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Progrms not running after remove and re-add device

Steve Sullivan

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Ive noticed this for the past week or so and don't really know the best way to describe it as it seems to happen a few different ways. I'll try to keep some notes so I can document this better in the future. For now...


If I make a change to a device, say I remove it from ISY, then re-add it, then rename it to the original name. The original name usually still appears in programs. I notice these programs will not run until I actually go to them, hit the update button, and re-save them.


Wasn't sure if anyone has seen this as well.

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What I've experienced myself after removing a device is the name in the program changing to "not specified" (or something like that) This even happens when I 'replace' a device using the isy. It would be nice for the 'replace device' to also include the replacement of it in programs and not just scenes.

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Hi Steve,


The programs will not run if they have been tagged with an "unknown device". So,what you are experiencing is accurate. To make this process seamless, please use the Find function and re-save all those devices that you have removed and readded.


With kind regards,



Ive noticed this for the past week or so and don't really know the best way to describe it as it seems to happen a few different ways. I'll try to keep some notes so I can document this better in the future. For now...


If I make a change to a device, say I remove it from ISY, then re-add it, then rename it to the original name. The original name usually still appears in programs. I notice these programs will not run until I actually go to them, hit the update button, and re-save them.


Wasn't sure if anyone has seen this as well.

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  • 5 months later...

Would this be the proper way to replace an existing device with a new one? I searched the wiki and didn’t really find much on the Find/Replace option.


1. Link the new device to ISY.

2. If the device being replaced is in a scene(s) then add the new device to the scene(s).

3. If the device is in a program(s) then use Find/Replace in the Program Details tab to replace the listed device (the one being replaced) with the new device in the program(s).

4. Remove the old device from all scenes.

5. Remove the old device from the ISY.


If this is the correct method, is there anything I missed, or anything I should look for afterwards?

If it’s not the correct method or anyone has any comments or suggestions please respond.


Thank you,


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Hi Tim,


From a manual point of view, what you have done is correct.


An automated way would be:

1. Add a new device

2. Right mouse click on the old device and, in the Replace With menu, choose the new device

3. In your programs, do a search/replace function to replace all occurrences of the old one


If your programs do NOT work with the new device, please do make sure that you still get status updates from your device in the console. If not, then something is very wrong.


With kind regards,


Would this be the proper way to replace an existing device with a new one? I searched the wiki and didn’t really find much on the Find/Replace option.


1. Link the new device to ISY.

2. If the device being replaced is in a scene(s) then add the new device to the scene(s).

3. If the device is in a program(s) then use Find/Replace in the Program Details tab to replace the listed device (the one being replaced) with the new device in the program(s).

4. Remove the old device from all scenes.

5. Remove the old device from the ISY.


If this is the correct method, is there anything I missed, or anything I should look for afterwards?

If it’s not the correct method or anyone has any comments or suggestions please respond.


Thank you,


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Hi Michel,


I have had problems with the Find/Replace step in the past. I just realized why. When I have had to replace a device I would use the Replace function to replace the device. Then I would Remove the old device before I used the Find/Replace. At that point the device was listed as “unspecified device†in the programs and Find/Replace wouldn’t work at that point, for me anyway.


So in the future I should Link, Replace With (device), Find/Replace (programs)(then check for status updates from the device in the console), then Remove (device).


Do I have it right now?


Thanks again for your help.




An automated way would be:

1. Add a new device

2. Right mouse click on the old device and, in the Replace With menu, choose the new device

3. In your programs, do a search/replace function to replace all occurrences of the old one


If your programs do NOT work with the new device, please do make sure that you still get status updates from your device in the console. If not, then something is very wrong.


With kind regards,


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I think there is a slight bug here though, I had the same occurrence. I was having trouble with a motion detector (covered elsewhere.)


1. Eventually it got to the point where I decided to remove it. Removed from each scene in ISY then removed the device itself.

2. Added it back into ISY using the same name it had before, then added back into each scene.

3. At this point, all the programs using that motion still showed it -- none showed "Unspecified device." I thought, okay, ISY sees that it's the same device being added back in.

4. I noticed later, none of the programs actually ran -- despite the ISY showing plenty of activity from the motion. Eventually just for the heck of it I tried re-saving each program, and that did the trick!


So it may just be that the bug is not showing "Unspecified device" in all circumstances when perhaps it should.

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I have had this happen a couple of times also.


I think there is a slight bug here though, I had the same occurrence. I was having trouble with a motion detector (covered elsewhere.)


1. Eventually it got to the point where I decided to remove it. Removed from each scene in ISY then removed the device itself.

2. Added it back into ISY using the same name it had before, then added back into each scene.

3. At this point, all the programs using that motion still showed it -- none showed "Unspecified device." I thought, okay, ISY sees that it's the same device being added back in.

4. I noticed later, none of the programs actually ran -- despite the ISY showing plenty of activity from the motion. Eventually just for the heck of it I tried re-saving each program, and that did the trick!


So it may just be that the bug is not showing "Unspecified device" in all circumstances when perhaps it should.

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Hi Chris, got it. Thanks so very much.


It shall be added to our bug list.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel,


But that's our point -- in these cases it doesn't show "Unspecified Device". It still shows the correct device name although it's apparently no longer correctly linked to the program...



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