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ELK Integration

James Peterson

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Can you have more then 1 keypad in an area and if so are the function Fn key independent of each other from other keypads in the same area?

F buttons are unique to the keypad. I have F1 doing different things in each location. Bedroom arms Night Instant. Front door arms away. Laundry room starts an ISY program that waits 5 mins (or until the garage door closes) then arms away. All in one area.
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F buttons are unique to the keypad. I have F1 doing different things in each location. Bedroom arms Night Instant. Front door arms away. Laundry room starts an ISY program that waits 5 mins (or until the garage door closes) then arms away. All in one area.


I just need to confirm for API stuff.  


There is no Area parameter in the keypad api URI so I just want to confirm that you can have multiple keypads attached to a single ELK area.  I am assuming looking at the API your can only have one per area.  

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Nope. I have 3 keypads in my one area.


I've not tried integrating direct support for keypad buttons though. Not sure that's even supported thru the API, though it is supported in ISY programs.

OK.  how about this.  If I have 8 active areas.  Can I have more then 8 active keypads?  According to the api, I can only have 8 keypads.  So I guess you can not.  

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That, I don't know. I've only ever looks at single area setups. And it's pretty common to have more than one keypad.


I do know that a single keypad can drive multiple areas. Think multi-tenant office. Enter the from door, single keypad. Disarm with your code it disarms the common areas and ONLY your suite within. The other areas (suites) remain armed.

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Looks good! Do you have the ability to suppress areas not in use (most residential installs will only use the first). If only one area is enabled, you could safely suppress the button to select area and simplify the screen.

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Looks good! Do you have the ability to suppress areas not in use (most residential installs will only use the first). If only one area is enabled, you could safely suppress the button to select area and simplify the screen.

Not at the moment, but that is good to know.  I'll add that today.  

There does not seem to be anything in the data to show if an area is not in use other then the object being empty and has the default name of Area #. If I can assume that these are unused I can easily enough ignore them.  


Can the same be said for Fkeys?  When an Fkey action is defined, is it always given a name?

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Not at the moment, but that is good to know. I'll add that today.

There does not seem to be anything in the data to show if an area is not in use other then the object being empty and has the default name of Area #. If I can assume that these are unused I can easily enough ignore them.


Can the same be said for Fkeys? When an Fkey action is defined, is it always given a name?

I think you may have to have a config UI to allow the user to enable or disable individual areas and F keys. There wouldn't be a way to reliably do it from the API.


Then, if the user has enabled only one area, the UI change takes effect.


You shouldn't allow the user to not enable any area though - but disabling all F keys should be allowed (I would guess that not everybody uses them). F keys should be able to be enabled/disabled per keypad as well...

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  • 1 month later...

Elk integration is released.  


Currently it supports Areas, zones and keypads.  

Arming and disarming in al modes

Bypassing of all or individual zones

Status coloring to match ELK M1 console colors ( i hope)


I think the interface is very easy to use and should be mostly self explanatory.  I will add outputs in the near future.  I have requests for alerts, but this is kind of an up in the air issue as alerts can only happen while the app is running.  Need to work more on push notifications before this will be more of a useful feature imho.  

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Just installed your app and it appears you are continuing to develop things and all.  I am probably going to proceed with the full purchase as I am impressed with the features and your continued development.




1) Will you be adding control of Elk outputs?  Certainly I could make workarounds via ISY programs or F keys, but direct control of outputs would pretty much make it a full functioning Elk product and really make me like it a lot more.


2) Also, it seems as though it says "violated" when any zone is violated, even non-alarm zones.  I have a number of zones that do things not related to security but don't want it to say "violated" on the security screen when only those zones are violated.


3) Is there any limit to the number of devices I can install on ($99 version) provided they are all members of my google play account.  I am considering mounting a few tablets and using your app on them.  That plus my phone/wife/kids could be as many as 10 devices.


4) Finally, I haven't installed yet on a tablet, but are there any issues with that?  Screen configuration or other?  If so, are you planning a tablet version.  Certainly on a tablets extra screen space you could configure it with Elk and light control pannels showing at the same time or other multi-view displays coinciding with each other.




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Just installed your app and it appears you are continuing to develop things and all.  I am probably going to proceed with the full purchase as I am impressed with the features and your continued development.




1) Will you be adding control of Elk outputs?  Certainly I could make workarounds via ISY programs or F keys, but direct control of outputs would pretty much make it a full functioning Elk product and really make me like it a lot more.


2) Also, it seems as though it says "violated" when any zone is violated, even non-alarm zones.  I have a number of zones that do things not related to security but don't want it to say "violated" on the security screen when only those zones are violated.


3) Is there any limit to the number of devices I can install on ($99 version) provided they are all members of my google play account.  I am considering mounting a few tablets and using your app on them.  That plus my phone/wife/kids could be as many as 10 devices.


4) Finally, I haven't installed yet on a tablet, but are there any issues with that?  Screen configuration or other?  If so, are you planning a tablet version.  Certainly on a tablets extra screen space you could configure it with Elk and light control pannels showing at the same time or other multi-view displays coinciding with each other.





All very valid questions:


1) Yes, outputs are on the development table.  in the next couple weeks i would have to say.

2) this issue has been fixed with this mornings update.

3) There are no limitations on number of devices.  Currently there is not family option available for in app purchases, so I would either suggest having a central login account that can be on every device or contact me personally and I will work out an option for you.

4) tablets/landscape views are planned, but the ELK project took  a while and I was very limited with time this fall.  It will happen next year.. I can not give a time though.

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1) I've been working with James on outputs and I believe they will be added by years-end.


2) James has removed several Zone inputs that don't deal with violence and he is distinguishing between actual Zone violations and Zone information.


3), James has been real good in dealing with this and while there isn't a "best" solution he handles this well.


4), This hasn't been addressed yet but James has stated it will be optimized for tablets.



Gary Funk (Joke removed at the request of one user)

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I'm also getting a long delay between turning lights on and having it happen, about 5 seconds.  I'm logged into my home wifi on the same LAN as the ISY.  Is the delay to be expected or is something going on here?


EDIT:  OK, after having like the last 10 times of turning lights on and and off and having the delay, then writing the above.. .  I just turned lights on and and off and had instant response.  ???

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