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SynchroLinc not keeping status in ISY


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Several months ago, I installed a SynchroLinc to monitor the state of a load.  It was working as expected until this past weekend.  Since then, the ISY won't detect when it switches state; ie: if switched on, the ISY shows it's still off and visa versa.


The SynchroLinc itself seems to be working fine (green led when load is on, red when off).  When the SynchroLinc is turned on, and the ISY says it's off, if I do a query, it will update to show the proper state. 


I've rebooted the ISY a few times and had to reload my PLM for an unrelated problem recently. 


Does this indicate a communications problem?  Not sure if that would be the case as my house is pretty much all Insteon and nothing else seems to be having issues.





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Several months ago, I installed a SynchroLinc to monitor the state of a load.  It was working as expected until this past weekend.  Since then, the ISY won't detect when it switches state; ie: if switched on, the ISY shows it's still off and visa versa.


The SynchroLinc itself seems to be working fine (green led when load is on, red when off).  When the SynchroLinc is turned on, and the ISY says it's off, if I do a query, it will update to show the proper state. 


I've rebooted the ISY a few times and had to reload my PLM for an unrelated problem recently. 


Does this indicate a communications problem?  Not sure if that would be the case as my house is pretty much all Insteon and nothing else seems to be having issues.





Sounds like you may have lost a link for a node.

Right click on the device in the device tree in admin console and select restore.

Try again.

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Tell me more about this please.  With the exception of my receiver, all the rest of my the audio/video equipment on a UPS which is then connected to a FilterLinc.  The receiver is by itself on the SynchroLinc.  My goal for this: separate rooms (theater and game room) in the basement.  Game room has motion sensors that turn off basement lights if no one is there.  But if we're watching a movie (ie: the receiver is on), I want the lights to stay on. 


I have no FilterLinc on the receiver because I assumed it would also filter out Insteon signals for anything that was behind it.  And, I'm pretty sure I can't have the receiver on the UPS as Insteon wouldn't get past that either. 


Any solutions for doing SynchroLinc behind a UPS?




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My syncrolinc gave me similar issues -- kept losing the links table.  I was actually going to write a program on my RPi to contact the ISY periodically to query and correct the links table in it.  Then I decided that was fixing the symptom, and I should fix the problem instead.  (Plus, I blew the fuse inside the Syncrolinc, which was a completely unacceptable failure mode for the pump it was monitoring.)


So, I now use an A/C current sensor (a few bucks on eBay) and an IOLinc instead.  Much nicer.  (Search for "Neilsen-Kuljian D150" on eBay, or just look for "Current Operated Switch")

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  • 5 months later...

I have a bunch of Synchrolinc's and 1 of mine developed that problem too - ISY would no longer notice state changes. I may try to return it as defective. A replacement Synchrolinc works fine.

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