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LED status lts for 'motion sense off'


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I have 2 KPL's, one at the top of stairs, one at garage-level. I want the KPL H button on both to inhibit the motion sense programs, so if we want to override the motion sense program we can.


The buttons work independently of each other now, but I want the LED's to show status of the other, etc. I tried to put a program like Darrell had for "All Off with status"


First I designed 2 scenes, one for each KPL's Status Light:

'Stairs KPL H'



I broke each KPL into 2 programs; LR H LED On, LR H LED Off, Stairs H LED On, Stairs H LED Off. The programs look like:




Status 'LR KPL H is Off

And Status 'Stairs KPL C' is On



Set Scene 'Stairs KPL C LED Status' Off





Status 'LR KPL H' is On

And Status 'Stairs KPL C' is Off



Set Scene 'Stairs KPL C LED Status' On


Then the same two programs for the Stairs LED




Status 'Stairs KPL C' is Off

And Status 'LR KPL H' is On



Set Scene 'LR KPL H LED Status' Off




Status 'Stairs KPL C' is On

And Status 'LR KPL H' is Off



Set Scene 'LR KPL H LED Status' On



Doesn't work. Any ideas?

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The first program you list contradicts the fourth program, and the second program contradicts the third.


I think what you want to do would use Control instead of Status:


       Control 'Living Room KPL 4' is switched On
   And Status  'Living Room KPL 5' is Off

       Set Scene 'Button 5' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


But if you put both buttons, as controllers, into one scene then they should follow each other and you won't need any programs.



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Thanks Rand, but it still doesn't work. I've tried separating and isolating the command to turn Stairs KPL H off but nothing from any program I create, commanding that scene (KPL H) off, will work.


It's very odd because the buttons will respond to program commands to turn the button on, but refuses to listen to commands to turn off in any iteration. Yet when I go into the Main console and manually turn off the KPL button's scene, it responds.


This ISY seems to pick and choose when it will behave, and there seem to be software issues within the admin console that do not obey commands. Does anyone have any idea what is causing this kind of disobedience? A reset? Now I'm back to frustrated.

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The initial programs are definitely contradicting eachother.


Based on the situation you're describing, I think what Rand suggests is far, far better. Why not just create a scene called "Motion Inhibitor" or whatever and drag both KPL secondaries into the scene as controllers?

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geek, you don't describe how the motion inhibition programs work.


I think Rand and Mike are suggesting the same thing - I'm hoping it's making sense; but I'm wondering how the buttons affect your intended purpose.


To outline a premise: if both H buttons are in a single group / scene as controllers (as Rand suggests), then you should be ready, right? If either KPL-H-button is lit, both are lit; then your motion program need only test either one to know whether to trigger action based on motion.


I'm doing exactly this (motion action stopped by a KPL button), so I'm quite certain it's do-able.

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Rand, you had it initially. For some reason I didn't take this statement to heart:


"But if you put both buttons, as controllers, into one scene then they should follow each other and you won't need any programs."


I was trying too hard. All I had to do was put the two buttons in a scene together as controllers and it worked fine! (even though I don't use that scene for anything else).


I ended up erasing all of that other code. Thanks, sorry I didn't read carefully. The first time.

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Rand, you had it initially. For some reason I didn't take this statement to heart:


"But if you put both buttons, as controllers, into one scene then they should follow each other and you won't need any programs."


I was trying too hard. All I had to do was put the two buttons in a scene together as controllers and it worked fine! (even though I don't use that scene for anything else).


I ended up erasing all of that other code. Thanks, sorry I didn't read carefully. The first time.


Good news!



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