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Lamp Ramp Rates Set to 9 min


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Over the last few days I've had sporadic communication problems with my switchlincs, lamplincs, outlet lincs. When viewing my individual modules, all the dimmer capable units are showing a ramp rate of 9 minutes. They were originally set at minimum ramp rate. I tried unplugging both the PLM and ISY994i, waiting one minute, plugging the PLM in, waiting another 10 seconds before plugging in the ISY. I thought this might reset the problem. No luck! The PLM, my second, is only about six months old so I'm assuming it hasn't failed. I'm am showing a green lite on the PLM and one blue lite on the ISY. Any help would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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The ramp rate of 9 minutes is for older Insteon devices. The current maximum rate is 8 minutes. Any rate set above that is equivalent to the minimum rate, so you shouldn't see a difference in response if 9 minutes is set. OTOH, the ramp rate shouldn't change itself, but I've seen that occasionally-usually after an upgrade.


The only solution I found is to reset the ramp rate.


The PLM green light and ISY blue light is normal and expected, so that's good B)

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Also to note, when the ISY is rebooted the ramp rate may show as 9 minutes for devices until the device has been successfully queried. This can be especially noted if 'query at startup' is not on.


Not sure if this is only with some versions or not, it's not something I've checked for in a while.


Coupled with a comm problem, or dying PLM I could see this as a symptom.

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My problems have now progressed to the point where I cannot control devices from the ISY console. I'm getting a fail to communicate message for some of the devices. My PLM is less than six months old so hoping this is not the problem. Would it help to "Restore Modem", or would this just be a waste of time?

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My problems have now progressed to the point where I cannot control devices from the ISY console. I'm getting a fail to communicate message for some of the devices. My PLM is less than six months old so hoping this is not the problem. Would it help to "Restore Modem", or would this just be a waste of time?

That is what I would try and if it fixes it and later starts again, get rid of it.


I assume you have tried the PLM reboot and then an ISY reboot after technique?

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By the reboot, I assume you mean unplugging both. Plugging the PLM in, waiting a minute, and then plugging in the ISY. Right?


That is correct . . .


Ideally you should run a PLM Link Compare several times to see how many links are in the unit. If it shows a very low link count like some crazy (20) links that is a sure sign of a pending failure.

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I did as you suggested and ran the PLM link table command.  I did this numerous times and never got the same amount twice.  I had a low of 28 and a high of 475.  Since the unit is still under waranty I contacted Smarthome and they are sending out a new PLM.  This leads me to another query.  I've used the Restore Modem command when I installed the current modem about a year ago, and it was a lenghtly process due to the many battery powered switches in my system.  I read something about being able to disable this problem in the PRO version of ISY994i.  My question then is if it would be possible to update my system to the PRO version.  And if so, can you tell me what all is required?

Thanks for all your help.


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I did as you suggested and ran the PLM link table command.  I did this numerous times and never got the same amount twice.  I had a low of 28 and a high of 475.  Since the unit is still under waranty I contacted Smarthome and they are sending out a new PLM.  This leads me to another query.  I've used the Restore Modem command when I installed the current modem about a year ago, and it was a lenghtly process due to the many battery powered switches in my system.  I read something about being able to disable this problem in the PRO version of ISY994i.  My question then is if it would be possible to update my system to the PRO version.  And if so, can you tell me what all is required?

Thanks for all your help.




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To expand a little bit of what Stu offered here once you upgrade your ISY Series Controller to a pro unit. You will see a little green battery icon which you will simply enable. This will cause the green battery icon to turn grey which means during the PLM Restore the system will not attempt to write to those battery operated devices.


Once the restore process has completed all you need to do is select one battery operated device from the device tree and right mouse click and select *Write Updates*. Doing so will issue the write process which were pending in the system in the beginning. You will continue selecting each battery device which shows a 1011 icon next to them until that marker goes away.


NOTE: Once you receive your new 2413S PLM would you please indicate what is written on the white stickers for the production date and hardware revision. Also select the help tab and let us know what the ISY notes as the firmware for the PLM.


Lastly, please ensure you place a sticker on the top of the unit of the install date of the PLM so you have a point of reference to when it was physically installed and put into production.


