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Newbie question - alarm clock & Wake Up activity


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I'll be adding an ISY to my (limited) Insteon system soon, mostly to control exterior and holiday lighting, but (as my wife warms to the system) hopefully to also control HVAC.


One feature that's important to me is for the system to make decisions based on who is home and whether we are awake or asleep.  From what I've read in this forum, the geofence feature of the Mobilinc HD app will give me the location-awareness that I'm looking for, and I can set up a KeypadLinc to trigger a Goodnight scene (adjust the HVAC, etc) when we go to bed.


However when we wake up in the morning it would be really nice if a Wake Up scene could be triggered without us having to press another button -- after all, my phone already knows when I'm waking up because I set the alarm.  In a perfect world, the heater should have been set a few minutes before I wake up.


Does anyone know of an app (maybe another feature of Mobilinc itself?) that can send this alarm trigger to the ISY to set the Wake Up scene?


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No app is needed. Create a program that's scheduled to run at the wake-up time on the days that you designate. For example:

        On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
        Time is  7:30:00AM
   - Actions you wan to occur -
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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I thought of that, but I don't want any hard-coded wakeup times.  My wife and I can wake up at different times depending on work schedules, and these vary from day to day or week to week.


Basically, everyone already has a flexible and intuitive way of setting an alarm to wake them up (in "ye olden days", a clock radio next to the bed -- today, just the alarm clock on your iPhone) -- I want to leverage that existing device so we don't have to take any more steps.

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I believe this will do what you need.




You also need to buy tasker (only $3 I think?)


If you only plan on using this when your phone is on you local wifi, no need to mess with port forwarding.  If you plan on using outside of your LAN, you will either need the ISY portal or setup https and port forwarding.


EDIT: And you'll have to of course learn how to use tasker.  Tasker is pretty awesome if you have the desire to figure it all out.

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I thought of that, but I don't want any hard-coded wakeup times.  My wife and I can wake up at different times depending on work schedules, and these vary from day to day or week to week.


Basically, everyone already has a flexible and intuitive way of setting an alarm to wake them up (in "ye olden days", a clock radio next to the bed -- today, just the alarm clock on your iPhone) -- I want to leverage that existing device so we don't have to take any more steps.


How about this setup on your night stand    http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2335-222-6-button-scene-control-keypad-with-tabletop-enclosure-white.html


You could use the dimmer to control the lights and the other buttons to turn on your scenes

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I thought Tasker was Android only.


I'm Gary Funk and I wrote this message.

Yes, it is.  I guess I should have realized that when he said he had mobilinc hd.


So, aside from tasker, I don't think anything exists that will take your phones built-in alarm clock and not only trigger a url event at the alarm but also be able to do something at a time x minutes prior to the set alarm.


Tasker is by itself reason enough to go android.

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How about this setup on your night stand    http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2335-222-6-button-scene-control-keypad-with-tabletop-enclosure-white.html


You could use the dimmer to control the lights and the other buttons to turn on your scenes


I have one of those on each side of the bed, on each side of the couch, on the dining room table and nearly everyplace else one would sit. Now that we have the portal, four accounts, three Echos and nine Dots we rarely use them B)

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Thanks all for the great feedback.


As Gary noticed, we're an iPhone family -- and making my wife switch to an Android is not my idea of increasing the WAF for this installation :-)


However, since I don't yet have the ISY or the Mobilinc app, I'm open to suggestions that don't involve switching phone platforms.


Too bad there are no obvious ideas.  I'm not necessarily asking my phone to do everything for me (ie, trigger the HVAC several minutes before the alarm) -- I would be willing to settle on "When alarm triggers, notify ISY" or similar if that's what I could get.


I guess since Mobilinc already is interfacing with the ISY (for the geofence feature) maybe I could query them about creating their own built-in alarm clock that also includes a trigger to ISY.  Seems like a trivial task...

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Thinking here; since Alexa can set set an alarm, can Alexa be told to trun on a scene at a given time?


Not currently. There are requests to create that ability.

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I'm no expert but I suspect you will not find a direct way to integrate this.

It might be helpful to think about and/or explain to the forum the variability and overlap of schedules and if you and your wife prefer different temperatures at wake up. That and the time preferred in advance of wake up (and your tolerance for an earlier runtime) might limit the likely combinations? At least on some days? If I were you I would try to devise a thoughtful and clever set of programs based on Stu's suggestion. Maybe incorporate a motion sensor as Larry suggests that only triggers a wake up program if triggered at certain times? Perhaps you go to bed earlier if expecting to wake up earlier? Could then trigger from a bedtime routine.

