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KPL button as a responder in a scene?


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I have a KPL with a simple two-button control of complementary scenes:


Button B: Living Room Bright

Button D: Living Room Dim


The buttons are in a mutually exclusive group and when controlled from the KPL work just fine. Each button sets the scene, its LED illuminates and the LED for the other button goes off. Sicne the buttons are configured as toggles, pressing the illuminated button causes everything in the scene to go off. This is all great.


However, when a program or other controller (e.g. Tabletop unit) are used to swith scenes, both KPL LEDs remain on. I want the KPL to accurately show which scene is active.


I've tried making the KPL buttons responders in the opposite scene (i.e. Button B in the 'dim' scene) so that I could make the state of that button OFF in response to the scene. However, I can find no way in the ISY admin console to edit the desired state of the KPL button as a responder. The buttons are listed as members of the scene in the tree list, but not in the main window area where attributes of each scene member are edited.


What am I missing? Is there any way of doing this without a program for each scene that executes just to clean up the state of LEDs on KPLs?


Thanks much!

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Which has worked pretty well for me, FTR. I had previously tried to decide whether to put KPL control buttons into links with devices that MIGHT operate independently or not. Programs do it nicely: every time a potentially-link-able device (in some way associated with a relevant scene to a KPL button) goes off, I run an ISY program to decide whether to turn the KPL button on or off.


Example: three lights in the master bath; one KPL button near the master bedroom door for "bath lights".

If I link the KPL button as a controller, all turn off or on when I push it. Cool. That's fine.

But if I make one of the three a controller, then turn that one off, the KPL button is OFF even though there might be two lights on.


Solution: ISY programs that run when ANY of them are turned off to set the KPL button to ON if any of them are NOT OFF.

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Really a dumb question from a long timer---but. I never have synched my KPL buttons for say an all off. How do you have a KPL button be a responder? And can all the buttons (8) be responders? Thanks



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All the buttons be responders? to the same thing? Yeah, I guess so... but I don't see why. They can also all be controllers and/or responders to individual stuff.


In short, they each act the same as any single / load on/off switch.


The things I like them best for:

- Control / status of remote things or groups: like all my outside lights are always the "D" or "H" on every KPL; or my espresso machine - "C" button on both the Kitchen KPLs and in the master bedroom (and turns on automatically in the early AM).

- Scene stuff: set a bunch of lights off and dim one for movie time.

- Off group: turn off everything downstairs - but check first to see if there's someone in the office or in the guest room.



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In order to make it work, you simply create a scene with whatever Keypad buttons you want to "control" (no controller in the scene, just the buttons as reponders) then turn the scene on or off from programs to turn the led for the button on or off.




Really a dumb question from a long timer---but. I never have synched my KPL buttons for say an all off. How do you have a KPL button be a responder? And can all the buttons (8) be responders? Thanks



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