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Homemade Thermostat Sorta...


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I just finished my basement.  It has its own zone for heat.  I was looking at getting a zwave or insteon thermostat but they are pricey. 

My idea is to use the aeotec multisensor to monitor temp in the room. I would love to use the multisensor for occupancy as well. but that will come later.  


I will be controlling the zone using one of these $11 wifi relays. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LYYC4MW/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I have setup custom firmware on the wifi relay so I can use the ISY network resource and use a GET to turn on or off the relay.


Now I am stuck on the the logic.  

I think I should make state variables for the Low and high temps.

I would need a way to override (if the wife gets cold)



I see a lot of users using a multitude of things to detect occupancy.  They seem to be using more than input to do this.  Can you just do this with a motion sensor?


My only other thought about this is the update frequency of the multisensor. On battery its 10mins.  









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Look for threads here about the CAO Tags. People love their features and accuracy and multiple options to support isy and also work in dependant if anything else.


For a self controlled heat zone without any safeties I would really avoid the Insteon thermostat. I have two now and wouldn't trust them for much.


Read more threads about them about 2015 year.


Sent from a tiny keyboard. Response may be brief.

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