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Rogue Switch Linc Dimmer

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I Have a switch linc dimmer coming on with a scene I have created that has never been included with that scene. The scene is controlled by a KPL button. The scene is intended to turn on two lanp lincs, and 3 other switch linc dimmers at various dim levels. When I press this key pad button, the scene comes on fine but this switch linc dimmer that I can see while standing at theis keypad comes on 100 % and it will not sut off of I press the scene button again. This Rogue switch link is part of another " All Off " scene on the same Keypad linc. I have deleted the entire scene off the KPL and rebuilt that scene but that has not worked.


Any Ideas?

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I also have a few Insteon "ghosts". However I think in my case these were caused by some comm. issues I had a while back and scenes that were created at the time (and earlier [early 2.6] buggy ISY firmware).. I'm thinking that some scenes were partially removed / applied creating a few ghosts. I've lived with them for a while now, as my entire home is Insteon, I may just to a whole home reset. However, I was thinking is there any way that the Diagnostics tools can be used in the ISY to check and edit the link tables within the PLM or devices. Now, I looked at the Insteon command structure a while ago, and it seems pretty straight forward, however I'm wondering if someone has a method that worked for them in the past or a document to get started.

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Hello deeepdish,


The best method is to:

1. Go to Tools->Diagnostics->ISY Link Table (choose your SWL by clicking Start)

2. Go to Tools->Diagnostics->Device Link Table (choose your SWL by clicking Start)

3. Put the dialogs next to each other:

--> If they are identical, then the problem is with your SWL. Try factory resetting your SWL and then do Restore Device on it.


With kind regards,



I also have a few Insteon "ghosts". However I think in my case these were caused by some comm. issues I had a while back and scenes that were created at the time (and earlier [early 2.6] buggy ISY firmware).. I'm thinking that some scenes were partially removed / applied creating a few ghosts. I've lived with them for a while now, as my entire home is Insteon, I may just to a whole home reset. However, I was thinking is there any way that the Diagnostics tools can be used in the ISY to check and edit the link tables within the PLM or devices. Now, I looked at the Insteon command structure a while ago, and it seems pretty straight forward, however I'm wondering if someone has a method that worked for them in the past or a document to get started.
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I too am having similiar 'ghost' link issues. When I do a facory reset on the offending SL Dimmer, the "ghost" link is removed, but then a device restore brings it back. I've even removed the device, factory reset it, and re-inserted it it to the desired scene, and the "ghost" link still re-appears, even though it was gone before re-insertion into the scene.

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Hi Zellarman,


Are you saying that when you compare the Device Links Table to ISY Links Table they are not identical? Or, are they identical, but your SWL is still triggered by some other device/scene?


With kind regards,



I too am having similiar 'ghost' link issues. When I do a facory reset on the offending SL Dimmer, the "ghost" link is removed, but then a device restore brings it back. I've even removed the device, factory reset it, and re-inserted it it to the desired scene, and the "ghost" link still re-appears, even though it was gone before re-insertion into the scene.
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I do not remember the bugs in 2.6.4 and, thus, may I humbly suggest that, at the least, you upgrade to 2.6.5 which is our most stable version?


Thanks and with kind regards,





I'm still stuck back at beta 2.6.4, trying to figure out if I need to upgrade to 2.6.5 then 2.6.9 before 2.6.13? So I don't have diagnostics available.
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