Universal RTS Interface 1810872, Somfy Infrared Remote 1810498 (to learn IR codes), and IR sensor 9015078. Can the Universal RTS interface program the Tilt or do I still need a RTS remote?


  3. Network Via Autelis:

    Cost Without Remote $490.

    Cost With Remote: $714.

    Need Universal RTS Interface 1810872 and Autelis Shade Control for Somfy RTS. Does this work with the network module? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this setup?


  4. Network Via Global Cache:

    Cost Without Remote $393

    Cost With Remote: $617

    Need Universal RTS Interface 1810872, Global Cache IP to Serial


  5. Network Via EventGhost

    Cost Without Remote $300.

    Cost With Remote: $524.

    Need Universal RTS Interface 1810872, USB to Serial Cable, EventGhost Software and always on windows PC or tablet.



Other Notes: If you have multiple blinds on a single rail consider purchasing a new rod to connect all the blinds this way you will only need one motor for each rod, I found rods at a local metal supplier for about $11 each (which is much cheaper than an additional motor, wire run and power supplies).  The positive and negative wires are reversed on the Somfy power cables and the JTS connectors going into the motor, I lost a few hours to trouble shooting because of this.


See this post for Serial and keypad control:






Thanks in advance for your experiences or opinions,




Can't comment on the other elements yet but with respect to the PSU to use and decide upon. It really comes down to how much sweat equity you're willing to invest in this endeavor. 


Many people go the route of immediate gratification and ease and that's fine but will always be a compromise. Since your home is a long term investment I always look at each addition to the home as that.


A long term investment and thus this puts my view in all things as invested time in all that I do. Even if it takes longer


(God knows I have been putting around for a few years on various projects now)


I am a fan of home running all wires to a central location as this offers a single point for maintenance and trouble shooting. There are more pro's in going with a central PSU with one caveat in that you must be willing to spend a decent amount of money on a well regulated power supply.


There are many units on the market place that state XX amps, XX watts, XX feature, but when brought to task fall well short in every area. If you decide to go this route its expected and best practice to load the PSU to its rated operational usage as stated on the name plate and see how it performs and reacts.


One of the things you may be shocked to see is many of the PSU are well under rated in power. To seeing individual channels not receiving the same amount of power / current as others. Given this is short interval operations I don't ever see this being an issue for you since these are momentary ups and downs and not like a constant draw from a camera.


Having said this its best practice to measure the inrush current when the units first actuate because the current draw will definitely be a lot different when compared to a security camera.


The only time this plays a factor is if the unit has lots of IR LEDS, Heater, or PTZ features. At that point in the commercial space a central PSU is rarely if ever used and the dedicated PSU that comes with the unit is normally opted for. Unless its a POE AT rated unit which falls well outside of the normal POE standard.


Other things are to confirm the fuse operates as expected and are of high quality. One would think in 2016 a glass fuse could be ignored but you will quickly find out there is a reason why they don't use respected and well known brands like *Little Fuse*.


There are many other name brand fuse makers but its safe to say Little Fuse didn't become the market leader because they sold half baked products that couldn't be counted on when safety mattered.


Meaning you may find the fuse does not blow when required or blow too soon when not.  


I'm using your choice 3, an Autelis Shade Controllor Somfy RTS along with a Somfy 16 Channel Universal RTS interface to control 14 Somfy RTS motors. I opted for the RS485 interface so I could add a second Somfy interface (more channels for unique combinations of window coverings). See: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13990-customized-somfy-automation/


Any Insteon controller can be a Somfy controlller and you can schedule opening and closings. I use the ISY for schedules as I found the Autelis timer unreliable.


I'm using your choice 3, an Autelis Shade Controllor Somfy RTS along with a Somfy 16 Channel Universal RTS interface to control 14 Somfy RTS motors. I opted for the RS485 interface so I could add a second Somfy interface (more channels for unique combinations of window coverings). See: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/13990-customized-somfy-automation/


Any Insteon controller can be a Somfy controlller and you can schedule opening and closings. I use the ISY for schedules as I found the Autelis timer unreliable.


Thanks Stu! 

I think I found more cost friendly solution because of your topics. I added the additional options in the original post.


5.Network Via EventGhost:

Cost $245. Universal RTS Interface, USB to Serial Cable. EventGhost Software.


I now think I will go with #5 as I have an always on tablet (with hdmi adapter to run headless) running EventGhost to control my whole home IR system (xantach) and adding a USB to serial adapter to the tablet will be the most cost effective. ISY can easily communicate with EventGhost.


Another question: Can the Universal RTS Interface program the Tilt motor or do I still need a RTS remote?


The Universal RTS Interface cannot do anything on its own. It's only an interface between a serial device and the motor. The only controls built into the Somfy interface are up, down and stop.


The serial device (not included) sends commands to the interface and the interface sends commands to the motor. The Autelis device accepts  serial commands from the ISY network module and sends those commands to the Somfy Universal RTS Insterface.


Network module --> Autelis Interface --> Somfy Universal RTS Interfeace --> Somfy RTS motor.


The Autelis is capable of generating up, down, stop and tilt signals. No remote is needed.


Thanks again Stu,


For some reason I thought the "Universal RTS Interface 1810872" could program the motors. I updated the cost in the original post to reflect the cost of the RTS remote.  This makes the Z-Wave Interface the most price sensitive option, except for the EventGhost route which may be unique to my situation.


An advantage of the Somfy URTSI is than you can program groups of motors into each channel. (You can also do that with the the Telis remote, but that's separate from the ISY.) I did have one 16-channel interface for 14 motors and used programs for each group of shades, but having the group move in unison is much more dramatic than having them move sequentially, so I added a second 16-channel interface. That's why I recommended the RS485 interface which allows up to four 16-channel Somfy interfaces.


BTW, the Autelis accommodates groups, but I found the limit to be four motors.

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