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Am I ever happy the ISY fully integrates the ELK M1!  I was having remote connection problems before I discovered my desktop PC died.  CenturyLink sent me a new modem/router (M/R) and I purchased a new desktop on eBay (came with Win 8.1).  Didn't like that so paid for Win 10 and began the process of reloading programs/apps. 


While I was apprehensive re: swapping out my router, it was upsetting that I no longer had access to the ELKRP.  I could not remember if I ever created an ELKRP backup file either.  I knew I had to reconfigure the router for my LAN and pass-through addresses.  My concern was that I would break everything (ISY/ELK relationships) swapping out the M/R.


I completed the basic changes to the IP mask simply by plugging into the new M/R. But that was the simple part.  I needed to muster enough courage to disconnect the old and put in the new.  I was not looking forward to that.  When I did, the new M/R had strange IP numbers as devices. It was then I realized I needed MAC addresses to know what I was looking at.


So I reconnected the old M/R back up and wrote down (cut-n-paste actually) ALL the MAC addresses.  Once that was accomplished, I:

  • Connected up the new M/R and identified each device discovered.
  • Then I set the static IP addresses for my ISY, ELK M1 plus a couple of cameras. 

With the exception of the Russound IP to Serial bridge (which never could be discovered), I figured all other devices can live with the dynamic addressing.  I am concluding my ‘bridge’ is also toast & needs replacing.


How both my desktop PC and bridge died while on vacation is beyond me.  Both were powered off the whole time we were away.


  • After the static address were defined, I opened my ISY console and was glad to discover the link to the ELK was recognized and worked.  I also tested my cameras in the browser and they worked too.  I then added the pass-through addresses; now they are working (using my original no-ip hostname).


The part I was still missing was the ELKRP on the desktop.  I had to create a new account (using Smiths for my template) and found the M1EXP was discoverable.  However, I could not connect to it because I was using a custom port and had no idea what that was. 


Enter the ISY. 


All the information I needed was there, including the description of all the zones and their arming settings.  I added the port number in the RP and bingo, I was in.  I had to re-enter all the zone information and settings but as each was updated, they disappeared from the conflict list.

I also had conflicts with Output, lighting and other settings, but I used the option of copying the system information to the database and suddenly I was done. 


Had the ISY not presented the information needed, I would’ve been in a BIG mess! For me, this was a big hurdle.  Thank you Universal Devices for creating the ISY into what it is today! 

  • Like 2
  • 10 months later...

Hi Sanders..  a somewhat "unrelated" question for you... i have an ELK / ISY system as well, plus a Russound MCA88-8. 


I have the Network Resources module installed in my ISY with the hopes of integrating my ISY with the Russound for wake up music etc. I noticed you mentioned the Russound Serial interface. 


Can you help me get started in my goal above in terms of how do i start using the networking resources and how do i set up a serial interface? I have downloaded the MC66 serial commands and binary codes but am not sure what to do with them. 


also, my inputs to the MCA88 are Apple Expresses and Apple TV's so I am looking for some sort of input that i can queue up to play in the morning through the ISY interface to play what i want in the morning, but can't think of anything yet. Any suggestions here? 



Posted (edited)

Hi Sanders..  a somewhat "unrelated" question for you... i have an ELK / ISY system as well, plus a Russound MCA88-8. 


Can you help me get started in my goal above in terms of how do i start using the networking resources and how do i set up a serial interface? I have downloaded the MC66 serial commands and binary codes but am not sure what to do with them. 


also, my inputs to the MCA88 are Apple Expresses and Apple TV's so I am looking for some sort of input that i can queue up to play in the morning through the ISY interface to play what i want in the morning, but can't think of anything yet. Any suggestions here? 




I suppose this query should be posted under Network Resources topic. But not sure how to move the discussion.  At any rate, I'm not sure I can be of much help. I had to connect my older Russound CAA66 to the network using an Elk IP232 Ethernet to serial adapter which unfortunately, stopped working for me last year.  Instead of a blinking green LED, the adapter's indicator blinks yellow and none of the commands that had been working, do anything anymore.


My 1st assumption was the IP232 has failed, but I would think that unlikely, I should run a temporary Ethernet cable to rule out a bad cable or patch panel connection. But that will have to wait until I return home from an extended vacation. I do remember it was nice to add music in the morning and turn things off automatically or remotely with a smart phone when it was working. 


Apple TV would make a good streaming device, I am not familiar with Apple Expresses.  One of my main input sources was my DirecTV device when no one was watching TV.  I programed my TV remote to change to a music channel when the TV was turned off. If the TV was on, then I'd want a different source.  I wish my Russound had blu-tooth (sigh). Then I could listen to Martini in the Morning anytime! LOL

Edited by sanders2222

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