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Cannot add Insteon Thermostat

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I cannot add my Insteon Thermostat.


I finished adding every single Insteon Device that I have, and I bought the ISY994i so I can program the thermostat based on all the devices.


Failed to add device, Reason 10


Insteon Thermostat 2441TH


For some reason it detects as Energy Management.


Even when I select the model manually, it fails.


Tried Start Linking and adding Manually



What is your firmware version? What is the UI version?


I have no suggestion other than updating both the firmware an UI to 4.5


The thermostat was working before what?


Try another factory reset on the stat.


I did this many times on my 2441ZTH units before they connected.. My newer firmware unit never did connect properly on older firmware versions I haven't tried it since v5, though.


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