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EZIO failed or ISY???


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I have an ISY 994 and an EZIO-2x4 module (among other things).  The EZIO is used to monitor the garage door such that when open an alert light comes on in the family room and the garage lights come on.  When the garage door is closed, the alert light goes off immediately and the garage lights go out after 5 minutes.


The garage lights (on/off after 5min) are controlled by a program, while the alert light is directly controlled by the EZIO.


This all has been working for several years, but now it has failed.  In debugging the problem I find that the admin console does not update when the door opens/closes.  I'm not sure if it supposed to.  However, if I open the garage door and then cause a refresh of the EZIO from within the admin console, the program fires (turning on the garage lights) and the alert light comes on.  Likewise with closing the garage door: nothing happens until a do a refresh from within the UD Admin Console.


My guess is that the EZIO is not pushing out a state change message (my terminology), so it is likely the EZIO that is partially failed.


But I can also imagine a scenario where the 994 is failed.  Does anyone have any hints or thoughts on this?  BTW, I just updated the admin console and ISY to the latest version (4.5.4) but that had no obvious impact on the problem.

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From the Admin Console I performed a "Restore Modem (PLM)" operation and that seemed to have no effect on the problem.


I'm confused by Brian's response.  The PLM connected to the ISY is a 2413S, V2.1 with a date code of 1514.  But are you saying there is another PLM inside the EZIO?  And that one might be bad? 


My thought is to buy a new EZIO but is there a way to repair the one I have? 

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I opened the EZIO box and the base board is a Smarthome PowerLinc III Rev B.


I'd never noticed before but the back side of the module has a confusing set of product codes and version numbers.  Besides the Insteon address, there is one sticker that says "V1.1  0169", Another that says "2662PL 0715", and a third reading "2607Rev1.3 FIRM 52"


So far I've only taken the cover off, and pulled off the daughter card.  Later maybe I'll remove the base board to look under it. But the caps on that board do not show any obvious (to me) signs of distress.

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I think what Brian was saying is that the EZIO device uses the power supply board that is the same as the one that often fails after two years in the 2413 PLM. When it does this in the 2413, the link table in the 2413 is corrupted. When it happens in the EZIO device, it may stop sending status updates to the ISY.

Unfortunately Smarthome used this failure prone power supply board in many devices



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yes the Smartenit modules are built on a base Insteon PLM they purchase from Smartlabs. They add their custom daughter board in place of  the Serial or USB in a standard PLM.


The Smarthome PowerLinc III Rev B. Sounds like the one from the 2412 PLM. If it has a large power transformer it is definitely one from a 2412 PLM.


The 2412 type main board is NOT subject to the same capacitor failures found in the 2413 PLMs.

I know the Date Code format was different at times. How old is the device?


Firmware 52 sounds like an early 2412 PLM version.

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Yes it has a relatively large power transformer. It is several years old, and perhaps 2007ish is about right.


I just pulled off the module and sure enough, there is a label on one of the chips: 2412PLM 23 28Sep06.


So what does all this info buy me?  Can I be certain the EZIO is dead?  Or can it be repaired? 


Going down a slightly different path, are there alternative paths to having an insteon alert on an open garage door?  To replace the EZIO will be ~130 from Smarthome.  But I see an Insteon 74551 or a GarageHawk G07 for $80 and 70.  Are they adequate?  Will anything last forever?

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You may want to try {if fairly easy} moving the EZIO 2x4 closer to the ISY994i's PLM and see if you can restore it or manually short the Input you are using and see if it registers in the programs.


I have not seen anything on repairing the older 2412 PLM's or the base board.

The schematic in the Modem Developers Guide {was public access for awhile from Smarthome} shows three electrolytic capacitors.

C1 1000uF/25V, C5 100uF/6.3V and C8 470uF/50V

C1 and C8 are the two with long leads bent parallel to the PC Board probably held by glue.


The 74551 kit is a 2450 I/O Linc with a magnetic switch. A 30 foot and 10 foot piece of #22 wire. If your EZIO 2x4 is using a dry contact switch. You could just use a 2450 I/O Linc Sensor Input wired to the original switch the EZIO 2x4 was using. If you are also using one of its outputs. The I/O Linc has one relay output

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  • 2 months later...



In your post you question the viability of using something else to monitor your garage doors.  One of the products you mentioned is the GarageHawk G07..  Although it is a great device, it is not supported by the ISY994.  I thought you would like to know that...


But your comment made me wonder... What would it take to add support for the GarageHawk myself?  Can it be done?  Can I access it if I use an Insteon Hub as a proxy?


I do not want to derail your discussion but if support for the GarageHawk can be added, it may solve your issue too..


Any ideas? 

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