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Release 2.6.15 (RC1) is now available

Michel Kohanim

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Hello dss,


Thanks so very much for the feedback. We will get right on it. Is it the output or the input that has the wrong state? If the output, is it in any other scenes? If the input, is it controlling a scene?


With kind regards,


One minor thing I've noticed with 2.6.15. When I start the ISY interface on the list of devices, it seems to indicate that the I/O Linc Relay is on when it isn't. When I do a query on it then it changes correctly to off. It is a little disconcerting because the I/O Linc is connected to our gas fireplace.


It is the output. The input isn't connected to anything. The output connects to the fireplace dry contact control (normally closed). I have it included in one scene that includes two Controlincs (button #4) that turn it on/off. I also have a program that turns it off at 1:30am.

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Hi dss,


Thanks so very much for the details. One last question:

Did you not expect to see that status when you first started the Admin Console and that's why you queried it to make sure? In essence, I am trying to figure out if the IOLinc sent a group command that ISY mistook for the output (instead of input).


With kind regards,



Hello dss,


Thanks so very much for the feedback. We will get right on it. Is it the output or the input that has the wrong state? If the output, is it in any other scenes? If the input, is it controlling a scene?


With kind regards,


One minor thing I've noticed with 2.6.15. When I start the ISY interface on the list of devices, it seems to indicate that the I/O Linc Relay is on when it isn't. When I do a query on it then it changes correctly to off. It is a little disconcerting because the I/O Linc is connected to our gas fireplace.


It is the output. The input isn't connected to anything. The output connects to the fireplace dry contact control (normally closed). I have it included in one scene that includes two Controlincs (button #4) that turn it on/off. I also have a program that turns it off at 1:30am.

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dss, got it, thanks. I am going to start troubleshooting immediately.


With kind regards,



Yes, with nobody home I was surprised to see the fireplace registering as being on so I queried it. I forgot to mention here is also a KPL button in the scene, so 1 KPL button and 2 Controlinc buttons.
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Hi dss,


Would you be kind enough to click on Set Options (in the IOLinc view) and let me know if you have Relay Follows Input checked?


Thanks and with kind regards,



No it is not checked. Should it be? I have no idea what all these options are. The ones that are checked are:

Trigger Off



The ones unchecked are:

Program Lock

Relay Follows Input

Send X10 Send On (or Off)

Momentary: A

Momentary: Look at Sensor

Moementary: Both

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I think I may have found the problem:

Perhaps your unit is somehow in Momentary A mode. This means that the relay turn on momentarily and then turns off (but it never reports its status back to ISY). Can you do me a favor please? Would you be kind enough to turn on your device and make sure it does NOT turn off momentarily?


With kind regards,



Hi dss,


Would you be kind enough to click on Set Options (in the IOLinc view) and let me know if you have Relay Follows Input checked?


Thanks and with kind regards,



No it is not checked. Should it be? I have no idea what all these options are. The ones that are checked are:

Trigger Off



The ones unchecked are:

Program Lock

Relay Follows Input

Send X10 Send On (or Off)

Momentary: A

Momentary: Look at Sensor

Moementary: Both

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I think I may have found the problem:

Perhaps your unit is somehow in Momentary A mode. This means that the relay turn on momentarily and then turns off (but it never reports its status back to ISY). Can you do me a favor please? Would you be kind enough to turn on your device and make sure it does NOT turn off momentarily?


With kind regards,



Hi dss,


Would you be kind enough to click on Set Options (in the IOLinc view) and let me know if you have Relay Follows Input checked?


Thanks and with kind regards,



No it is not checked. Should it be? I have no idea what all these options are. The ones that are checked are:

Trigger Off



The ones unchecked are:

Program Lock

Relay Follows Input

Send X10 Send On (or Off)

Momentary: A

Momentary: Look at Sensor

Moementary: Both


I don't think it is in momentary mode because I connected the relay in series with a wall switch that previously controlled the fireplace. If it was in momentary mode the fire would not stay on but shut back off when the circuit was opened.