Or just get an Elf on the Shelf and wait for full integration. They see everything and I suspect are linked to your federal database of preferences and behaviors



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I have 2 Echoes, 7 Dots, 4 connected tablets and I still push the buttons on keypads because it's quicker and easier.


Only if the button is within reach of where you are when you make that decision B)

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Re: variability -- I don't want to make this too complicated.  Whatever alarm goes off first sets the Good Morning scene, and that's it.  That would be enough to make me happy.  Our schedules do change often and day to day, so trying to predict wake-up times and pre-programming them into the ISY would be a wasted effort.


Re: Motion sensor - We don't want the Good Morning scene set if someone wakes up to use the bathroom an hour before the alarm goes off.  Or of the dog moves from one pillow to the other.


I'm suspecting you're right, there is no easy solution.  But thanks to everyone for the feedback.

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Re: variability -- I don't want to make this too complicated.  Whatever alarm goes off first sets the Good Morning scene, and that's it.  That would be enough to make me happy.  Our schedules do change often and day to day, so trying to predict wake-up times and pre-programming them into the ISY would be a wasted effort.


Re: Motion sensor - We don't want the Good Morning scene set if someone wakes up to use the bathroom an hour before the alarm goes off.  Or of the dog moves from one pillow to the other.


I'm suspecting you're right, there is no easy solution.  But thanks to everyone for the feedback.

You need a combination of logic. You can use the light detection of an MS, the real time and motion sensing to determine fairly accurately if it is morning and you are rising.


In the old days, of my X10 history, I used a 500W halogen to wake me up on work days, with long weekend exceptions, in the schedule.

There was always that day that I phoned in sick, or Easter, which has such a complex formula, it couldn't be calculated. On that/those days I had a mini-keypad that would just cancel the whole sequence. Otherwise, if I didn't get out of bed at X time, the halogen would start flashing too.


It can be done with MSes but other logic is needed and that is all in the ISY box.

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Could you count a certain amount of time from when you initiate the Goodnight program? Assuming you sleep a relatively constant amount that might be close enough.


That'd work only if the program was initiated at precisely the same time each night. May as well put it on a timer. As far as a wake up time, "close enough" is not close enough.

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... after all, my phone already knows when I'm waking up because I set the alarm.  In a perfect world, the heater should have been set a few minutes before I wake up.


How often do you set the alarm? What is the variability, that is, is there a range of times?

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That'd work only if the program was initiated at precisely the same time each night. May as well put it on a timer. As far as a wake up time, "close enough" is not close enough.

Uh. No. If the sleep a constant 8 hours then they would go to bed 8 hours prior to the alarm. That would coincide with the good night button press. The point is the wage up time isn't regular. But as I stated "assuming the sleep time is constant" accounts for that.


Also, correcting to a new set point close to an exact time based on a constant sleep duration is surely better than nothing at all. Obviously I realize that must folks don't get a constant sleep duration but it is viable if they do.

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Most of what you're asking for requires that one knows what you mean by *Wake Up*? Does wake up mean you literally just got out of bed? Does it mean you are simply in the master bedroom? 


You really need to narrow down and define that parameter otherwise no amount of technology is going to help you if the ask is unclear. There are currently two crowd funded mattress sensors which is supposed to detect what each person is doing and includes a heater.


These products would offer some of the required logic to determine (IF) one or both of you are physically out of bed. Using some conditional logic you would incorporate some gate time for those quick washroom breaks.


To aid in the conditional logic would be to use iBeacons which ML supports.


Using the iBeacon and setting the power output level you could define in range / out of range with in the home. This of course hinges on everyone physically holding / carrying a iPhone. Which depending on lifestyle is either going to work (read kids) and those literally fixated with holding something in their hands.


As Larry noted using motion sensors these could be used to detect movement and be used as a method of fail over and confirmation of the other two pieces of technology.


Having said all of this, most of this is an exercise in fixing a problem which doesn't really exist besides - I want.   



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Quick plug for tasker here, also. Between that and widgets and access to the file system, I cannot imagine why I would go iOS. (Now...If I can only figure out what to do with those iPads I own.)


Regarding the original request, is it even possible that Alexa (or something similar) can be trained to recognize the alarm sound from an iPhone?

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Is buying a cheap android tablet or phone and using it just for an alarm clock an option (no need for cell service)?  Or even just seeing if anyone you know has an old one lying around unused?


I've been using the tasker/autoalarm solution for a while, and it works really well.  Additionally, I use an always on clock app, and it serves as a bedside clock as well.

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