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Why doesnt this evaluate the way I think it should


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I monitor house voltage from a variable received from my Brultech GEM

There is a bug in the GEM (reported by several users) where it sends a wrong value ( in my case 2.33 Volts)

I have attempted to change my low voltage program to ignore if the value is 2.33 Volts and since the ISY programs use integers, ignore 1 volt to 4 volts

I still get a 2.33 Volt message when the bug occurs, shouldn't this logic eliminate it ??


Voltage_Low - [iD 0002][Parent 0001]
        $Brultech_Voltage < 100
    And (
             $Brultech_Voltage < 1
          Or $Brultech_Voltage > 4
        Send Notification to 'Voltage Below 100 Volts'
        Wait  1 minute
        Disable Program 'Voltage_Low'
        Wait  10 minutes
        Enable Program 'Voltage_Low'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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Based on this feedback I have discovered it's not that program causing the issue

the message I received in the message I am receiving is not the message the program is supposed to send

I am getting a "Variable Changed" message, not the text I have set up in alerts

the log file does not seem to show the message sent at the time in the mail

am I missing something ??


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Doesn't disabling a program also stop it if it is running?

Since you are using a program to disable itself, how does it ever get going again?

I don't *think* so. There is a stop program as well...


Disabled programs can still be run manually, and run from other programs. I don't see why they would stop just because triggering was disabled.

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I don't *think* so. There is a stop program as well...


Disabled programs can still be run manually, and run from other programs. I don't see why they would stop just because triggering was disabled.


I just created test programs.   I put a wait in the first program.   The second program disabled the first.   When I ran Program2, it disabled Program1 which also stopped.


Confirmed by Michel here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/5467-stop-and-disable-for-programs-folder-enableddisable/?p=43022

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I just created test programs. I put a wait in the first program. The second program disabled the first. When I ran Program2, it disabled Program1 which also stopped.


Confirmed by Michel here: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/5467-stop-and-disable-for-programs-folder-enableddisable/?p=43022

Waits will get interrupted, as will loops. A program with just a set of steps (no waits or repeats) will execute 'atomically' - once triggered it will always complete.


So, your test (having a wait) will terminate when the triggering condition changes. Since disabling a program is essentially just turning off triggering, this would terminate.


If you have a program with no waits or repeats, it will complete even if disabled mid execution. I think...


Try one program...


1) Turn light on

2) disable this program

3) Turn light off


Does the light turn off? I would expect it would...

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So, every single time the variable gets written, even if it dosnt change, will cancel the running of 'Then' (at the current wait) and reevaluate 'If'. So, the 'Then' may be cancelling before the disable is reached - if your GEM is sending more often that the initial delay (it probably is).


You may need to seperate to two seperate programs for this to work.

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Example for two programs...



Voltage_Low - [ID 0002][Parent 0001]
        $Brultech_Voltage < 100
    And (
             $Brultech_Voltage < 1
          Or $Brultech_Voltage > 4
        Run Program 'Voltage_Low_Action' (Then Path) 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
Second (disable this program - thus preventing it from any auto-triggering. This will allow it to only be triggered from your main program):
Voltage_Low_Action - [ID 0003][Parent 0001]
        Send Notification to 'Voltage Below 100 Volts'
        Wait  1 minute
        Disable Program 'Voltage_Low'
        Wait  10 minutes
        Enable Program 'Voltage_Low'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

This will decouple the 'Wait's from the triggering events...



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can u elaborate please oh guru :-)

I have noted in the logs that at the time that the message triggers, the ISY is evaluating current draw from other circuits to determine if it should turn outlets or sirens off or on

are you saying have one program to evaluate and call another program if the "IF" statement is true ??

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Calling a disabled program does not enable it. It just runs it (based on the run branch selected - If, Then or Else). I do this a lot. Simply right-click the 'Action' program and select 'Disable'.


No - it's not a bug per-se. It's a symptom of ISY being fully event driven. Natural program flows often get broken in ways you might not expect when everything is driven by events.



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So, every single time the variable gets written, even if it dosnt change, will cancel the running of 'Then' (at the current wait) and reevaluate 'If'. So, the 'Then' may be cancelling before the disable is reached - if your GEM is sending more often that the initial delay (it probably is).


You may need to seperate to two seperate programs for this to work.


Small correction... writing the exact same value does not cause a retrigger...  only writing a different value. So, the value would have to change - but I suspect that's the case anyway coming from the GEM.


The other thing I note, on 4.5.2 writing 2.33 into a variable via the API causes a 404 error (and the integer does not get updated, program not triggered). What firmware are you running on ISY? I'm just not sure how you are getting a non-integer stored into the state value...   unless you are running the alpha ISY code and/or this is a zigbee GEM integration (rather than via a Dashbox).


Thanks to @larryllix for reminding me I'm not always correct!  :)

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