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New admin dashboard - how to edit programs and states?


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I just upgraded the firmware for my ISY and downloaded the new dashboard (4.5.1 for both). The reason that I did this was because my phone could talk to the ISY using Mobilinc, but my husband's couldn't, even though they were set up exactly the same. My programs have stopped working, and although I can see the programs, embarrassingly, I cannot figure out how to view them, or how to view states or variables. I didn't have this problem with the previous version of the dashboard. 


I must be missing something obvious. Can someone point me to documentation? Or give me an idea of how to get started?






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  • 2 months later...

I've always used the administrative console.  What is the dashboard for?  It seems very limited in its capabilities compared to the console, even though the look is more "modern".


It was UDI's first pass at creating a new interface for the ISY Series Controller. Sadly, no further development has been seen in this are for quite sometime. If you didn't notice there is also the HAD interface which offers another alternate view and also enables a person to create custom display(s).


This was created by Beniot one of the UDI support staff who also happens to be the lead developer in the Amazon Echo integration to the ISY Portal.


More information about the HAD interface can be found in the Wiki.

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I've always used the administrative console. What is the dashboard for? It seems very limited in its capabilities compared to the console, even though the look is more "modern".

The dashboard is the only way to set client and server TLS settings, and manage certificates to secure communication to and from the ISY.
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