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Smarthome "Sale" for Labor Day on Echo (not really)


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I was super excited to check out Smarthome.com this weekend since they always do promotions around the holidays.  This weekend, it's 23% off for labor day.  So the first thing I searched for was the Echo because I remember a week ago they had it listed as $180 (the same price on Amazon).  I was excited to possibly be getting a good deal and maybe finally purchase one, until I see this:




They jacked the price up to $225.52 (52 cents, really?!)  This brings their "sale" price to $173, hardly a bargain.  Anyone else experience SmartHome jerking them around???

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Unfortunately, Now I'm afraid to buy anything during their sales because I can't remember sometimes what they were listed at before.  In general, I've not really seen them do this with their merch...maybe because it's an Amazon product and they essentially are not in control of the profit margins, they're just reselling it, they don't want to get screwed during a sale, but idk.


I avoid BB like the plague!  I usually try to buy refurb from SmartHome during these sales or used off Amazon!

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Personally I think it is deceptive to raise your prices almost equal to the percentage off.  That is why I cannot see ordering anything from Smarthome.  Usually Amazon has better deals. 


I probably received a few emails a day since Thursday or Friday about this sale.  It gives them an image of being desperate.  I also see that they dropped a lot of products.  I guess they cant compete on price and their customer service is HORRID!

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If it's a device  want/need and the price is lower than anywhere else, I'll buy it. I don't care if it's 30% off, 3% off or even 0.3% off. The bottom line is what matters.

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Personally I think it is deceptive to raise your prices almost equal to the percentage off.  That is why I cannot see ordering anything from Smarthome.  Usually Amazon has better deals. 


I probably received a few emails a day since Thursday or Friday about this sale.  It gives them an image of being desperate.  I also see that they dropped a lot of products.  I guess they cant compete on price and their customer service is HORRID!


I've commented on this before in several threads already in this site. I am not sure who is in charge of the promotional sales (pricing) at this company but they need to reevaluate that persons standing.


In many places its highly illegal to offer a so called sale while in reality they have increased the base price. Lots of people have chimed in saying its done all the time vs others saying *Its their business they can do what ever they like*.


True . . .


But unlike years past there wasn't the Internet and massive on line presence of various forums and customer feedback. I'm not sure why there are still so many companies that believe they can get away with price fixing. In the ideal world a business would price their wares / services where a decent profit margin could be had.


In the world we all live in today it seems there is no rhyme or reason for prices.


Its like when I receive the weekly flyer for Canadian Tire where they will have the same exact 60 piece tool set for 20-30-55% off the so called regular price. Only a moron would pay full retail pricing on something that routinely goes for less five days later. This is like any of the Insteon products that are currently being sold for hundreds of percentages over actual component costs.


I don't begrudge any company being able to make a decent profit and living on their wares / services. But companies like Smarthome really need to start to smell the virtual coffee and plant their feet on the ground. Over the years prices have actually gone up and not down on various products at Smarthome.


Given the steady increase and adoption of Home Automation it appears to me they believe its acceptable. Only time will tell if consumer feels the very same way as the last 16 months have shown massive one time sales events. While other times its like someone said * I need another VW on my drive way so lets jack up the prices this week*?!?!


I will really never understand the whole mentality of pricing something unreasonable and then in the same breath offer it on sale several times a year. When its crystal clear they continue to rake in massive profit on items that costs mere dollars per unit.


What I find incredibly shocking in all these years not a single Chinese company has ever tried to copy and sell the very same hardware. I have to gather the hardware isn't the problem so much as being able to reverse engineer the firmware where the product will operate like the real thing.


Then again if the Chinese can copy a stealth plane, rocket, satellite, phones, cars, name your poison. I have to gather its because they don't see a profit in it as its clear the HA topology wars is over 7 years ago.  

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Some SH devices have been discounted. Others not so. Caveat emptor: the buyer alone is responsible for checking before a purchase is made.


I maintain my position, a good deal is a good deal. I'll buy an item at $10 even if the seller is making $5 rather that from a seller who's making only $2, but charging $11. (identical item)


I do take issue that SH has an inflated retail price for the Amazon Echo.

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I have seen them adjust the list price on a refurbished LampLinc up by $10.00 then sell it for $15 off. That price.

While a brand new one with a 2 year warranty was  $5 more than the refurbished LampLinc reduced price. Meaning saving $5 got me a 30 day warranty over a 2 year one.

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well, despite the inflation, I did the math, took the bait, and bought a kit anyway!  I found one of their kits that was NOT excluded SKU from the discount and I got the Echo with the Hub (SKU 13759H), which was $264 ($203 after sale).  I'm hoping to sell the hub for $70 on amazon since obviously I own the superior ISY.  That would bring the damage back down to $133 for a new Echo, which is still a deal in my book.  Even if I get $50 the hub (more realistic), I'd be getting the Echo for $153...eh, not too bad.


