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Sonos users rejoice!


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I think that's really great news for those using Sonos speakers but have to wonder if they still intend to develop their own voice system? It seems they have changed directions and went the easy route instead.


This in a round about way also reduces the need for creating network resources in the ISY Series Controller unless they wish the Insteon hardware to invoke the very same.


Good news all the way around though . . .

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A couple of problems with their plan to do their own version of Echo:


  • Not all of their hardware have built in microphones
  • The hardware that does have built in microphones are only near-field, not far-field, which are not suitable for voice recognition

I imagine it'd take a tremendous investment from Sonos and their customers (having to buy all new hardware) to compete with Echo, and with the recent layoffs, I can't imagine they have the capital to do so.

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A couple of problems with their plan to do their own version of Echo:


  • Not all of their hardware have built in microphones
  • The hardware that does have built in microphones are only near-field, not far-field, which are not suitable for voice recognition

I imagine it'd take a tremendous investment from Sonos and their customers (having to buy all new hardware) to compete with Echo, and with the recent layoffs, I can't imagine they have the capital to do so.


I truly believe unification and global market support for Alexa will usher in more *Practical* and useful interaction and services. The key sticking point is the fact the system can not invoke a automatic response to outside stimuli. We all know it can be done its simply not done because its clear to me some of the people at the top are the very same people who fancy sub par products and services.


I believe when Google finally enters the market with their voice product (IF) they have any common sense and actually use the brain power of all the geniuses that they have under their roof. Something as simple as mail, schedules, appointments, reminders, etc.


Will be the first stepping stone of voice wars . . .


Meaning the first person that offers two way, reactive, and relevant data and interaction will be the clear winner. Right now there isn't a product that can read off your mail to you that comes in a Amazon Echo, Tap, Dot form. I can only imagine the day when Alexa will *Automagically* call out to me:


*Teken, there is a fast approaching storm* based on NOAA - S.A.M.E weather reporting.


*Teken, you have two appointments today at XX time, with XX person / location*


*Teken, currently your energy consumption is below 5 KWH when compared to the same time yesterday*


*Teken, while you were away the lowest temperature was 18'C & the highest was 21'C*


Right now lots of this voice interaction is purely a novelty and fun factor which doesn't offer real benefits to the average person besides look at me. Having said this a few services like Call my buddy have truly offered something that is useful and relevant in the world of man.


What I am looking for is lets get away from the pansy tell me my horoscope, who's man-bear-pig? You can order me a pizza, Uber, Taxi that's great and all.


But, how about what I listed up above?!?!


Lastly, I am unsure what the massive wait is for Amazon to start selling the hardware world wide?!?! I can't understand how the people who run this company that are literally sitting on a gold mine. Doesn't think its a good thing to start selling the hardware to people outside of the USA?!?!


The revenue generated from just the sales of Echo, Dot, Tap would fund dozens of new projects and other hardware advancements for Alexa. This short sighted sales channel could even finance that lunatics space race!

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Since most of us in the HA world here are Canadian, it would only make sense. :)


"Teken, you are at the 990 word limit, set by yourself!" :)


Yeah, I had barked about that in another thread, why there isn't a simple notification system in place for real world things. How about:


"Teken, I hear you talking. You have events on your calendar today. Do you want to hear them now?"


"OK, I'll ask again in four hours"




"Teken. The webpage you are monitoring at Cruises'r'Us has changed. Do you want to hear the price changes?"

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Right now lots of this voice interaction is purely a novelty and fun factor which doesn't offer real benefits to the average person besides look at me. Having said this a few services like Call my buddy have truly offered something that is useful and relevant in the world of man.


For me, right now, the primary benefit is consolidating controls of multiple devices into one interface. Instead of having to pull my phone out and open multiple apps for multiple devices, Echo combines them all into one, voice-controlled, interface. That by itself is a huge benefit for me.

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For me, right now, the primary benefit is consolidating controls of multiple devices into one interface. Instead of having to pull my phone out and open multiple apps for multiple devices, Echo combines them all into one, voice-controlled, interface. That by itself is a huge benefit for me.


i agree completely -- consolidation is clearly being forced by the Echo.  The fragmentation of the Home Automation marketplace has been a huge problem for everyone, and I'm really surprised that it's Amazon, and the Echo, that has proved to be such a catalyst to at least some form of high-level consolidation.  And I'd have preferred that it didn't happen in the "cloud".  But it's better than nothing.


The fog in my crystal ball is clearing slightly -- the shadows imply that we'll see a consolidation for the smaller players, most likely in the form of a standard API layer that would sit between services like Amazon's Echo and the proprietary device/service.  While the vendors would do this to reduce the cost of implementing, testing, and certifying with Amazon each time they make a change or introduce a device, we might benefit from such a (hypothetical) API if we could coerce the ISY or a node server into integrating with that (hypothetical) API.  Of course, that would imply cooperation... and now the fog has filled my crystal ball completely again.  Sigh.

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Since most of us in the HA world here are Canadian, it would only make sense. :)


"Teken, you are at the 990 word limit, set by yourself!" :)


Yeah, I had barked about that in another thread, why there isn't a simple notification system in place for real world things. How about:


"Teken, I hear you talking. You have events on your calendar today. Do you want to hear them now?"


"OK, I'll ask again in four hours"




"Teken. The webpage you are monitoring at Cruises'r'Us has changed. Do you want to hear the price changes?"


LOL, I was only at 893 thank you!


Your example of the *I hear you talking* is a nice step and could be used in a multi prong solution that meets user specific needs. What I envision is the combination of the following in no specific order just for discussion purposes.


1. You ask Alexa the standard way using the wake up phrase(s). This would be the default setting so not to confuse the beginner.


2. Like the alarm clock you can have Alexa at pre scheduled (Calendar & Time) tell you what ever you need to know. The *Reminder List* it has now is the perfect example it simply doesn't automatically tell you anything unless invoked. 


3. Advanced: This is where you will have the ability to define what, when, where, and how it speaks to you. My example was say the weather based on NOAA / S.A.M.E data. You walk in to the room and if you invoke the wake up word she will immediately tell you the current weather and any hazards etc. If you tie this to a motion sensor there is no need to say anything she will just automagically tell you the items of interests from a rolling lists you define.


Say on the week ends you don't need to know the weather like any kind of schedule / calendar it could be filtered and defined. Of interest to me is the having the ability to interact with Alexa where she tells me what the current energy readings are in the home.


Based on her feed back I can tell her to invoke and enable power saving measures etc.


I already do this mostly automated but this is something via voice that I must be active in doing it. I never know what energy level the home is until I view it on one of many mounted tablets, terminals, smartphone, PC's. Knowing this is going to be a long journey I am still hopeful because Amazon has pushed the whole voice interaction to a whole new (basic) level.


Which in time - perhaps it will become the cornerstone of daily life. 

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