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Samsung - Not a good month for the company


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Michel has warned us before about foul language and even though some comes out of my mouth, at times, written posting allows time to think about proper usage of wording, making foul language really unnecessary and not wanted due, to children, and old fogies, occasionally reading the forum.


Previous complaints were launched a year ago and foul filters were installed in the forum. I don't know what happened to that forum feature but we have to pick what the UDI team spent their time on....



Forum policing or ISY development.

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I intended to update this post a few days ago but wanted to see what relevant news would appear. As many would have guessed the Government has taken a proactive approach in banning the Note 7. I'm not sure how they will check all the baggage that comes through the airport considering only a small percentages ever gets checked?


The latest news also indicates Samsung will be taking on a even larger financial hit exceeding 5.XX billion dollars for this hardware failure.





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US government bans defunct Galaxy Note 7 from all flights citing fire threat

By Roger Fingas
Friday, October 14, 2016, 02:29 pm PT (05:29 pm ET)

On Friday several U.S. safety agencies banned the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 from flights, all but killing the usefulness of the smartphone for the few people willing to hold onto it in spite of fire risks.


The Department of Transportation issued an emergency order blocking the Note 7 from all flightsstarting at noon Eastern time on Saturday, even if a unit is completely shut down. This includes checked and carry-on baggage, as well as cargo flights. The ban is being supported by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. 

The Note 7 has been labelled a "forbidden hazardous material" under Federal Hazardous Material Regulations. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx issued a statement, saying that "even one fire incident inflight poses a high risk of severe personal injury and puts many lives at risk."

In practice, there are likely to be increasingly few Note 7s in the wild. Samsung halted production earlier this week, and even prior to that was telling people to stop using the phone. Owners are being offered refunds and exchanges, including monetary credit in the U.S. Widespread media reports have painted the device as inherently dangerous.

Dozens of Note 7s have in fact caught fire across the world, even after Samsung issued a recall and attempted to fix the problem. The company is expected to lose at least $5.3 billion in profits as a result.
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The Galaxy 7 brand is not tarnished. The S7 Edge is selling very well. I looked at buying the Pixel but for it's featute set compared with the S7 and S7 Edge, the Pixel is ridiculously overpriced.


Samsung will be back with the Note 8 and will recover.



Best regards,

Gary Funk

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Current reviews of the Google Pixel indicate its no where near the latest iPhone 6 / 7 hardware offered by Apple: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/20014-google-pixel-how-it-compares/


The current point of lets push faster processors, more memory, more cores etc is complete none sense. Its quite sad to see everyone abuse technology instead of staying true of making the most efficient lean and mean application / hardware. One only has to look at UDI and how they are able to offer so much with so very little in their controller.


Sadly, this kind of mindset has been truly lost on the current generation of programmers and hardware co's.

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So what is it we're discussing?


  The pixel doesn't compare because it lacks the number of cores that the iPhone or Galaxy has?  Or is it because the Galaxy and Iphone have an "XYZ" sensor and a "ABC" sensor and a "DEF" sensor and a "GHI" auto-whizzbang-cool-i-o gadget... :)


If that's what's important to YOU, then no problem -- whatever device gets YOU the things YOU want is the best for you!


I'm merely pointing out that there are those for whom the COST of the phone is the factor.  These are usually the same folks who wear Rolex watches, and drive Lexus automobiles.  For them, the logical alternative to the Samsung high-end is the Pixel.

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Not sure if the comment was addressed to me but my reply was to offer insight about how *Just because you have more cores, memory, faster processor* it doesn't always translates to a over all faster and better experience for the end user. Tight integration with the OS and hardware is paramount as it has always been.


This is the very same with the need to say *I have more mega pixels* than you. Mega pixels in itself does not offer better image or resolution if that was the case.


Why then would the Samsung and other smartphone camera's that compare to a iPhone fall so short? People only have to use some common sense when they look at any real camera. What possible need would there be to have a honking lens / aperture? The SR-71 Black Bird didn't use a 1/3" lens flying 60-80,000 miles per hour above the earth going Mach 2 plus with a tiny lens.

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The Pixel is not high-end. It just has an inflated price tag and goes against what Google has stated it wants its phones to be.


And now we get self-proclaimed experts telling us what will replace the Note 7. The fact is, there isn't a phone on the market that comes close to the Note 7.



Best regards,

Gary Funk

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Which expert would that be, Gary?  I see no mention of experts in the previous posts anywhere.


But y'all seem to be awfully upset about something -- what that is, I don't know, but it seems to have something to do with the mention of Google on a Samsung/Apple thread.  I'm so out-of-touch, I just don't understand that's a taboo subject on the board.


Carry on, folks.

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Which expert would that be, Gary? I see no mention of experts in the previous posts anywhere.


But y'all seem to be awfully upset about something -- what that is, I don't know, but it seems to have something to do with the mention of Google on a Samsung/Apple thread. I'm so out-of-touch, I just don't understand that's a taboo subject on the board.


Carry on, folks.

There are some on here who believe exchanging ideas and views which counter their very own is an affront to them personally.


Then there are those who insist upon stirring the pot for no good reason besides self gratification.


When called out 99% of the time they just crawl away. You better watch out mwester they might report your post because they aren't used to being put on blast!


Then again they might decide to gang up on you like it's a play ground.


It's quite comical really considering no one here is under 18.


Bottom line: If you have something to say - say it. If you have something to offer regarding a topic, do so. But for Gods sakes will some of you stop acting like your 12 and go crying to mommy at every turn when facts are presented.


Lastly, what is quite obvious to me is some of the members truly have nothing to offer in terms quality feedback. What is presented is random cryptic one liners, to a complete waste of bandwidth.


Heres a novel idea for the instigators use the ignore feature!


Game On . . .

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Which expert would that be, Gary? I see no mention of experts in the previous posts anywhere.


But y'all seem to be awfully upset about something -- what that is, I don't know, but it seems to have something to do with the mention of Google on a Samsung/Apple thread. I'm so out-of-touch, I just don't understand that's a taboo subject on the board.


Carry on, folks.

Read the posts on the Android amateur news sites.



Best regards,

Gary Funk

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I don't like what Samsung does to Android - *at all*. I'll stick with stock Nexus (now Pixel) devices thanks.


There are more known security vulnerabilities on Samsung devices that on IOS devices. And Nexus devices have run with the fewest known security flaws for several years now.

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I don't like what Samsung does to Android - *at all*. I'll stick with stock Nexus (now Pixel) devices thanks.


There are more known security vulnerabilities on Samsung devices that on IOS devices. And Nexus devices have run with the fewest known security flaws for several years now.

There are security flaws on every device. None are immune.



Best regards,

Gary Funk

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Yep. Didn't say any were immune. Only that there are more known vulnerabilities on IOS as compared to stock Android, and more again on Samsung devices. Last I checked, over 240 knows films on Samsung modified Android. About 220 on IOS (this was before 10) and 190 on stock Android.


Also, to be clear, a vulnerability is not necessarily exploitable. Many non-exploitable vulnerabilities languish for years, until someone discovers how to exploit it.

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