Anyone want a HUB??? Great deal!  8)

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Some SH devices have been discounted. Others not so. Caveat emptor: the buyer alone is responsible for checking before a purchase is made.


I maintain my position, a good deal is a good deal. I'll buy an item at $10 even if the seller is making $5 rather that from a seller who's making only $2, but charging $11. (identical item)


I do take issue that SH has an inflated retail price for the Amazon Echo.


While I agree the consumer needs to do their own part in comparative shopping considering its so easy with the Interwebs. This doesn't address the companies (SH) handling of inflated pricing before sales promotions are listed.



I have seen them adjust the list price on a refurbished LampLinc up by $10.00 then sell it for $15 off. That price.

While a brand new one with a 2 year warranty was  $5 more than the refurbished LampLinc reduced price. Meaning saving $5 got me a 30 day warranty over a 2 year one.


My view is unless that $5.XX means that much to a person. For me it would never sway me to purchase an item with only 30 days worth of hardware warranty given the fact its clear to me there isn't much QA on the returned product(s). I've seen a few people receive defective items where the unit didn't respond to linking, bad LED, to devices pulsing on-off.


Most people know I have no problem throwing Apple under the bus when needed. But I can tell you they have one of the very best refurbished programs out there for the hardware they sell. Every device gets a new outer shell unless its pristine and every device receives a brand new battery along with a full 12 month warranty.


Any accessories like ear phones, manuals, etc are included. 


None of this happens at Smarthome - my understanding is unless a product is obviously damaged on the outside the returned product is simply placed into large bins labeled returns. Then when ever someone sees the bin is at a certain level they start to list off the items for refurbish sales.


Based on this how can anyone have faith on a product that has a 30 day hardware warranty?!?! If the item was only $15-20.XX at that price point I would consider it a calculated risk and know going in its a 50-50 chance of win / lose.


Unfortunately none of the refurbished items are priced in the $15-20.XX price point! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anybody else seen any movement on orders placed during this sale?


SH 4-7 day shipping turns out to be AFTER they actually ship it.

What did I expect? It would actually be significant and meaningful?


Ordered Sept 2,

Nothing processed yet, Sept 15.

sorry charlie, I got my order last week.  What did you order?

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Anybody else seen any movement on orders placed during this sale?


SH 4-7 day shipping turns out to be AFTER they actually ship it.

What did I expect? It would actually be significant and meaningful?


Ordered Sept 2,

Nothing processed yet, Sept 15.


I'm betting they noticed you're in Canada, and they're stuck trying to find a carrier that delivers by dog-sled.

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I'm betting they noticed you're in Canada, and they're stuck trying to find a carrier that delivers by dog-sled.

Dog-sled? I thoughy that was what Americans called "drop-shipping"....Fido...DROP IT!


Geeezzzz! ...and I put out some biscuits too. :)


It isn't stuck in the Customs igloo either. Hasn't been processed yet.



Ordered an Insteon Insteon to iR converter that was on sale,  OnOff modules, SwitchLinc, and MS. All the special production stuff.

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:mrgreen:   I left Ontario to attend college in the US -- a bunch of us had one of our new friends (from down south) convinced that when we went home for Christmas break, we would park at the border and rent a dog-sled for the rest of the trip...


But the truth be told, as one of my roommates put it, there was no good way to distinguish the Canadians from the Americans at school, except to note that fact to a Canadian and observe the reaction.

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:mrgreen:   I left Ontario to attend college in the US -- a bunch of us had one of our new friends (from down south) convinced that when we went home for Christmas break, we would park at the border and rent a dog-sled for the rest of the trip...


But the truth be told, as one of my roommates put it, there was no good way to distinguish the Canadians from the Americans at school, except to note that fact to a Canadian and observe the reaction.

My son had some University students visiting from Australia that hung around our house for a few months. Never having seen squirrels we took them to the park and showed them some. Being from Oz, they always had some good BS  tales to tell me and we bantered back and forth a lot, but they were too smart mostly, until (not 'till')  I finally convinced them we enjoyed chocolate covered squirrel bits as a confectionary. :)

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It should be noted that since the pending Canada Post strike was resolved there was a *Blue Flu* going on. So if your item is entering Hongcouver it has been delayed up to two extra weeks.


How do I know this you may ask??


Because my dear friend BBB from Arizona sent me some items and it was pending and not cleared through customs for 2.5 weeks. The Canada Post agent stated all of the above in a more PC manner.


Regardless the posties got their raises and what not so its a matter of pushing the mail and parcels forward.

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