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Motion Sensor.. delay off


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I have several 2420 sensors and on one of them I would like to change the Off Timer.

I have moved the 4 jumper to disable the off command, but when I do if I turn the light off from a switch, it seems motion won't turn the light back on.

I have also tried a program with 4 jumper in disable off position so that when motion is on turn light on and wait 2 minutes and turn light off.

That also did not seem to work.

Any ideas on how to get these sensors to wait like 5 minutes before off.


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There is a memory location in the motion sensor that sets the time delay after the last motion to when the off is sent. Up to 255 30 second intervals. By my calculations that is 2 hours 7 minutes and 30 seconds. I don't know if anyones software can modify this at the present time. Also Smarthome's documentation is frequently flawed. So if this setting actually works is anyones guess.

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Yes I have the 2.6.13 and two motion sensors. In their boxes.


Until my v4.1 ApplianceLincs are going well. No more new Insteon Devices are going into my setup. :!:


I knew there was a peak poke memory location to set it. I just didn't know if it was implemented yet. Now I know it is. :)

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