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SmartHome Deals on 2411T & R >>$30


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The base USPS shipping from Smarthome starts at $30.XX. This is why I always try to bundle or find another sales route because the shipping prices are out of line.


I suppose it could be worse in the fact they don't ship to the 51st State!

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You're Puerto Rican?


I apologize for this not being a 1000 word rant but I have a wife.


Best regards,

Gary Funk


Why would it matter if I was Puerto Rican vs other? What does that have to do with inflated shipping rates?!?!


I apologize this will be a 1000 word rant because I have a cat, dog, rooster. 

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I'm confuzzled.  Are rants supposed to be GREATER than 1000 words, now?  Or are they only permitted if they're LESS than 1000 words?  And does it make a difference if I try to use really small words - am I allowed more words in my rant?  And I have dogs, and a wife -- does that mean  I'm further limited in my ranting?


I'm sooo confused... :(

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I'm confuzzled.  Are rants supposed to be GREATER than 1000 words, now?  Or are they only permitted if they're LESS than 1000 words?  And does it make a difference if I try to use really small words - am I allowed more words in my rant?  And I have dogs, and a wife -- does that mean  I'm further limited in my ranting?


I'm sooo confused... :(

You only used 61 words in that rant so you have a few left.


...but don't try to cheat by using contractions again...some are watching closely. :-o

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I'm confuzzled.  Are rants supposed to be GREATER than 1000 words, now?  Or are they only permitted if they're LESS than 1000 words?  And does it make a difference if I try to use really small words - am I allowed more words in my rant?  And I have dogs, and a wife -- does that mean  I'm further limited in my ranting?


Select one or more:


A. >

B. >=

C. =

D. <=

E. <

F. <>

G. none of the above

H. all of the above

I. A and B, but not C

J. D and E, but not F

K. some, but not others

L. the correct choice is not listed

M. the correct choice is listed, but incomplete

N. I have no idea

O. I have an idea

P. A fun letter that can be soup

Q. Only a quack would think of this

R. restrain, relax, recuperate--really

S. that's me

T. a drink

U. not me

V. half a W

W. twice a V

X. V reflected on a horizontal axis.

Y. why not?

Z. the lazt choize

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Why would it matter if I was Puerto Rican vs other? What does that have to do with inflated shipping rates?!?!


I apologize this will be a 1000 word rant because I have a cat, dog, rooster.

The 51st state is.... Wait for it.....



Puerto Rico


Best regards,

Gary Funk

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It was a CANADIAN joke, ya hosers! ;)


BTW, I used to live on the border with our friends from the south. So I've been aboot Canadians and have some clue as to what they joke about, eh?


Back before all that border security, I could hop in my car and through the tunnel, arrive in Windsor, Ontario in about 5 minutes...


(Trivia: Detroit/Windsor is the only place in the continental U.S. where Canada is SOUTH.)

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It was a CANADIAN joke, ya hosers! ;)


BTW, I used to live on the border with our friends from the south. So I've been aboot Canadians and have some clue as to what they joke about, eh?


Back before all that border security, I could hop in my car and through the tunnel, arrive in Windsor, Ontario in about 5 minutes...


(Trivia: Detroit/Windsor is the only place in the continental U.S. where Canada is SOUTH.)

That's correct; it was a joke that Teken missed by a Louisville mile.


Best regards,

Gary Funk

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It was a CANADIAN joke, ya hosers! ;)


BTW, I used to live on the border with our friends from the south. So I've been aboot Canadians and have some clue as to what they joke about, eh?


Back before all that border security, I could hop in my car and through the tunnel, arrive in Windsor, Ontario in about 5 minutes...


(Trivia: Detroit/Windsor is the only place in the continental U.S. where Canada is SOUTH.)

Wow! You have so much freedom of choice in the USA.

Select one or more:


A. >

B. >=

C. =

D. <=

E. <

F. <>

G. none of the above

H. all of the above

I. A and B, but not C

J. D and E, but not F

K. some, but not others

L. the correct choice is not listed

M. the correct choice is listed, but incomplete

N. I have no idea

O. I have an idea

P. A fun letter that can be soup

Q. Only a quack would think of this

R. restrain, relax, recuperate--really

S. that's me

T. a drink

U. not me

V. half a W

W. twice a V

X. V reflected on a horizontal axis.

Y. why not?

Z. the lazt choize

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I'm confuzzled.  Are rants supposed to be GREATER than 1000 words, now?  Or are they only permitted if they're LESS than 1000 words?  And does it make a difference if I try to use really small words - am I allowed more words in my rant?  And I have dogs, and a wife -- does that mean  I'm further limited in my ranting?


I'm sooo confused... :(



You only used 61 words in that rant so you have a few left.


...but don't try to cheat by using contractions again...some are watching closely. :-o



Select one or more:


A. >

B. >=

C. =

D. <=

E. <

F. <>

G. none of the above

H. all of the above

I. A and B, but not C

J. D and E, but not F

K. some, but not others

L. the correct choice is not listed

M. the correct choice is listed, but incomplete

N. I have no idea

O. I have an idea

P. A fun letter that can be soup

Q. Only a quack would think of this

R. restrain, relax, recuperate--really

S. that's me

T. a drink

U. not me

V. half a W

W. twice a V

X. V reflected on a horizontal axis.

Y. why not?

Z. the lazt choize



It was a CANADIAN joke, ya hosers! ;)


BTW, I used to live on the border with our friends from the south. So I've been aboot Canadians and have some clue as to what they joke about, eh?


Back before all that border security, I could hop in my car and through the tunnel, arrive in Windsor, Ontario in about 5 minutes...


(Trivia: Detroit/Windsor is the only place in the continental U.S. where Canada is SOUTH.)


LOL, you guys . . .


I apologize this will be a 1000 word rant because I have a cat, dog, rooster, turtle, harem of 20, and Brewster beaver. 

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Did you know the US only have 26 letters in their alphabet?


That's 26 CAPITAL letters and the same number of lower case letters which equal the number of weeks in a year (even in Canada and also Puerto Rico). It's not coincidental that a deck of playing card has four suits (seasons), 13 cards in a suit (lunar months) and 52 cards (oops, off off topic).

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We have noticed everytime Canada gets a new territory that the US seems to gain another state.


I think we have some 'Keeping up with the Jones' here.


If I tell you Canada has an additional letter, 'eh' are you guys gonna' add 'huh' as a letter too?


Aren't you guys using metric time yet? We've been using that for a couple of MegaSecs. now.

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In Brooklyn (former residence) we use both, as in, "eh ball huh." which translates to, "I have a clear shot, pass me the basketball." We've also removed "r" from most woids, but we use the left overs in like "erl," the stuff that goes in engines.

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