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3-way / 4-way / Multi-way Virtual Circuits


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Guest bjcatlin
When Creating "virtual multi-way" circuits, how many scenes are required to do this? I think it goes like this, correct me if I'm wrong:


If I have a 3-way (2 devices) I need 2 scenes; Each with one as a controller and the other as a responder:




Essentially, you need N scenes to create an N-Way circuit.




Scenes can have multiple controllers. All that you need to do is place all of the switches in one scene as controllers of that scene. So for an N-Way circuit, you just need one scene with N controllers. All of the switches will show the status of that scene (so if you turn a switchlink dimmer on to 75% brightness, all of the switchlink dimmers in that scene will show 75%).


Hope this helps,

B. J.

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So did I get this right? I'm assuming that this question is about linking and not programming. Do you need to link switches this way? I know this isn't Houselinc, but in HL you'd make sw1 a controller and sw2 a responder, and then turn around and do the same for the other direction, then set local ramps. I'm getting that in the case of ISY you need to make a scene for the two sw's, in the same case sw1 & sw2, throw them in a scene as both controllers? If you do that won't sw1 when pressed try and control a contoller? Who responds and how? I'd want sw2(non load) to run it's LED's up and down as a responder to sw1(load) press and vice versa.

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Yes aLF, this is about linking, and as un-intuitive as it is to have a scene with no responders, only controllers in it, that's how to make a virtual N-way circuit in ISY.


You just make a scene, then drop all of the related switches into it as CONTROLLERS, and your LED's will ramp up and down as you expect them to.

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1. Create your 3 way scene.

2. Control click all three devices under "My Lighting" and drop them on to the scene.

3. In the "Confirm Move" popup window set all three to controller then ok.

4. Click on the "Three Way Scene" set all the scene levels so they are what you want.

5. Click on each switch entry and click "Copy Scene Attributes From Three Way Scene" so all buttons do the same levels.


Your 3-way is ready and should look like this below.


Three Way Scene

_____ Switch 1

_____ Switch 2

_____ Switch 3

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