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Using ISY to set On Level?


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I've seen this idea all over, but just can't seem to figure this out. What I want:


After "bed time", say 10pm, the bathroom dimmers should not go above a certain brightness, say 25%.


I found this post: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/16600-setting-on-level-with-scene-based-on-time-of-day/


and tried to duplicate what they are talking about with this program:

Dimmer Test - [ID 0005][Parent 0001]

        From     10:00:00PM
        To       6:30:00AM (next day)
        In Scene 'Bathroom Dimmer Scene' Set 'Upstairs / Bathroom Dimmer' 25% (On Level)
        In Scene 'Bathroom Dimmer Scene' Set 'Upstairs / Bathroom Dimmer' 100% (On Level)

I created the Bathroom Dimmer Scene just for this test. Normally there is no scene for this device.


Problem is, this only works if I turn on the "Bathroom Dimmer Scene" from the admin console. If I turn the switch on locally it goes to 100% (because it's not using the scene).


So, can I either set the local on level (without a scene), or make the switch use the "Bathroom Dimmer Scene" when I hit the on button?


I feel like this is harder than it should be, I must be missing something.

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Most of what I've seen is the have the nonscheduled level be THEN and the scheduled level as ELSE. You'd need to change IF appropriately. Do you have the device as a scene Controller?

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Most of what I've seen is the have the nonscheduled level be THEN and the scheduled level as ELSE. You'd need to change IF appropriately. Do you have the device as a scene Controller?


I have the Dimmer setup as a regular switch, directly controlling a light. Is there a way to change this to control a scene (without rewiring)?

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I have the Dimmer setup as a regular switch, directly controlling a light. Is there a way to change this to control a scene (without rewiring)?

Make the switch a controller of the scene. Then when you operate the switch, the scene is what activates.


You can then use a program to adjust the scene based on time of day.

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Make the switch a controller of the scene. Then when you operate the switch, the scene is what activates.


You can then use a program to adjust the scene based on time of day.


Thanks for the help, but this still isn't working. I have a test scene (Test Dimmer Rule) which I have made the Switch (using game room to test) a controller for:




Then I have a program to set the On Level (using current times to see the change):

Dimmer Test - [ID 0004][Parent 0001]
        From    10:38:00AM
        To      11:30:00AM (same day)

        In Scene 'Downstairs / Test Dimmer Rule' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 25% (On Level)

        In Scene 'Downstairs / Test Dimmer Rule' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 100% (On Level)
Finally, I can confirm the scene is modified when I look at it:
But when I use the switch locally, "on" puts the light to 100%. If I use the Admin Console to turn the SCENE on, it works (sets the light to 25%). If I use the Admin Console to turn on the "Game Room Dimmer" device, it goes to 100%.
Interestingly, I just noticed if I look at my mobile app (MobiLinc Pro) When I turn on either the device or the scene the app shows the scene as "on".
Not sure what else to try here...
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You want this:


Dimmer Test - [ID 0004][Parent 0001]
        From    10:38:00AM
        To      11:30:00AM (same day)

        In Scene 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 25% (On Level)

        In Scene 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' Set 'Downstairs / Game Room Dimmer' 100% (On Level)

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See my post here for what you're looking for:




You may need to read through a bit more of the thread to totally understand everything.  Let me know if you still can't get it figured out. 


Perhaps I can help a bit and hopefully not cause any more confussion. :)


Everything you (OP) need to know about how to do this is in zerop's post #26 in the referenced thread.  Don't just skim over it.  Read every bit of the instructions.  The second paragraph is critical to read and follow every word.


The scene that zerop has you create is ONLY for the purpose of defining the device as a controller.  Why?  Because devices that are controllers will show up in the "In Scene"  dropdown in the program.  The scene that zerop has you create IS NOT used in the program.  Only the device is referenced in the program.

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