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KeypadLinc All Off interesting scene


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I wanted to share a scene I created using ISY and how to instantly update your keypad button lights with the help of HouseLinc v2. If you do not have HouseLinc you can still accomplish this using scenes through ISY but HouseLinc adds a little extra bonus to the mix.


Here is a layout of a keypad in my kitchen. As a suggestion it would be really great if ISY had a feature where you could type in the button labels you assigned to all your keypads. I have 12 keypads and it can be sometimes hard to remember what all the buttons do.




Notice that the Kitchen ON button A is set to automatically turn off the Kitchen Night button B and that the Rope Lights button C is set to follow the status of Button A. The button I will focus on in this example is button D which I use to turn off several lights in my kitchen which includes 2 keypads.


Here is the scene I created in ISY to control everything.



Notice how I have to include the 3 buttons from the Keypad in order to turn the button lights off. Although this works fine with ISY you will notice that when you press the All Off Button D that it flashes on and off a few times before turning all the keypad button lights off.


Now if you have HouseLinc v2 you can setup the All Off button to automatically turn Off the other button lights without adding them to the scene. :lol:


In HouseLinc you would setup the All Off button to turn Off Buttons A-C and set the main On/Off button to Follow. You also need to setup button D to Non-Toggle in the Off position as shown below.




This is the only thing I cannot seem to figure out how to do with ISY. The cool part about using HouseLinc to configure the Keypad is I can now remove the other 3 keypad buttons from the original scene. So the scene in ISY will now look like this.




The extra bonus on top of removing those 3 buttons from the scene is when you press Button D "All Off" it immediately turns off all 3 keypad lights and does not flash. This adds a much cleaner effect. :wink:



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