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I don't think it is in momentary mode because I connected the relay in series with a wall switch that previously controlled the fireplace. If it was in momentary mode the fire would not stay on but shut back off when the circuit was opened.


Hi dss,


Umm, so, this means that if you turn off the wall switch, the relay will also turn off without ISY knowing that it's off. Even if you turn it back on, the relay still remains off. Right?


I am so very sorry for all these questions: I have not been able to reproduce this except for setting the Momentary Mode.


With kind regards,


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Hi dss,


Umm, so, this means that if you turn off the wall switch, the relay will also turn off without ISY knowing that it's off. Even if you turn it back on, the relay still remains off. Right?


I am so very sorry for all these questions: I have not been able to reproduce this except for setting the Momentary Mode.


With kind regards,



The switch is the existing manual switch. I wired it in series to act as kind of a master switch/emergency kill switch. If the I/O Relay isn't on turning the switch wouldn't turn it on as they both need to be on. Sometimes my wife would forget and still use the manual switch which wont do anything as long as the I/O link is off. but would that effect the I/O linc's status? It is very intermittent though. I'll monitor more closely and look at the logging to see if I can more precisely see when this occurs. Thanks.

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I began noticing strange behavior starting with 2.6.14. I have a ControLinc button (#4) that turns on/off all lights in the house. Starting 2.6.14 I noticed that it does not turn off (only sometimes) one of the lights controlled by a SwitchLinc showing V.35. At first I thought it was a problem with the new firmware on the SwitchLinc and tried to factory reset and relink it several times to no avail. Then I discovered that this scenario only happens with the ControLinc button. I say that because I have the same scene on a KeypadLinc and it functions as expected. After performing a factory reset on the ControLinc, then linking the scene again, all seemed to work, until I updated my ISY99i-Pro to 2.6.15. While all other devices still function normally, the ControLinc button for all lights now seem to have random problems leaving some lights off when turning all lights on, or vice versa. The affected lights include the same SwitchLinc as before, a KeypadLinc, and 2 LampLincs. I went to Smarthome to get the ControLinc replaced, but the new one shows the same firmware revision, and is behaving the same way. Thus far, I've done factory resets on all of the above devices. I think I need some help...

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Successfully completed the update, and everything seems OK, except for remote access. I can access isy from my laptop through WLAN, but can't access it w/ my i-pod touch, I checked the links and they're the same, I guess it's the i-pod. Also can't get internet access working, checked dyndns on my router and it says updated successfully.

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Hello dss,


Thanks for the explanation. Actually, if your wife uses the master button, then the IOLinc will turn off BUT ISY does not know it's off. Now, if the master switch is turned back on, the IOLinc might remain off and ISY still thinks it's ON.




Would you be kind enough to do the following test:

Please move your CL very close to the affected SWL and retry. If it still fails, then move one of your access points next to the SWL and retry. I do think you can solve these problems with more access points. But, I cannot be sure unless we do the above test




Have you setup your Internet Access manually or via File|Enable Internet Access? If latter, please try disabling and enabling again. If former, then, in all likelihood your ISY's IP address has changed and thus please do make sure your router is updated with ISY's new IP address (I strongly recommend using a static IP address for ISY).


With kind regards,


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Have you setup your Internet Access manually or via File|Enable Internet Access? If latter, please try disabling and enabling again. If former, then, in all likelihood your ISY's IP address has changed and thus please do make sure your router is updated with ISY's new IP address (I strongly recommend using a static IP address for ISY).


With kind regards,



I disabled then enabled internet access again, no change.


What's also odd is local wireless access works w/ my laptop, but not I-pod touch.

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Hi Zellarman,


When you login using your local wireless, please go to Help->About and check the IP address against the one you have in your iPod. Please make sure they are the same.


With kind regards,






Have you setup your Internet Access manually or via File|Enable Internet Access? If latter, please try disabling and enabling again. If former, then, in all likelihood your ISY's IP address has changed and thus please do make sure your router is updated with ISY's new IP address (I strongly recommend using a static IP address for ISY).


