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Thank You


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I just want to thank everyone at UD for the brilliant yet simple "COMPARE" function in 2.6.14. Using it today, I have managed to identify and correct mismatched links in all but two of my "problem" LampLincs, and also determine once and for all that two others most likely have communication issues due to noise. I'll be adding a few more Access Points soon, which hopefully will resolve the last of my communication issues.


Thanks again!

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Tim, thanks so very much for the update. I do appreciate it very much.


With kind regards,



I just want to thank everyone at UD for the brilliant yet simple "COMPARE" function in 2.6.14. Using it today, I have managed to identify and correct mismatched links in all but two of my "problem" LampLincs, and also determine once and for all that two others most likely have communication issues due to noise. I'll be adding a few more Access Points soon, which hopefully will resolve the last of my communication issues.


Thanks again!

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