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Determining when Device OFF has been issued (ECHO) (MOTION)


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Hello Team, 


I am new to using ECHO as of Christmas, and am enjoying it a lot, however there are some things that I don't seem to be able to make work any longer that I am hoping you can figure out.


Again I am very new to this so bear with me!


Prior to using ECHO to turn Devices and Scenes ON and OFF, I used ISY Programs to detect when a Program turned the device OFF or ON, or when CONTROL was executed from a SWITCH. Now ALEXA issues the ON or OFF, and I need a way to detect that she has done that. I do not want to monitor STATUS of the devices to determine that.


Here is my dillema.


Currently when I detect that CONTOL has been switched OFF on a device I can detect that and it triggers a PROGRAM to run that Becomes TRUE for 30 seconds using a WAIT. I then have a program that detects CONTROL ON from my Motion Sensor, and I do not allow that Motion program to run if the CONTROL OFF detection Program is TRUE.  That way when I turn a switch OFF, the Motion will not automatically set it back on again before I can leave the room. I have at least 30 seconds to get out.


Now with ECHO and ALEXA, she turns the device OFF however I have no way of knowing that has happened in the ISY program since CONTROL OFF is never triggered, so I have no way to tell the Motion Program to not respond and prevent it from turing the device back on before I can leave the room.


Any Thoughts on how to do this?   Is there any way I can give ALEXA a single OFF command and make the ISY program know they she did that?



Charles Seiler



Control only works when the device itself is operated. If you want to trigger a program on the change of state when the device is remotely controlled, then use Status.

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