With kind regards,



I disabled then enabled internet access again, no change.


What's also odd is local wireless access works w/ my laptop, but not I-pod touch.

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Would you be kind enough to do the following test:

Please move your CL very close to the affected SWL and retry. If it still fails, then move one of your access points next to the SWL and retry. I do think you can solve these problems with more access points. But, I cannot be sure unless we do the above test


Hi Michel,


I did the following tests:


1. I moved one of the APs to the outlet next to the affected SWL. The affected SWL is in a bathroom, so there was an outlet right next to the SWL (on separate breakers). The light now responds to the CL. The AP was originally located 1 room away, in fact, 1 wall away.


2. I moved the other AP to the same outlet as the affected LL. In fact, I piggybacked the AP on top of the LL. Doing this did not change the outcome, one or more of the LLs on the same circuit does not respond. These are in the kitchen controlling undercabinet lights.


3. I moved the AP from the LL piggyback to another outlet just below the lights. I figured piggybacking the AP might be a no-no, so I'll try an outlet nearby. The LLs still did not respond to the CL.


4. With configuration 3, I tried to set the on level for the LLs once again via ISY, using both automatic mode and device reported mode. The LLs still did not respond to the CL.


5. I connected the CL on the same outlet as the AP in the kitchen. Now all LLs respond. In fact, all lights are responding. I got so excited that I began composing this reply.


Now I'm wondering, does this mean I need to relocate the CL, or put an AP closer to the CL? Moving the CL would defeat the purpose, since it is used in a bedroom (just above the kitchen and those LLs), but why would it require an AP when nobody else needs it? I guess I should try that next, have an AP and the CL in the bedroom.


Thanks for your help Michel. I posted this here originally thinking maybe the on levels weren't being programmed correctly in the CL.



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Here's part 2 to the test:


1. I moved the AP and CL to the bedroom, and right away the SWL did not turn on.


2. I decided to try the off command from the CL, and this time 3 of the LLs in the kitchen remained on.


3. I returned the AP and CL to the kitchen, but this time I tried on and off several times. Depending on the outlet of the CL, either all the lights would come on, or one of the LLs would remain off. For the off command, all lights would turn off except 2 or 3 of the LLs, depending on which outlet I used in the kitchen.


4. If I press the off button one more time, one of the LLs that remained on would turn off. If I continue to press the off button, by the 4th press the remaining LL would turn off.


This is only happening on the CL. The same "all lights" scene on a KPL does just fine no matter where I plug it in (it is in an enclosure).



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Hi Peter,


Thanks so very much for the detailed explanations and tests. Based on your results, I am almost confident that it's not the CL but the location of the CL with respect to the problematic devices. I do recommend a couple more access points to boost the signal.


With kind regards,


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Perhaps just remote chance, but are your kitchen lights ordinary incandescent, or a more exotic kind which often generate power line noise? I have seen strange things happen and it was all caused by line noise. Do you have or can you install filterLincs on the light circuits? Just a thought.

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Thanks Michel, I'll try a few more access points. Too bad I didn't pick them up before the 20% off sale expired last Friday at Smarthome...




The kitchen lights are new. I installed them as part of our kitchen remodel. I picked line voltage xenon lights (http://pegasusassociates.com/XenonLineV ... ights.html) specifically to avoid any noise-generating transformers. The light in the bathroom is line voltage halogen. The thing is, they were both installed this summer and had been working and responding properly until the recent updates. However, I didn't have the "all lights" scene until recently also, so I can't say for sure they would have worked back then.


I did have to install a couple of inline filters for CFL lights in the past. The difference there is, after the light is turned on, I can no longer talk to it, and I get the no-response blinking on the sender (KPL) indicating there's noise after the light came on. In this case, there was no error blinking, and it only happens on the CL, not a KPL with the same scene.



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Hi Wayne -


Notifications are still working here on 2.6.15 using either a custom SMTP server or the default UDI server.


Can you provide any more details? Are you getting an error when hitting the TEST button? Any errors in your event viewer?

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