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SH emails


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Are you guys getting like 2-3 emails a week from Smart Home crowing about 'sales'? When I go to the site hoping for some savings, it's the same old deals- artificially inflated 'normal' prices are 'slashed' to down to the usual prices. What is their objective? It's like my cousin at the bar...he just goes from girl to girl asking if they are interested. He's batting about 1 per 100.




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I disabled notifications some time ago. Folks have been catching interesting opportunities from SH on amazon... recently got a plm delivered for $35, and just recently 2 motion sensors for about the same price.


To your point, they have been becoming x10.com a little more in the marketing/spam dept, each year that goes buy. 



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Keep your eye pealed on Amazon. Smart home has some great deals there from time to time. I just picked up a 2 pack of motion sensors for $28.70 and a 2 pack of HD cameras for $76.

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I am getting regular email offers.

Nothing extra special in the last few weeks.

Previously in the last few months did have some deals like 20% off with the email coupon code or special prices with a link in the email to the devices special price sales page. Some where not showing on the Smarthome web site.


I suspect around the 4th of July they may have a sale. That use to be one of the time of the year when a sale was done.

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Got an email this morning. It is also showing on the main Smarthome web page.

The Fourth of July sales have started.

$15 on a $100 purchase.

$50 on a $250 purchase.

$125 on any purchase >$500.


If anyone compares the previous 20% sales to the current ones its obvious these promotions are much less in terms of savings. Of special note all of the switches are more expensive using the current multi-pack and their $15, 50, 125 discount.


This reminds me of the Aartech sales which don't make any sense and insults the average consumer. Some of their dumb Ads will say *Spend $500.00 and receive $20.00 discount*


Yeah, I must be stupid to spend $500.XX on product you jacked up 55% to then offer me a 1% discount only to bend me over for shipping that doesn't relate to real world prices.


Then again Smarthome has been guilty of the very same - As I saw the same awesome deals on Amazon.com for various Insteon devices.


Yet these scammers indicated they wanted $180.XX to ship $300.XX worth of product?!?!


If that isn't a real WTF?


I don't know what is . . .


It never ceases to amaze me how companies will summarily state they either don't ship to the 51 State (Canada) or make up shipping charges out of their aszz to pad the final sale. To hear, read, and see others write in saying it costs more to ship to Canada or requires more paper work in 2016 is quite the head shaker.


Last year there were a few items I wanted to buy from America and using the companies on line shipping tool. It said they would ship up to 50 lbs for free anywhere in the Con 48.


Wow, that's most awesome . . .


A company will ship something that weighs in an excess of 50 lbs for free all across the freaking nation! That is tens of thousands of miles from WA to FL does anyone know how freaking far that is!?!?!


Yet this stupid company will not, ship to Canada, or if they did which by the way was only 200 miles away from my border wanted $1200.00 for shipping a 50 lbs item?!?


To think if you live in the good old United States of America they will deal with you on the up and up. Treat you fairly and offer you the very best service known to man kind.


Yet, if you live 200 miles outside of the unicorn State they will be more than happy to screw you over and gouge you for no other reason because they can.


So yeah my personal experience with the so called *Global Market* has been mixed. The only saving grace has been fantastic members on this board and others who have stepped up to help a friend to make those purchases.


I am always humbled and proud to know America has some of the best people in the world where taking the time to help out another is second nature.


So, despite my rant on companies that like to scam Canadians - Our American brothers always come to the rescue!!


Thank You - One and all . . .

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I disabled notifications some time ago. Folks have been catching interesting opportunities from SH on amazon... recently got a plm delivered for $35, and just recently 2 motion sensors for about the same price.


To your point, they have been becoming x10.com a little more in the marketing/spam dept, each year that goes buy.



You took the words right out of my mouth.

The last order I attempted to purchase with x10.com, I was so frustrated with 100s of pop-ups I told them I would never deal with them again. And I didn't.


The whole Insteon appears to be based on X10 for concepts, silly algorithms, spam techniques, poor QC, and not understanding what they are doing. This scares me a lot even though I like their products mostly.

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