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How to implement a timer rule


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Hi guys,


I have an Insteon DIN on/off module connected to a towel heater in my bathroom. I set up a scene on my ISY so that I can turn the module on and off from one of my Insteon Keypad buttons.


I am wondering if there is any way on the ISY to start a 30 minute timer whenever the module turns on and then turn it off after 30 minutes. So as soon as the device is turned on the timer starts and turns it back off after the timer expires.


That way if someone accidentally forgets to turn off the towel heater for several hours it won't burn down the house.


Is there any way to implement this with an ISY program? Any help would be much appreciated.

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    "Keypad button" is Switched On


    Wait 30 mins

    Set Scene "Keypad Button Scene" Off


NOTE. The "if" statement tests the actual button, the "then" statement turns off the scene the button is in. 


If the button is turned off to turn heater off manually then the program will terminate.

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Also to add to what Andyf0 provided you may consider adding a time frame to act as a *Watch Dog*. Not only does this ensure the device is turned off it will help reduce your energy consumption.


Towel warmers are one of the largest vampire draw appliances a person has besides in floor heating.

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