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Converting large install from Houselinc


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I have a large install of over 140 devices that I am going to convert from Houselinc to ISY994i.  This install is complex with a lot of scenes and a lot of 6 button controllers that can activate some of the scenes from various locations.  With lots of controllers there are thousands of links.  


I've read in the manual where I believe it says that if I add a number of devices into the ISY and let it discover the associated links that it should essentially find most/all of my linked devices and rebuild those scenes that are already programmed based on those links.  Is this hopeful thinking--does it work that way?  I'm not excited about the prospect of spending 30-40 hours adding all of these devices, rebuilding all of the scenes, and restablishing all of the links.


I assume a few people out there have tacked such a project before and have advice on how they would approach such a project if they had it to do over again.  Or, better yet, if they did it and found it easy to do.  Any advise would be appreciated.



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You can certainly ask the ISY Series Controller to keep existing links when you enroll the Insteon hardware. But I can tell you with a high level of confidence that half links, ghost links, and unforseen behavior will be seen if you go this route. If you're looking for a reliable and consistent operating Insteon network.


Its best to hard reset all device and enroll each device into the ISY Series Controller from scratch.


You can use option one and see what happens if its fine - Rock On. If not you should consider option two.

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Hi and welcome to the UDI forums!


I came from Homeseer a few years ago and faced with a similar challenge. My network is smaller, around 50 devices.  I tried the discovery method on a test group of devices, but found that I couldn't always make sense of the scenes that were built. I "built from scratch"


However, I kept both systems running and moved devices in groups to the ISY in phases. I picked groups of related devices that supported specific functions like landscape & yard lighting, virtual circuits in one room, etc. I cut them over groups at a time, rebuild functionality, test functionality and move on. The more I did it, the better I got at it and it went more quickly.


You do need 2 PLMs to accomplish this, one for HL and one for ISY. If you keep a backup PLM it can be pressed into service for this effort, or this could be the reason to get one. With that many devices, I think a "big bang" conversion will be difficult.



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Keeping existing links will certainly lead to unexpected results. It is wishful thinking that it can be done.


I used a method similar to what Paul did, I moved one room at a time. Of course, there ware some links that spanned more than one room. Those required a little more effort.


I did print out each screen showing links to help along the way.

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Sage advice.  Looks like I will have to roll up my sleeves and put in some hard work.  I do think the idea of breaking it down into bite sized chunks make a lot of sense.  I'll pick off the systems that can be isolated first to get comfortable and effecient with the setup and then tackle the big block of devices that can't be split up after learning and understanding how the system works.  Also, doing the print off in advance also should make things easier.


Thanks all!

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