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Insteon PLM Pro: You can make it happen


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A long time member of the community (Illusion) added his thoughts in the Insteon *Wish List* located here about creating a PLM Pro: http://forum.insteon.com/forum/main-category/new-insteon-device-wish-list/8221-plm-pro


You can see the details of this discussion and what some of the features and wants the community had asked for. As of this writing there are only 7 likes and 812 view from the *Looky Lous* of the Insteon home automation public.


As stated here by Isaac, the company relies upon the general public to cast their vote to let them know what is in demand:  http://forum.insteon.com/forum/main-category/new-insteon-device-wish-list/72387-help-us-pick-an-idea-by-liking-it


Anyone who has been impacted by a 2413S PLM failure should have casted their vote by selecting the *LIKE* button under Illusions first post! Yet, since that specific request was made on 07-16-2014, 07:39 AM  hundreds of looky lous have done absolutely nothing to further this request besides look at the blasted thread?!?!


The (A) typical stereo type is quite apparent here and this is why people believe me to be so cynical about humans in general.


People are lazy, self centered, and oblivious to anything that doesn't impact them.


I truly don't believe the people in this community fall into that category much less embody it. My ask to anyone reading this thread entry is to make a difference. All of us rely on the PLM to connect to the ISY Series Controller and thus its long term reliability is critical to our use.


Please take a few moments to cast your vote and *LIKE* that idea or any idea you feel has legs. Doing so will help Smartlabs know there is public demand for those ideas and perhaps they will come to market.


NOTE: The following Insteon products were created as a direct result of public feedback: Remote Linc, Fan Linc, Insteon Siren, Micro Module, I/O Linc, Leak Sensor, Hidden Door Sensor, Heart Beat, Adjustable Battery Voltage, etc.  

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Yes thanks for calling this to our attention.


Most of us have given up on Smart Home to listen to anybody. eg. International PLM, and many other modules that should have been released years ago, to stay attractive to new users thinking of getting their feet wet.


Most of us don't have an account in that forum and probably aren't aware of it or just don't want one.


Good quest though (coming up three years since the OP, soon)

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Yes thanks for calling this to our attention.


Most of us have given up on Smart Home to listen to anybody. eg. International PLM, and many other modules that should have been released years ago, to stay attractive to new users thinking of getting their feet wet.


Most of us don't have an account in that forum and probably aren't aware of it or just don't want one.


Good quest though (coming up three years since the OP, soon)


As you and many others know I have no issue throwing Smartlabs / Smarthome under the bus when needed. But they have proven over the course of many years to produce and release at least one new / revised Insteon hardware. Some of the new releases have come directly because of the public feedback.


As of this writing 855 new views vs the original 812 views have read that thread.


But, as expected out of the 43 people only 2 had the common sense to make a difference!


This apathy and lazy mentality is exactly what I expected from the general masses and not from dedicated home automation users. One can only think and consider how many PLM Pro's would actually be sold or God forbid a UDI made PLM! There are lots of loud mouths in this world and rarely if ever do they stand up to be counted via the pocket book.


If someone can't take two minutes to sign up and press a virtual button to show a real need for a product. What are the chances of a person stepping up to the plate to shell out $100.XX for a PLM Pro?


Zero . . .


It should be noted I was asked to create this thread to see what would happen. I told the requester my thoughts and real world views about how it would turn out. Sadly, its not about being right or wrong - but in this case I was right!


Too many lazy people with no gumption to make a difference in the world when given a chance.  

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Larryllix pretty much summed up my feelings. Count me among those who don't have or want an account at insteon forums. I have never understood why smartphone felt the need to create both smartphone forum (with an insteon section) and a separate insteon forum (with too many sub-sections).


I also share his scepticism regarding the effect on smartphone this may have. If smartphone needs someone to tell them that we want our devices designed to last more than two years plus a day...well...I just don't want to go there.


Sorry to have added fuel to your cynicism. I am one of those evil people who don't forward those chain emails, so you know I am a lost cause.

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Larryllix pretty much summed up my feelings. Count me among those who don't have or want an account at insteon forums. I have never understood why smartphone felt the need to create both smartphone forum (with an insteon section) and a separate insteon forum (with too many sub-sections).


I also share his scepticism regarding the effect on smartphone this may have. If smartphone needs someone to tell them that we want our devices designed to last more than two years plus a day...well...I just don't want to go there.


Sorry to have added fuel to your cynicism. I am one of those evil people who don't forward those chain emails, so you know I am a lost cause.


You know I've always enjoyed your feedback and insight. You have the ability to write like a poet especially when it deals with complex topics like variables.


Your uncanny ability to dumb it down to the masses is something I have enjoyed for years. Your reply makes me look like a complete aszz hole!


LOL . . .


Meaning your point of view makes perfect sense and does explain why an expected outcome is not seen. Having said this I always try to live by the adage: If its to be - Its up to me

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I can't find it. I'm just not smart like you. 6122200aefd192ece841768d5c5752df.jpg


Gary Funk

Merry Christmas


You know over the course of several weeks its apparent your replies are less than genuine and sincere. Why you insist upon entering a thread pretending to look for help and when its offered.


Your reply is like from a 12 year old child . . .


I gave you the benefit of the doubt by taking the time to high light the area that needed to be selected.


Your reply is *I'm not smart like you* based on that kind of reply that's quite apparent. It would be greatly appreciated if you simply trolled somewhere else and let the adults discuss topics which concern many. Instead of coming into a thread to insight nothing but complete B.S. at every turn.

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Teken none of us can like it. I suspect we have to wait for our account creation to pass the moderators first before we can start liking stuff.


Makes sense, and know the community will benefit if this product ever gets off the ground. Its fair to say too many consumers are tired of replacing 2413S PLM's. The amount of time, resources, and financial expanse which many of us have undertaken in the replacement process isn't something anyone enjoys doing.


Perhaps 2017 will show case something new and better in this department . . .

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Makes sense, and know the community will benefit if this product ever gets off the ground. Its fair to say too many consumers are tired of replacing 2413S PLM's. The amount of time, resources, and financial expanse which many of us have undertaken in the replacement process isn't something anyone enjoys doing.


Perhaps 2017 will show case something new and better in this department . . .


I think you owe someone an apology...

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