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Scenes not working from Admin Console or IFTTT

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When I select a scene from the admin console all the devices in the scene show a current state of Off even if they are on.  Using the On/Off buttons does nothing.  When I run the diagnostic scene test every device fails.  When I select the individual devices in the admin console the state usually starts as Off even when the device is On but I can control it and turn it on and off from the console.  When I press a button on an insteon keypad that is linked to a scene that works great.  All the devices in the scene turn on or off appropriately even though the same scene doesn't work from the admin console.  The scene also doesn't work when I try and reference it in an IFTTT pgm which is how I found the problem originally.  I was trying to tell Google Home to turn off all my devices when I went to bed.  None of my scenes would work but I could turn off all devices individually.


In case my explanation didn't make sense, here is my problem netted out :-)

1) State of my devices nearly always shows Off when I go into admin console.  When I query them the state accurately depicts on or off, not sure if this is the way it is supposed to work or not.

2) Any device can be successfully controlled from the admin console via the on / off buttons.

3) Turning on or off any scene from the admin console does nothing.

4) Turning on or off scenes from Insteon keypads works fine.

5) Referencing a scene from IFTTT does nothing (devices work).

6) LOVE Google Home!



Any thoughts about where I look for my problem?



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Hi Jackie


If scenes don't work from the admin console, it potentially spells PLM problems by the following symptoms:

  • Devices work from PLM to devices
  • Scenes don't work from the PLM to devicves
  • Scenes programmed into devices do work from device to device

Can you provide the following?

  • Number of insteon devices on your network?
  • How many devices show up when you use Tools/Diagnostics/PLM Links.. Start?
  • How old is the PLM?

Not 100% sure, evidence points to the scene links not being in the PLM



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11:00 AM

Paul,  I have just moved from a large house to a small apartment this year.  This means that this is a new, still in process, installation although some of the never used switches might have been in my cupboard for a while :-)
11:00 AM
Actual Devices from admin console (counting keypads as one device and thermostats as 3) 16
PLM Links Table shows 16 entries with each of my two thermostats showing up 3 times.
PLM Info Status shows connected.
PLM was brand new about April this year.  My old one was at its two year life cycle and had died.
11:30  Rebooted PLM and ISY
Started Admin Console and received message about safe mode and PLM possibly being bad
Rebooted PLM and ISY - no start up error but now PLM is not connected at all.  Status shows Not Connected, no control for devices or scenes.
I thought that powering devices off and on was supposed to help.  It appears that it has made things worse.  I guess I talk to the company I purchased my PLM from earlier this year.
Thanks for pointing me in that direction........Jackie
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Hi Jackie

Sorry to hear that, but that sounds like the classic symptoms of PLM failure. I've had a new one die in 3 months  :shock:


You might get its attention by a factory reset and trying again, but chances are that will be a band-aid at best. 


Here are the steps for installing the new one, use only Restore Modem (and not delete modem):




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