Merry X-MAS . . .

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Again, thank you for all the help. Does upgrading to the PRO version, require any hardware changes, or is this just a program change. Are there any preparations I should make before upgrading to PRO? I'm sorry if these are very basic questions, but I'd rather not create more problems then I'm solving by upgrading.

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Again, thank you for all the help. Does upgrading to the PRO version, require any hardware changes, or is this just a program change. Are there any preparations I should make before upgrading to PRO? I'm sorry if these are very basic questions, but I'd rather not create more problems then I'm solving by upgrading.

Hello Ron,


Just a software upgrade nothing more.

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To elaborate more on Teken ' s comment, it is only an online software switch that UDI enables in your ISY.


You pay and it just happens and you won't see any change unless you know what features you are looking for.


sent from a really small mobile keyboard, so may be a short response.

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I received and installed my new PLM, and "almost" everything seems fine.  I have an OutletLinc (2473) and a LampLinc (B2457D2) that have a green 1111 next to them.  I've tried "Restoring Device" and "Write Updates to Device" numerous times but it doesn't change the results.  If anyone has thoughts on how I might proceed with these two items I'd be most grateful.


The information on the new PLM is:

43.A6.EE, 2413S, V2.2, 1635.


Regards and Merry Christmas to all,


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No, they are not on the same circuit, and carrying that thought one step further, there are other devices on the each of the circuits with these two devices that are working fine.  I'm also reasonably certain that it is not a phase bridging problem since I have numerous devices in my home.

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I received and installed my new PLM, and "almost" everything seems fine. I have an OutletLinc (2473) and a LampLinc (B2457D2) that have a green 1111 next to them. I've tried "Restoring Device" and "Write Updates to Device" numerous times but it doesn't change the results. If anyone has thoughts on how I might proceed with these two items I'd be most grateful.


The information on the new PLM is:

43.A6.EE, 2413S, V2.2, 1635.


Regards and Merry Christmas to all,


Hello Ron,


Sounds like you're on the home stretch. As noted by Stu bring the plugin lamp linc next to the new 2413S PLM.


Also could you please reboot the controller and try again once more. Sometimes after a very long PLM restore the Admin Console will show false readings.


Lastly if you could select the help tab and let us know the PLM firmware.

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Good call on moving the LampLinc.  I plugged it into the same circuit as the PLM, did a "Write Updates" and everything was fine.  I moved it back to the original location, did "Write Updates" again and it still looks good. Thank you for that tip.  The OutletLinc is supplying power to a 12 volt transformer for my landscape lights.  It's always worked fine in the past.  I'll try temporarily changing to an incandescent load tomorrow and see what happens.

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Good call on moving the LampLinc.  I plugged it into the same circuit as the PLM, did a "Write Updates" and everything was fine.  I moved it back to the original location, did "Write Updates" again and it still looks good. Thank you for that tip.  The OutletLinc is supplying power to a 12 volt transformer for my landscape lights.  It's always worked fine in the past.  I'll try temporarily changing to an incandescent load tomorrow and see what happens.


Good to hear and circle back with the final outcome for the outlet. Let us know what the ISY indicates as the PLM firmware is which I am sure it will be v9E.


But, you never know . . .

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The term "OutletLinc" has usually meant the Outlet dimmer. Is that what you are referring to or do you mean the dual On/Off outlet? If the former, powering a transformer can lead to destruction. You may get 1 or 2 or 5 years instead of 10-20.

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It's Working!!!

OK, so here's the story.  And it's a long one.

I tried all the suggestions, but could not get my OutletLinc to clear.  I must say that it did respond to commands from the ISY and the various scenes.  But I could not get rid of the green 1011 indicator.  "Restore Device" and "Write Updates" had no effect.  I probably should mention that at no time did I get a "Fail to communicate" error message and both of the above procedures appeared to run properly on the OutletLinc #2473.  Finally, in desperation, I removed the OutletLinc from its scene, then from its folder, and finally deleted it from the ISY.  I performed a Factory Reset, added it as a new device, and finished by adding it back to its scene. 

The PLM firmware is v9.e.

Thank you to everyone that helped.

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